Santiago Mota
Freelance Data Scientist |
Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master
Freelance Madrid (Spain)
YoungDon Choi
Principal Researcher in K-water (Korea Water Resources Corporation)
K-water Daejeon, South Korea
Robin Cole
Tackling the worlds toughest challenges with AI & ML applied to satellite imagery
@earthdaily London, UK
Florian Hofhansl
I am interested in modelling biophysical processes determining the response of global ecosystems to climate change
IIASA Vienna
Thiago Costa
MSc in Computer and Mathematical Sciences at ICMC-USP, Postgraduate degree in Machine Learning in Production at UFSCAR, BSc Computer Science at UNIVEM
University of São Paulo (USP) São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
Nadia Bloemendaal
Assistant professor on extreme weather risk at Institute for Environmental Studies and the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam
Elco Koks
Infrastructure Risk & Resilience || Associate Professor @ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam