Justin N. M. Pinkney and Chuan Li @ Lambda Inc.
We introduce a new method to efficiently create text-to-image models from a pre-trained CLIP and StyleGAN. It enables text driven sampling with an existing generative model without any external data or fine-tuning. This is achieved by training a diffusion model conditioned on CLIP embeddings to sample latent vectors of a pre-trained StyleGAN, which we call \textit{clip2latent}. We leverage the alignment between CLIP’s image and text embeddings to avoid the need for any text labelled data for training the conditional diffusion model. We demonstrate that clip2latent allows us to generate high-resolution (1024x1024 pixels) images based on text prompts with fast sampling, high image quality, and low training compute and data requirements. We also show that the use of the well studied StyleGAN architecture, without further fine-tuning, allows us to directly apply existing methods to control and modify the generated images adding a further layer of control to our text-to-image pipeline.
git clone https://github.com/justinpinkney/clip2latent.git
cd clip2latent
python -m venv .venv --prompt clip2latent
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the models for inference the simplest way is to start the gradio demo (or run it in Colab):
python scripts/demo.py
This will fetch the required models from huggingface hub and start gradio demo which can be accessed via a web browser.
To run a model via python:
from clip2latent import models
prompt = "a hairy man"
device = "cuda:0"
cfg_file = "https://huggingface.co/lambdalabs/clip2latent/resolve/main/ffhq-sg2-510.yaml"
checkpoint = "https://huggingface.co/lambdalabs/clip2latent/resolve/main/ffhq-sg2-510.ckpt"
model = models.Clip2StyleGAN(cfg_file, device, checkpoint)
images, clip_score = model(prompt)
# images are tensors of shape: bchw, range: -1..1
Or take a look at the example notebook demo.ipynb
To train a model of your own first you need to generate some data. We provide a command line interface which will run a StyleGAN model and pass the generated images to CLIP. The W latent vector and the CLIP image embedding will be stored as npy files, packed into tar files ready for use as a webdataset. To generate data used to traing the ffhq model in the paper do:
python scripts/generate_dataset.py
For more details of dataset generation options see the help for generate_dataset.py
Usage: generate_dataset.py [OPTIONS] OUT_DIR
OUT_DIR Location to save dataset [required]
--n-samples INTEGER Number of samples to generate [default: 1000000]
--generator-name TEXT Name of predefined generator loader [default: sg2-ffhq-1024]
--feature-extractor-name TEXT CLIP model to use for image embedding [default: ViT-B/32]
--n-gpus INTEGER Number of GPUs to use [default: 2]
--out-image-size INTEGER If saving generated images, resize to this dimension [default: 256]
--batch-size INTEGER Batch size [default: 32]
--n-save-workers INTEGER Number of workers to use while saving [default: 16]
--space TEXT Latent space to use [default: w]
--samples-per-folder INTEGER Number of samples per tar file [default: 10000]
--save-im / --no-save-im Save images? [default: no-save-im]
To use a different StyleGAN generator, add the required loading function to the generators
dict in generate_dataset.py
, then use that key as the generator_name
. To use non-StyleGAN generators should be possible but would require additional modifications.
To manage configuration for the model and training parameters we use hydra, to train with default configuration simply run:
python scripts/train.py
This will run the model with the default configuration as follows:
dim: 512
num_timesteps: 1000
depth: 12
dim_head: 64
heads: 12
image_embed_dim: 512
timesteps: 1000
cond_drop_prob: 0.2
image_embed_scale: 1.0
text_embed_scale: 1.0
beta_schedule: cosine
predict_x_start: true
bs: 512
format: webdataset
path: data/webdataset/sg2-ffhq-1024-clip/{00000..99}.tar
embed_noise_scale: 1.0
sg_pkl: https://api.ngc.nvidia.com/v2/models/nvidia/research/stylegan2/versions/1/files/stylegan2-ffhq-1024x1024.pkl
clip_variant: ViT-B/32
n_latents: 1
latent_dim: 512
- 18
val_im_samples: 64
val_text_samples: text/face-val.txt
val_samples_per_text: 4
logging: wandb
wandb_project: clip2latent
wandb_entity: null
name: null
device: cuda:0
resume: null
znorm_embed: false
znorm_latent: true
max_it: 1000000
val_it: 10000
lr: 0.0001
weight_decay: 0.01
ema_update_every: 10
ema_beta: 0.9999
ema_power: 0.75
To train with a different configuration you can either change individual parameters using the following command line override syntax:
python scripts/train.py data.bs=128
which would set the batch size to 128.
Alternatively you can create your own yaml configuration files and switch between them, e.g. we also provide an example 'small' model configuration at config/model/small.yaml
, to train using this simply run
python scripts/train.py model=small
For more details please refer to the hydra documentation.
Training is set up to run on a single GPU and does not currently support multigpu training. The default settings will take around 18 hours to train on a single A100-80GB, although the best checkpoint is likely to occur within 10 hours of training.
- This code uses lucidrains' implementation of the dalle2 prior.
- Compute for training was provided by Lambda GPU Cloud.
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2210.02347},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.02347},
author = {Pinkney, Justin N. M. and Li, Chuan},
keywords = {Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},
title = {clip2latent: Text driven sampling of a pre-trained StyleGAN using denoising diffusion and CLIP},
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2022},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}