Changed the default value of g:SignatureForceRemoveGlobal
to 0 since using :wviminfo!
is a very heavy hammer and because it goes against a *vim default.
Signature used to have a mapping conflict with NERDTree as both try to map the m
To get around this, I used to delete maps whenever I detected someone entering the NERDTree pane and recreate the maps upon exit.
However, this had a lot of issues and as of cfa6452 I've decided to remove any code that was intended to work around this since it wasn't working anyways. Refer to the discussion here for more details.
Sorry for any inconvenience. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please let me know.
vim-signature is a plugin to place, toggle and display marks.
Apart from the above, you can also
- Navigate forward/backward by position/alphabetical order
- Displaying multiple marks (upto 2, limited by the signs feature)
- Placing custom signs !@#$%^&*() as visual markers
Displays the marks as signs. Also place visual markers
Alphabetical mark traversal and more.
Also supports dynamic highlighting of signs. In the image above the marks are colored according to the state of the line as indicated by gitgutter.
NOTE: This feature is disabled by default
More screenshots here
If you like the plugin, spread the love and rate at
Requires Vim to be compiled with +signs to display marks.
I recommend using a plugin manager to do the grunt work for you.
If for some reason, you do not want to use any of them, then unzip the contents of the .zip file to your ~/.vim directory.
Once that's done, out of the box, the followings mappings are defined
mx Toggle mark 'x' and display it in the leftmost column
dmx Remove mark 'x' where x is a-zA-Z
m, Place the next available mark
m. If no mark on line, place the next available mark. Otherwise, remove (first) existing mark.
m- Delete all marks from the current line
m<Space> Delete all marks from the current buffer
]` Jump to next mark
[` Jump to prev mark
]' Jump to start of next line containing a mark
[' Jump to start of prev line containing a mark
`] Jump by alphabetical order to next mark
`[ Jump by alphabetical order to prev mark
'] Jump by alphabetical order to start of next line having a mark
'[ Jump by alphabetical order to start of prev line having a mark
m/ Open location list and display marks from current buffer
m[0-9] Toggle the corresponding marker !@#$%^&*()
m<S-[0-9]> Remove all markers of the same type
]- Jump to next line having a marker of the same type
[- Jump to prev line having a marker of the same type
]= Jump to next line having a marker of any type
[= Jump to prev line having a marker of any type
m? Open location list and display markers from current buffer
m<BS> Remove all markers
This will allow the use of default behavior of m to set marks and, if the line
already contains the mark, it'll be unset.
The default behavior of ]'
, ['
, ]`
and [`
is supported and enhanced by
wrapping around when beginning or end of file is reached.
The command :SignatureToggle
can be used to show/hide the signs.
Note that this does not delete any of the marks but only hides them.
This is a buffer-specific command.
If for some reason, the marks and their sign displays go out of sync,
use :SignatureRefresh
to refresh them.
For more details on customization refer the help
- Sergey Khorev for mark-tools
- Zak Johnson for vim-showmarks
- Tie the Signature functions to vim commands that affect mark placement