import os import time import uuid from typing import List, Optional import lightning as L import requests from import StaticWebFrontend from import Drive from import AppInfo from lightning_api_access import APIAccessFrontend from muse import LoadBalancer, Locust, MuseSlackCommandBot, SafetyCheckerEmbedding, StableDiffusionServe from muse.CONST import ENABLE_ANALYTICS, MUSE_GPU_TYPE, MUSE_MIN_WORKERS from import analytics_headers class ReactUI(L.LightningFlow): def configure_layout(self): return StaticWebFrontend(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "muse", "ui", "build")) class APIUsageFlow(L.LightningFlow): def __init__(self, api_url: str = ""): super().__init__() self.api_url = api_url def configure_layout(self): return APIAccessFrontend( apis=[ { "name": "Generate Image", "url": f"{self.api_url}/api/predict", "method": "POST", "request": {"prompt": "cats in hats", "high_quality": "true"}, "response": {"image": "data:image/png;base64,<image-actual-content>"}, } ] ) class MuseFlow(L.LightningFlow): """The MuseFlow is a LightningFlow component that handles all the servers and uses load balancer to spawn up and shutdown based on current requests in the queue. Args: initial_num_workers: Number of works to start when app initializes. autoscale_interval: Number of seconds to wait before checking whether to upscale or downscale the works. max_batch_size: Number of requests to process at once. batch_timeout_secs: Number of seconds to wait before sending the requests to process. gpu_type: GPU type to use for the works. max_workers: Max numbers of works to spawn to handle the incoming requests. autoscale_down_limit: Lower limit to determine when to stop works. autoscale_up_limit: Upper limit to determine when to spawn up a new work. """ def __init__( self, initial_num_workers: int = MUSE_MIN_WORKERS, autoscale_interval: int = 1 * 30, max_batch_size: int = 12, batch_timeout_secs: int = 2, gpu_type: str = MUSE_GPU_TYPE, max_workers: int = 20, autoscale_down_limit: Optional[int] = None, autoscale_up_limit: Optional[int] = None, load_testing: Optional[bool] = False, ): super().__init__() self.hide_footer_shadow = True self.load_balancer_started = False self._initial_num_workers = initial_num_workers self._num_workers = 0 self._work_registry = {} self.autoscale_interval = autoscale_interval self.max_workers = max_workers self.autoscale_down_limit = autoscale_down_limit or initial_num_workers self.autoscale_up_limit = autoscale_up_limit or initial_num_workers * max_batch_size self.load_testing = load_testing or os.getenv("MUSE_LOAD_TESTING", False) self.fake_trigger = 0 self.gpu_type = gpu_type self._last_autoscale = time.time() # Create Drive to store Safety Checker embeddings self.safety_embeddings_drive = Drive("lit://embeddings") # Safety Checker Embedding Work to create and store embeddings in the Drive self.safety_checker_embedding_work = SafetyCheckerEmbedding(drive=self.safety_embeddings_drive) self.load_balancer = LoadBalancer( max_batch_size=max_batch_size, batch_timeout_secs=batch_timeout_secs, cache_calls=True, parallel=True ) for i in range(initial_num_workers): work = StableDiffusionServe( safety_embeddings_drive=self.safety_embeddings_drive, safety_embeddings_filename=self.safety_checker_embedding_work.safety_embeddings_filename, cloud_compute=L.CloudCompute(gpu_type, disk_size=30), cache_calls=True, parallel=True, start_with_flow=False, ) self.add_work(work) self.slack_bot = MuseSlackCommandBot(command="/muse") if self.load_testing: self.locust = Locust(locustfile="./scripts/") self.printed_url = False self.slack_bot_url = "" self.dream_url = "" self.ui = ReactUI() self.api_component = APIUsageFlow() self.safety_embeddings_ready = False @property def ready(self) -> bool: return self.load_balancer.ready @property def model_servers(self) -> List[StableDiffusionServe]: works = [] for i in range(self._num_workers): work: StableDiffusionServe = self.get_work(i) works.append(work) return works def add_work(self, work) -> str: work_attribute = uuid.uuid4().hex work_attribute = f"model_serve_{self._num_workers}_{str(work_attribute)}" setattr(self, work_attribute, work) self._work_registry[self._num_workers] = work_attribute self._num_workers += 1 return work_attribute def remove_work(self, index: int) -> str: work_attribute = self._work_registry[index] del self._work_registry[index] work = getattr(self, work_attribute) work.stop() self._num_workers -= 1 return work_attribute def get_work(self, index: