Elegant tmux theme with bright colors. Inspired by the hyper-snazzy theme.
First, download this file:
curl -o ~/.tmux.snazzy.theme https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivnvxd/tmux-snazzy/main/.tmux.snazzy.theme
Add this line to the bottom of your
:source-file ~/.tmux.snazzy.theme
Reload your TMUX environment with:
tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
To get the same look as in the screenshot, you need to use the Pure prompt and Menlo font.
- Background: #282a36 -> colour17
- Foreground: #eff0eb -> colour231
- Red: #ff5c57 -> colour203
- Green: #5af78e -> colour84
- Yellow: #f3f99d -> colour229
- Blue: #57c7ff -> colour81
- Magenta: #ff6ac1 -> colour205
- Cyan: #9aedfe -> colour123
- hyper-snazzy - Hyper version
- iterm2-snazzy - iTerm2 version
- terminal-snazzy - Terminal version
- konsole-snazzy - Konsole version
- vscode-snazzy - VS Code version
- emacs-snazzy - Emacs version
- termite-snazzy - Termite version
- deepin-snazzy - Linux Deepin terminal version
- vim-snazzy - Vim version
- snazzybuddy.nvim - Neovim version
- base16-snazzy - Base16 version
- kitty-snazzy - Kitty version
- gnome-terminal-snazzy - Gnome terminal version
- urxvt-snazzy - Urxvt version
- alacritty-snazzy - Alacritty version
- st-snazzy - Simple Terminal version
- tilix-snazzy - Tilix version
- terminus-snazzy - Terminus version
- windows-terminal-snazzy - Windows Terminal version
- warp-snazzy - Warp version
MIT © Andrey Ivanov