from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh from torch import Tensor import torch from .function import ScalarFunction from .line_search import strong_wolfe try: from scipy.optimize.optimize import _status_message except ImportError: from scipy.optimize._optimize import _status_message _status_message['cg_warn'] = "Warning: CG iterations didn't converge. The " \ "Hessian is not positive definite." def _cg_iters(grad, hess, max_iter, normp=1): """A CG solver specialized for the NewtonCG sub-problem. Derived from Algorithm 7.1 of "Numerical Optimization (2nd Ed.)" (Nocedal & Wright, 2006; pp. 169) """ # Get the most efficient dot product method for this problem if grad.dim() == 1: # standard dot product dot = elif grad.dim() == 2: # batched dot product dot = lambda u,v: torch.bmm(u.unsqueeze(1), v.unsqueeze(2)).view(-1,1) else: # generalized dot product that supports batch inputs dot = lambda u,v: u.mul(v).sum(-1, keepdim=True) g_norm = grad.norm(p=normp) tol = g_norm * g_norm.sqrt().clamp(0, 0.5) eps = torch.finfo(grad.dtype).eps n_iter = 0 # TODO: remove? maxiter_reached = False # initialize state and iterate x = torch.zeros_like(grad) r = grad.clone() p = grad.neg() rs = dot(r, r) for n_iter in range(max_iter): if r.norm(p=normp) < tol: break Bp = curv = dot(p, Bp) curv_sum = curv.sum() if curv_sum < 0: # hessian is not positive-definite if n_iter == 0: # if first step, fall back to steepest descent direction # (scaled by Rayleigh quotient) x = grad.mul(rs / curv) #x = grad.neg() break elif curv_sum <= 3 * eps: break alpha = rs / curv x.addcmul_(alpha, p) r.addcmul_(alpha, Bp) rs_new = dot(r, r) p.mul_(rs_new / rs).sub_(r) rs = rs_new else: # curvature keeps increasing; bail maxiter_reached = True return x, n_iter, maxiter_reached @torch.no_grad() def _minimize_newton_cg( fun, x0, lr=1., max_iter=None, cg_max_iter=None, twice_diffable=True, line_search='strong-wolfe', xtol=1e-5, normp=1, callback=None, disp=0, return_all=False): """Minimize a scalar function of one or more variables using the Newton-Raphson method, with Conjugate Gradient for the linear inverse sub-problem. Parameters ---------- fun : callable Scalar objective function to minimize. x0 : Tensor Initialization point. lr : float Step size for parameter updates. If using line search, this will be used as the initial step size for the search. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations to perform. Defaults to ``200 * x0.numel()``. cg_max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for CG subproblem. Recommended to leave this at the default of ``20 * x0.numel()``. twice_diffable : bool Whether to assume the function is twice continuously differentiable. If True, hessian-vector products will be much faster. line_search : str Line search specifier. Currently the available options are {'none', 'strong_wolfe'}. xtol : float Average relative error in solution `xopt` acceptable for convergence. normp : Number or str The norm type to use for termination conditions. Can be any value supported by :func:`torch.norm`. callback : callable, optional Function to call after each iteration with the current parameter state, e.g. ``callback(x)``. disp : int or bool Display (verbosity) level. Set to >0 to print status messages. return_all : bool Set to True to return a list of the best solution at each of the iterations. Returns ------- result : OptimizeResult Result of the optimization routine. """ lr = float(lr) disp = int(disp) xtol = x0.numel() * xtol if max_iter is None: max_iter = x0.numel() * 200 if cg_max_iter is None: cg_max_iter = x0.numel() * 20 # construct scalar objective function sf = ScalarFunction(fun, x0.shape, hessp=True, twice_diffable=twice_diffable) closure = sf.closure if line_search == 'strong-wolfe': dir_evaluate = sf.dir_evaluate # initial settings x = x0.detach().clone(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format) f, g, hessp, _ = closure(x) if disp > 1: print('initial fval: %0.4f' % f) if return_all: allvecs = [x] ncg = 0 # number of cg iterations n_iter = 0 # begin optimization loop for n_iter in range(1, max_iter + 1): # ============================================================ # Compute a search direction pk by applying the CG method to # H_f(xk) p = - J_f(xk) starting from 0. # ============================================================ # Compute search direction with conjugate gradient (GG) d, cg_iters, cg_fail = _cg_iters(g, hessp, cg_max_iter, normp) ncg += cg_iters if cg_fail: warnflag = 3 msg = _status_message['cg_warn'] break # ===================================================== # Perform variable update (with optional line search) # ===================================================== if line_search == 'none': update = d.mul(lr) x = x + update elif line_search == 'strong-wolfe': # strong-wolfe line search _, _, t, ls_nevals = strong_wolfe(dir_evaluate, x, lr, d, f, g) update = d.mul(t) x = x + update else: raise ValueError('invalid line_search option {}.'