int): work_attribute = self._work_registry[index] work = getattr(self, work_attribute) return work def run(self): # noqa: C901 if os.environ.get("TESTING_LAI"): print("⚡ Lightning Dream App! ⚡") # provision these works early if not self.load_balancer.is_running:[]) if not self.slack_bot.is_running:"") if not self.safety_embeddings_ready: if not self.safety_embeddings_ready and self.safety_checker_embedding_work.has_succeeded: self.safety_embeddings_ready = True self.safety_checker_embedding_work.stop() for model_serve in self.model_servers: if any(model_serve.url for model_serve in self.model_servers) and not self.load_balancer_started: # run the load balancer when one of the model servers is ready[serve.url for serve in self.model_servers if serve.url]) self.load_balancer_started = True if self.load_balancer.url: # hack for getting the work url self.api_component.api_url = self.load_balancer.url self.dream_url = self.load_balancer.url if self.slack_bot is not None: self.slack_bot_url = self.slack_bot.url if self.slack_bot.url and not self.printed_url: print("Slack Bot Work ready with URL=", self.slack_bot.url) print("model serve url=", self.load_balancer.url) print("API component url=", self.api_component.state_vars["vars"]["_layout"]["target"]) self.printed_url = True if self.load_testing and self.load_balancer.url: if self.load_balancer.url: self.fake_trigger += 1 self.autoscale() def configure_layout(self): ui = [{"name": "Muse App" if self.load_testing else None, "content": self.ui}] if self.load_testing: ui.append({"name": "Locust", "content": self.locust.url}) return ui def autoscale(self): """Upscale and down scale model inference works based on the number of requests.""" if time.time() - self._last_autoscale < self.autoscale_interval: return self.load_balancer.update_servers(self.model_servers) num_requests = int(requests.get(f"{self.load_balancer.url}/num-requests").json()) num_workers = len(self.model_servers) # upscale if num_requests > self.autoscale_up_limit and num_workers < self.max_workers: idx = self._num_workers print(f"Upscale to {self._num_workers + 1}") work = StableDiffusionServe( safety_embeddings_drive=self.safety_embeddings_drive, safety_embeddings_filename=self.safety_checker_embedding_work.safety_embeddings_filename, cloud_compute=L.CloudCompute(self.gpu_type, disk_size=30), cache_calls=True, parallel=True, ) new_work_id = self.add_work(work) print("new work id:", new_work_id) # downscale elif num_requests < self.autoscale_down_limit and num_workers > self._initial_num_workers: idx = self._num_workers - 1 print(f"Downscale to {idx}") print("prev num servers:", len(self.model_servers)) removed_id = self.remove_work(idx) print("removed:", removed_id) print("new num servers:", len(self.model_servers)) self.load_balancer.update_servers(self.model_servers) self._last_autoscale = time.time() if __name__ == "__main__": app = L.LightningApp( MuseFlow(), info=AppInfo( title="Use AI to inspire your art.", favicon="", description="Bring your words to life in seconds - powered by Lightning AI and Stable Diffusion.", image="", meta_tags=[ '<meta name="theme-color" content="#792EE5" />', '<meta name="image" content="">' '<meta itemprop="name" content="Use AI to inspire your art.">' '<meta itemprop="description" content="Bring your words to life in seconds - powered by Lightning AI and Stable Diffusion.">' # noqa '<meta itemprop="image" content="">' # <!-- Twitter --> '<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">' '<meta name="twitter:title" content="Use AI to inspire your art.">' '<meta name="twitter:description" content="Bring your words to life in seconds - powered by Lightning AI and Stable Diffusion.">' # noqa '<meta name="twitter:site" content="">' '<meta name="twitter:domain" content="">' '<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@LightningAI">' '<meta name="twitter:image:src" content="">' # <!-- Open Graph general (Facebook, Pinterest & Google+) --> '<meta name="og:title" content="Use AI to inspire your art.">' '<meta name="og:description" content="Bring your words to life in seconds - powered by Lightning AI and Stable Diffusion.">' # noqa '<meta name="og:url" content="">' '<meta property="og:image" content="" />', '<meta property="og:image:type" content="image/png" />', '<meta property="og:image:height" content="1114" />' '<meta property="og:image:width" content="1112" />', *(analytics_headers if ENABLE_ANALYTICS else []), ], ), root_path=os.getenv("MUSE_ROOT_PATH", ""), )