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@spacefinity @trynewtech @github-beta

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Libre Computer Project libre-computer-project
Changing the Landscape of Open Computing
Safing safing
Fight surveillance because you love Freedom


Nicholas R Johnson nicholasrjohnson
I am a fun loving programmer who lives on the outskirts of the metropolis of Pittsburgh. I love me a full stack of pancakes.

Pittsburgh, PA


CSSE at Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD

Adrian Lienhard alienhard

Scribd San Francisco

zac zacharytyhacz

Frying Pan Shoals

Zoltan zoltan-nz - - Director of Engineering - Computer Science Researcher

Victoria University of Wellington, ex-Worktango, ex-Westpac, ex-ANZ, ex-Vend/Lightspeed, ex-Sailthru, ex-Pro7Sat1, ex-DailyMail, ex-Sanoma Toronto, Canada

Brent Vatne brentvatne

@expo Vancouver, Canada

I am me
Sudhanshu Mishra debugger22
Python | Django | Go | Rust | PostgreSQL | AWS

@komorebitech Mumbai, India

Tom Preston-Werner mojombo

@chatterbugapp, @redwoodjs, @preston-werner-ventures San Francisco

Kyle E. Mitchell kemitchell

Journeyman Deal Mechanic Oakland

Philip O'Toole otoolep
Engineering Manager at Google. Creator of rqlite, the lightweight, distributed database built on SQLite.

Google Pittsburgh, PA

Chip Overclock® coverclock
Chip Overclock® is the pseudonym and registered trademark of John Sloan, a software developer who works close to bare metal on embedded and real-time systems.

Digital Aggregates Corp.® Denver Colorado USA

Daniel Sockwell codesections
Lawyer-turned-programmer with an interest in web development, open source, and making things as simple as possible.
Dustin Bachrach dbachrach
CTO at @MediaHound

@MediaHound Los Angeles, CA

Ryan Dahl ry

@denoland New York City

Domenic Denicola domenic

@google Tokyo, Japan

Daniel Eden daneden
Designer, writing & thinking about Design Systems.

@facebook London, UK

Rob Pike robpike
Professional dillettante.
Evan Czaplicki evancz
Designer/developer of @elm
Daniel Lemire lemire
Daniel Lemire is a computer science professor. His research is on software performance in data engineering.

Université du Québec (TELUQ) Montreal, Canada

Luke Childs lukechilds
Building @getumbrel Previously @bitcoinjs @browserify

@getumbrel Thailand

Joel Holmes holmes89
"I don't like work--no man does--but I like what is in the work--the chance to find yourself." - Joseph Conrad

Pittsburgh, PA

Alex Gaynor alex
I program computers, and build teams that program computers, with a heavy focus on security.

Washington D.C.

Josh Junon Qix-
Working on @oro-os. Moderator alumni @bellingcat. Member of @chalk, @debug-js. Formerly @uber, @vercel. Thank you sponsors ❤


Franklin Chen FranklinChen

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

Dan Luu danluu Vancouver, BC

Aaron Turon aturon
Engineer at Fastly, working on Compute

Fastly Portland, OR, USA

Drew Fyock fyockm

@bufbuild, formerly @auth0 Lewes, DE

Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert maximecb
PhD in compiler design. Also having fun with graphics, machine learning, electronics, music and DIY. All opinions are my own.

Montreal, Canada

Zhiming Wang zmwangx
Physicist, mathematician, programmer.

Princeton University Princeton, NJ

Conal Elliott conal
Play/learn/work with me:

(open to employment) San Andreas, California, USA

Gabe Ragland gragland
Engineer at Hacking on

Lexica Portland, OR

Jessica Lord jlord
Urban designer turned open source developer. Shared knowledge champion 🎉

London, England

Eric Elliott ericelliott
🔥 Manager, Adobe Firefly 🪄 Conjured SudoLang 📖 Author, "Composing Software" 🤖 AI, AIDD, Web3, TDD, JavaScript 💻

The metaverse

Brett Cannon brettcannon

@microsoft Vancouver, BC, Canada

ashley williams ashleygwilliams
a mess like this is easily five to ten years ahead of its time. former @rustlang core.