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   "execution_count": 12,
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     "execution_count": 12,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
    "#Text, location, dates, specified number of results\n",
    "def SearchForData(search_term, nTweets):\n",
    "    # Import and Initialize Sentiment Analyzer\n",
    "    from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer\n",
    "    analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()\n",
    "    import tweepy; import json\n",
    "    from apikeys import twitterAccessToken as access_token\n",
    "    from apikeys import twitterAccessTokenSecret as access_token_secret\n",
    "    from apikeys import twitterConsumerKey as consumer_key\n",
    "    from apikeys import twitterConsumerSecretKey as consumer_secret\n",
    "    # Setup Tweepy API Authentication\n",
    "    auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)\n",
    "    auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)\n",
    "    api = tweepy.API(auth, parser=tweepy.parsers.JSONParser())\n",
    "    maxTweets = 10000000 # Some arbitrary large number\n",
    "    public_tweets=[]\n",
    "    # Counter to keep track of the number of tweets retrieved\n",
    "    counter = 0\n",
    "    oldest_tweet = None\n",
    "    unique_ids = []\n",
    "    # Loop through 5 times (total of 500 tweets)\n",
    "    desiredTweets = []\n",
    "    while len(desiredTweets) < min(nTweets,maxTweets):\n",
    "        # Retrieve 100 most recent tweets -- specifying a max_id\n",
    "        public_tweets = api.search(search_term, count=100, result_type=\"recent\", max_id=oldest_tweet)\n",
    "        for tweet in public_tweets['statuses']:\n",
    "            tweet_id = tweet[\"id\"]\n",
    "            # Append tweet_id to ids list if it doesn't already exist\n",
    "            # This allows checking for duplicate tweets\n",
    "            if tweet_id not in unique_ids :\n",
    "                unique_ids.append(tweet_id)\n",
    "                desiredTweets.append(tweet)\n",
    "                                 \n",
    "            # Reassign the the oldest tweet (i.e. the max_id) subtract 1 so the previous oldest isn't included\n",
    "            oldest_tweet = tweet_id - 1\n",
    "    return desiredTweets\n",
    "               \n",
    "#oneTweet = SearchForData(\"kitty\", 100)\n",
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