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primesieve is a command-line program and C/C++ library for quickly generating prime numbers. It is very cache efficient, it detects your CPU's L1 & L2 cache sizes and allocates its main data structures accordingly. It is also multi-threaded by default, it uses all available CPU cores whenever possible i.e. if sequential ordering is not required. primesieve can generate primes and prime k-tuplets up to 264.

primesieve generates primes using the segmented sieve of Eratosthenes with wheel factorization. This algorithm has a run time complexity of

Unable to render expression.

operations and uses
Unable to render expression.

memory. Furthermore primesieve uses the bucket sieve algorithm which improves the cache efficiency when generating primes > 232. primesieve uses 8 bytes per sieving prime, in practice its memory usage is about
Unable to render expression.

$\pi(\sqrt{n})\times 8$
bytes per thread.


The primesieve command-line program can be installed using your operating system's package manager. For doing development with libprimesieve you may need to install libprimesieve-dev or libprimesieve-devel.

Windows: winget install primesieve
macOS: brew install primesieve
Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S primesieve
Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt install primesieve
Fedora: sudo dnf install primesieve
FreeBSD: pkg install primesieve
openSUSE: sudo zypper install primesieve

Usage examples

# Count the primes ≀ 1e10 using all CPU cores
primesieve 1e10

# Print the primes ≀ 1000000
primesieve 1000000 --print

# Store the primes ≀ 1000000 in a text file
primesieve 1000000 --print > primes.txt

# Print the twin primes ≀ 1000000
primesieve 1000000 --print=2

# Count the prime triplets inside [1e10, 1e10+2^32]
primesieve 1e10 --dist=2^32 --count=3

Command-line options

Usage: primesieve [START] STOP [OPTION]...
Generate the primes and/or prime k-tuplets inside [START, STOP]
(< 2^64) using the segmented sieve of Eratosthenes.

  -c, --count[=NUM+]         Count primes and/or prime k-tuplets, NUM <= 6.
                             Count primes: -c or --count (default option),
                             count twin primes: -c2 or --count=2,
                             count prime triplets: -c3 or --count=3, ...
      --cpu-info             Print CPU information (cache sizes).
  -d, --dist=DIST            Sieve the interval [START, START + DIST].
  -n, --nth-prime            Find the nth prime.
                             primesieve 100 -n: finds the 100th prime,
                             primesieve 2 100 -n: finds the 2nd prime > 100.
  -p, --print[=NUM]          Print primes or prime k-tuplets, NUM <= 6.
                             Print primes: -p or --print,
                             print twin primes: -p2 or --print=2,
                             print prime triplets: -p3 or --print=3, ...
  -q, --quiet                Quiet mode, prints less output.
  -s, --size=SIZE            Set the sieve size in KiB, SIZE <= 8192.
                             By default primesieve uses a sieve size that
                             matches your CPU's L1 cache size (per core) or is
                             slightly smaller than your CPU's L2 cache size.
  -S, --stress-test[=MODE]   Run a stress test. The MODE can be either
                             CPU (default) or RAM. The default timeout is 24h.
      --test                 Run various correctness tests (< 1 minute).
  -t, --threads=NUM          Set the number of threads, NUM <= CPU cores.
                             Default setting: use all available CPU cores.
      --time                 Print the time elapsed in seconds.
      --timeout=SEC          Set the stress test timeout in seconds. Supported
                             units of time suffixes: s, m, h, d or y.
                             30 minutes timeout: --timeout 30m

Build instructions

You need to have installed a C++ compiler which supports C++11 (or later) and CMake β‰₯ 3.4.

cmake .
cmake --build . --parallel
sudo cmake --install .
sudo ldconfig


Include the <primesieve.hpp> header to use libprimesieve's C++ API.

#include <primesieve.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  primesieve::iterator it;
  uint64_t prime = it.next_prime();

  // Iterate over the primes < 10^6
  for (; prime < 1000000; prime = it.next_prime())
    std::cout << prime << std::endl;

  return 0;


Include the <primesieve.h> header to use libprimesieve's C API.

#include <primesieve.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  primesieve_iterator it;
  uint64_t prime;

  /* Iterate over the primes < 10^6 */
  while ((prime = primesieve_next_prime(&it)) < 1000000)
    printf("%" PRIu64 "\n", prime);

  return 0;

Bindings for other languages

primesieve natively supports C and C++ and has bindings available for:

Common Lisp: cl-primesieve
Java: primesieve-java
Janet: janet-primesieve
Julia: PrimeSieve.jl
Nim: primesievec-nim
Haskell: primesieve-haskell
Pascal: primesieve-pas
Perl: Primesieve
Python: primesieve-python
Raku: raku-primesieve
Ruby: primesieve-ruby

Many thanks to the developers of these bindings!


Thanks to all current and past sponsors of primesieve! Your donations help me purchase (or rent) the latest CPUs and ensure primesieve runs at maximum performance on them. Your donations also motivate me to continue maintaining primesieve.