Mocking up web app with Boot-Vue (speed)
- ⚡ Lightning fast: Built with Vue 3, Vite, and pnpm 🔥
- 💪 Strongly typed: Uses TypeScript 💻
- 🔥 Latest syntax: Uses the new <script setup> syntax 🆕
- 📦 Components auto importing: Automatically imports components 🚚
- 📥 APIs auto importing: Uses unplugin-auto-import to directly import Composition API and others 📨
- 🎨 UnoCSS - The instant on-demand atomic CSS engine, providing a lightweight and fast way to style your app.
- 🌼 Daisy - The free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library
- 💡 Official router: Uses Vue Router v4 🛣️
- 🎉 Loading feedback: Uses NProgress to provide page loading progress feedback 🔄
- 🍍 State management: Uses Pinia for state management 🗃️
- 📜 Chinese font preset: Includes a preset for Chinese fonts 🇨🇳
- 🌍 I18n ready: Ready for internationalization with locales 🌎
- ☁️ Netlify ready: Zero-config deployment on Netlify ☁️
# boot-vue
├─.github # Stores GitHub related configuration files.
│ ├─ISSUE_TEMPLATE # GitHub Issue templates
│ └─workflows # GitHub Actions related configuration files
├─.husky # Stores Git Hooks related configuration files
│ └─_ # Stores Git Hooks execution scripts
├─.idea # Stores IntelliJ IDEA related configuration files
│ ├─codeStyles # Stores code formatting rules
│ └─inspectionProfiles # Stores code inspection rules
├─.vscode # Stores VS Code related configuration files
├─public # Stores static resources required by the web application
├─README.assets # Stores images and other resources used by
├─src # Stores the source code of the web application
│ ├─assets # Stores static resources required by the web application
│ ├─components # Stores the components of the web application
│ │ └─Icon # Stores the components representing icons
│ ├─config # Stores the configuration files of the web application
│ │ ├─nprogress # Stores the configuration file of the progress bar library NProgress
│ │ └─unocss # Stores the configuration file of the UnoCSS
│ ├─constant # Stores the constant values used in the web application
│ ├─layouts # Stores the layout components of the web application
│ │ ├─Footer # Stores the layout component representing the footer of the page
│ │ └─Navbar # Stores the layout component representing the navigation bar of the page
│ │ └─components # Stores the child components of the Navbar layout component
│ │ ├─LocalesChange # Stores the child component representing language switch
│ │ └─ThemeChange # Stores the child component representing theme switch
│ ├─locales # Stores the content files of the web application's multiple languages
│ ├─router # Stores the routing configuration files of the web application
│ │ └─routes # Stores the modules of the web application's routes
│ │ └─modules # Stores the sub-modules of the routing modules of the web application
│ ├─store # Stores the state management files of the web application
│ ├─styles # Stores the style files of the web application
│ └─views # Stores the page components of the web application
│ ├─errorPages # Stores the components representing error pages
│ └─home # Stores the components representing the homepage
│ └─components # Stores the child components of the homepage components
├─test # Stores the test code
│ └─__snapshots__ # Stores the Jest snapshot test results
└─types # Stores the TypeScript type declaration files
Create a repo from this template on GitHub.
npx degit kirklin/boot-vue my-app
cd my-app
pnpm i
Just run and visit
pnpm run dev
To build the App, run
pnpm run build
And you will see the generated file in dist
that ready to be served.
Go to Netlify and select your clone, OK
along the way, and your App will be live in a minute.
First, build the boot-vue image by opening the terminal in the project's root directory.
docker buildx build . -t viteboot:latest
Run the image and specify port mapping with the -p
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:80 viteboot:latest