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Andrea Pelá pela-andrea
Data Analyst | Python | Power BI | SQL | MongoDB | GCP | Gestão de pessoas | Team Lead | Treinamentos | Enfermeira |

Guarulhos, SP - Brazil

@freeCodeCamp freeCodeCamp
Learn to code for free with millions of other people around the world

United States of America

Ângela de Carvalho alopo2
I'm a fullstack developer. I am constantly learning and looking for new knowledge.

Jusbrasil Brazil

INE - Data Science Curriculum ine-rmotr-curriculum
Repo containing INE Curriculum for Data Science

United States of America

Franciane Rodrigues francianerod
Física, Mestre em Meteorologia, Doutoranda em Agronegócio, Cientista de Dados e Analista de Dados

Campo Grande, MS

Jonathas Carneiro sahtcarneiro
Volunteer, mathematician, and passionate about the process of discovery, on a journey to better understand the world through data analysis.

Recife - PE / Brazil

Núbia Almeida nubialmeida
Técnica em TI, Análise de dados, Dev Front-end Web e Mobile, QA


Tech pro Bem tech-pro-bem
Somos uma comunidade de profissionais de tecnologia que atua voluntariamente com ONGs e projetos sociais, potencializando o alcance do terceiro setor.


Emmanuel Bolarinwa GbotemiB
ML, Data Science enthusiast

Lagos, Nigeria.

Tilda Udufo TildaDares
Software Engineer

Lagos, Nigeria

Joice Aguiar joiceaguiar
Software Engineer | XP Inc.

@grupo-xp São Paulo, SP - Brasil

Alany Fernandes alanymara
Formada em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Ceará - Software Engineer I na XP Inc.

Student at @betrybe Fortaleza, Ceará - Brazil

Ruâni Filipe de Albuquerque e Silva RuaniFilipe
Software Engineer at XP Inc.

XP Inc Recife, PE

Douglas Marçal do Nascimento Douglas-marcal
Desenvolvedor de Software

Curitiba - PR

Ruben Marcus rubenmarcus
Senior Software Engineer living in 🇵🇹


Laura Lima thisislauralima
Always learning 🧠

Xp Inc. Santos - SP, Brasil

Brenndha Cabral brenndha-cabral
Software Engineer na XP Inc. | The future is female coders

Software Engineer at @grupo-xp Mauá,SP

Quesia Mendes Ques-Mendes
Software Engineer XP Inc

XP Inc. Brazil

Rachel Tairum Rach-Tairum
Hello!! I'm a 26 year old carioca, who find in technology a new passion and challenge! I'm currently a development student at Trybe

Boituva - SP

Priscila Rabelo Pri-Rabelo
Estudante de Desenvolvimento Web Full Stack | Trybe - Turma 25 - Tribo A


Joicy Oliveira joicyoliv
Instructor at Trybe | graduated in IT

@betrybe Natal, Brazil

Johnatas Henrique johnatas-henrique
Backend Developer | Full Stack Developer | Software Engineer | Javascript | Typescript | Node.js

@betrybe São Paulo, Brasil

Yuri Carvalho Peixoto YuriCPS
Software Engineer @ XP Inc.

Trybe Campina Grande, Paraíba - Brazil

Larissa Cristina LarissaCns
Estudante de Desenvolvimento Web FullStack

Estagiária Curitiba, PR

Analu Knipp akn1pp
Estudante de Desenvolvimento Web

Student @betrybe Miracema, RJ

Leonardo Vogel leoovogel
Software Engineer at Minds Digital

Minds Digital Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil

ciber_org ciber-0rg
Front End and Data Engineer | Multimedia Artist | transgender living in Brazil |

ciber_org Brazil

Gustavo Mathias Guthias
Software Engineer at @xpinc

XP Inc. Belo Horizonte - Brazil

Yasmim Matos Yasmim-Matos
Software Engineer I at XP Inc. and Student at Trybe

Software Engineer I at XP Inc. SC - Brasil

Isabela de Aro isabeladearo
Software Engineer

São Paulo, Brasil

Gilson de Brito Nogueira engnogueira
Software Engineer | Fullstack Developer | Backend | C# | ReactJS | NodeJS | Python | Django | SQL | Docker | Git

Caixa Econômica Federal Brasília/DF/Brasil

Lisandra Cruz lisandrascruz

@thoughtworks Recife PE