import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F def divide_safe(num, denom): eps = 1e-8 tmp = denom + eps * torch.le(denom, 1e-20).to(torch.float) return num / tmp def convert_llff(pose): """Convert LLFF poses to PyTorch convention (w2c extrinsic and hwf) """ hwf = pose[:3, 4:] ext = np.eye(4) ext[:3, :4] = pose[:3, :4] mat = np.linalg.inv(ext) mat = mat[[1, 0, 2]] mat[2] = -mat[2] mat[:, 2] = -mat[:, 2] return np.concatenate([mat, hwf], -1) def pose2mat(pose): """Convert pose matrix (3x5) to extrinsic matrix (4x4) and intrinsic matrix (3x3) Args: pose: 3x5 pose matrix Returns: Extrinsic matrix (4x4) and intrinsic matrix (3x3) """ extrinsic = torch.eye(4) extrinsic[:3, :] = pose[:, :4] inv_extrinsic = torch.inverse(extrinsic) extrinsic = torch.inverse(inv_extrinsic) h, w, focal_length = pose[:, 4] intrinsic = torch.Tensor([[focal_length, 0, w/2], [0, focal_length, h/2], [0, 0, 1]]) return extrinsic, intrinsic def meshgrid_pinhole(h, w, is_homogenous=True, device=None): '''Create a meshgrid for image coordinate Args: h: grid height w: grid width is_homogenous: return homogenous or not Returns: Image coordinate meshgrid [height, width, 2 (3 if homogenous)] ''' xs = torch.linspace(0, w-1, steps=w, device=device) + 0.5 ys = torch.linspace(0, h-1, steps=h, device=device) + 0.5 new_y, new_x = torch.meshgrid(ys, xs) grid = (new_x, new_y) if is_homogenous: ones = torch.ones_like(new_x) grid = torch.stack(grid + (ones, ), 2) else: grid = torch.stack(grid, 2) return grid def projective_inverse_warp(src_im, depth, src_int, inv_tgt_int, trnsf, h=-1, w=-1): """Projective inverse warping for image Args: src_im: source image [batch, #channel, height, width] depth: depth of the image src_int: I_s matrix for source camera [batch, 3, 3] inv_tgt_int: I_t^-1 for target camera [batch, 3, 3] trnsf: E_s * E_t^-1, the transformation between cameras [batch, 4, 4] h: target height w: target width Returns: Warped image """ if h == -1 or w == -1: b, _, h, w = src_im.shape src_h, src_w = h, w else: b, _, src_h, src_w = src_im.shape # Generate image coordinates for target camera im_coord = meshgrid_pinhole(h, w, device=src_im.device) coord = im_coord.view([-1, 3]) coord = coord.unsqueeze(0).repeat([b, 1, 1]) # Convert to camera coordinates cam_coord = torch.matmul(inv_tgt_int.unsqueeze(1), coord[..., None]) cam_coord = cam_coord * depth[:, None, None, None] ones = torch.ones([b, h*w, 1, 1]).to(cam_coord.device) cam_coord =[cam_coord, ones], 2) # Convert to another camera's coordinates new_cam_coord = torch.matmul(trnsf.unsqueeze(1), cam_coord) # Convert to image coordinates at source camera im_coord = torch.matmul(src_int.unsqueeze(1), new_cam_coord[:, :, :3]) im_coord = im_coord.squeeze(dim=3).view([b, h, w, 3]) im_coord = im_coord[..., :2] / im_coord[..., 2:3] im_coord[..., 0] = im_coord[..., 0] / src_w * 2 - 1. im_coord[..., 1] = im_coord[..., 1] / src_h * 2 - 1. # Sample from the source image warped = F.grid_sample(src_im, im_coord, align_corners=False) return warped def batch_inverse_warp(src_im, depths, src_int, inv_tgt_int, trnsf, h=-1, w=-1): """Projective inverse warping for image Args: src_im: source image [batch, #channel, height, width] depths: depths of the image [#planes, batch] src_int: I_s matrix for source camera [batch, 3, 3] inv_tgt_int: I_t^-1 for target camera [batch, 3, 3] trnsf: E_s * E_t^-1, the transformation between cameras [batch, 4, 4] h: target height w: target width Returns: Warped image [batch #channel, #planes, height, width] """ if h == -1 or w == -1: b, _, h, w = src_im.shape src_h, src_w = h, w else: b, _, src_h, src_w = src_im.shape # Generate image coordinates for target camera im_coord = meshgrid_pinhole(h, w, device=src_im.device) coord = im_coord.view([-1, 3]) coord = coord.unsqueeze(0).repeat([b, 1, 1]) # Convert to camera coordinates cam_coord = torch.matmul(inv_tgt_int.unsqueeze(1), coord[..., None]) cam_coord = cam_coord * depths[:, :, None, None, None] ones = torch.ones_like(cam_coord[..., 0:1, :]) cam_coord =[cam_coord, ones], -2) # Convert to another camera's coordinates new_cam_coord = torch.matmul(trnsf.unsqueeze(1), cam_coord) # Convert to image coordinates at source camera im_coord = torch.matmul(src_int.unsqueeze(1), new_cam_coord[..., :3, :]) im_coord = im_coord.squeeze(dim=-1).view(depths.shape + (h, w, 3)) # Fix for NaN and backward projection zeros = torch.zeros_like(im_coord[..., 2:3]) im_coord[..., 2:3] = torch.where(im_coord[..., 2:3] > 0, im_coord[..., 2:3], zeros) im_coord = divide_safe(im_coord[..., :2], im_coord[..., 2:3]) im_coord[..., 0] = im_coord[..., 0] / src_w * 2 - 1. im_coord[..., 1] = im_coord[..., 1] / src_h * 2 - 1. # Sample from the source image warped = F.grid_sample(src_im.repeat(depths.shape[0], 1, 1, 1), im_coord.view(-1, *(im_coord.shape[2:])), align_corners=False) return warped.view(depths.shape + (3, h, w)).permute([1, 2, 0, 3, 4])