.format(line_search)) # re-evaluate function f, g, hessp, _ = closure(x) if disp > 1: print('iter %3d - fval: %0.4f' % (n_iter, f)) if callback is not None: callback(x) if return_all: allvecs.append(x) # ========================== # check for convergence # ========================== if update.norm(p=normp) <= xtol: warnflag = 0 msg = _status_message['success'] break if not f.isfinite(): warnflag = 3 msg = _status_message['nan'] break else: # if we get to the end, the maximum num. iterations was reached warnflag = 1 msg = _status_message['maxiter'] if disp: print(msg) print(" Current function value: %f" % f) print(" Iterations: %d" % n_iter) print(" Function evaluations: %d" % sf.nfev) print(" CG iterations: %d" % ncg) result = OptimizeResult(fun=f, x=x.view_as(x0), grad=g.view_as(x0), status=warnflag, success=(warnflag==0), message=msg, nit=n_iter, nfev=sf.nfev, ncg=ncg) if return_all: result['allvecs'] = allvecs return result @torch.no_grad() def _minimize_newton_exact( fun, x0, lr=1., max_iter=None, line_search='strong-wolfe', xtol=1e-5, normp=1, tikhonov=0., handle_npd='grad', callback=None, disp=0, return_all=False): """Minimize a scalar function of one or more variables using the Newton-Raphson method. This variant uses an "exact" Newton routine based on Cholesky factorization of the explicit Hessian matrix. Parameters ---------- fun : callable Scalar objective function to minimize. x0 : Tensor Initialization point. lr : float Step size for parameter updates. If using line search, this will be used as the initial step size for the search. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations to perform. Defaults to ``200 * x0.numel()``. line_search : str Line search specifier. Currently the available options are {'none', 'strong_wolfe'}. xtol : float Average relative error in solution `xopt` acceptable for convergence. normp : Number or str The norm type to use for termination conditions. Can be any value supported by :func:`torch.norm`. tikhonov : float Optional diagonal regularization (Tikhonov) parameter for the Hessian. handle_npd : str Mode for handling non-positive definite hessian matrices. Can be one of the following: * 'grad' : use steepest descent direction (gradient) * 'lu' : solve the inverse hessian with LU factorization * 'eig' : use symmetric eigendecomposition to determine a diagonal regularization parameter callback : callable, optional Function to call after each iteration with the current parameter state, e.g. ``callback(x)``. disp : int or bool Display (verbosity) level. Set to >0 to print status messages. return_all : bool Set to True to return a list of the best solution at each of the iterations. Returns ------- result : OptimizeResult Result of the optimization routine. """ lr = float(lr) disp = int(disp) xtol = x0.numel() * xtol if max_iter is None: max_iter = x0.numel() * 200 # Construct scalar objective function sf = ScalarFunction(fun, x0.shape, hess=True) closure = sf.closure if line_search == 'strong-wolfe': dir_evaluate = sf.dir_evaluate # initial settings x = x0.detach().view(-1).clone(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format) f, g, _, hess = closure(x) if tikhonov > 0: hess.diagonal().add_(tikhonov) if disp > 1: print('initial fval: %0.4f' % f) if return_all: allvecs = [x] nfail = 0 n_iter = 0 # begin optimization loop for n_iter in range(1, max_iter + 1): # ================================================== # Compute a search direction d by solving # H_f(x) d = - J_f(x) # with the true Hessian and Cholesky factorization # =================================================== # Compute search direction with Cholesky solve L, info = torch.linalg.cholesky_ex(hess) if info == 0: d = torch.cholesky_solve(g.neg().unsqueeze(1), L).squeeze(1) else: nfail += 1 if handle_npd == 'lu': d = torch.linalg.solve(hess, g.neg()) elif handle_npd in ['grad', 'cauchy']: d = g.neg() if handle_npd == 'cauchy': # cauchy point for a trust radius of delta=1. # equivalent to 'grad' with a scaled lr gnorm = g.norm(p=2) scale = 1 / gnorm gHg = if gHg > 0: scale *= torch.clamp_(gnorm.pow(3) / gHg, max=1) d *= scale elif handle_npd == 'eig': # this setting is experimental! use with caution # TODO: why use the factor 1.5 here? Seems to work best eig0 = eigsh(hess.cpu().numpy(), k=1, which="SA", tol=1e-4)[0].item() tau = max(1e-3 - 1.5 * eig0, 0) hess.diagonal().add_(tau) L = torch.linalg.cholesky(hess) d = torch.cholesky_solve(g.neg().unsqueeze(1), L).squeeze(1) else: raise RuntimeError('invalid handle_npd encountered.') # ===================================================== # Perform variable update (with optional line search) # ===================================================== if line_search == 'none': update = d.mul(lr) x = x + update elif line_search == 'strong-wolfe': # strong-wolfe line search _, _, t, ls_nevals = strong_wolfe(dir_evaluate, x, lr, d, f, g) update = d.mul(t) x = x + update else: raise ValueError('invalid line_search option {}.'.format(line_search)) # =================================== # Re-evaluate func/Jacobian/Hessian # =================================== f, g, _, hess = closure(x) if tikhonov > 0: hess.diagonal().add_(tikhonov) if disp > 1: print('iter %3d - fval: %0.4f - info: %d' % (n_iter, f, info)) if callback is not None: callback(x) if return_all: allvecs.append(x) # ========================== # check for convergence # ========================== if update.norm(p=normp) <= xtol: warnflag = 0 msg = _status_message['success'] break if not f.isfinite(): warnflag = 3 msg = _status_message['nan'] break else: # if we get to the end, the maximum num. iterations was reached warnflag = 1 msg = _status_message['maxiter'] if disp: print(msg) print(" Current function value: %f" % f) print(" Iterations: %d" % n_iter) print(" Function evaluations: %d" % sf.nfev) result = OptimizeResult(fun=f, x=x.view_as(x0), grad=g.view_as(x0), hess=hess.view(2 * x0.shape), status=warnflag, success=(warnflag==0), message=msg, nit=n_iter, nfev=sf.nfev, nfail=nfail) if return_all: result['allvecs'] = allvecs return result