[project] # Project metadata name = "rlottie-python" description = "A ctypes API for rlottie, with additional functions for getting Pillow Image." requires-python = ">=3.7" readme = "README.md" license = { "file" = "LICENSE" } authors = [{ "name" = "chaudominic", "email" = "chaudominic2@gmail.com" }] keywords = ["rlottie", "lottie", "tgs", "ctypes"] classifiers = ["Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics"] dependencies = [] dynamic = ["version"] [project.urls] Repository = "https://github.com/laggykiller/rlottie-python" Documentation = "https://rlottie-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/" Tracker = "https://github.com/laggykiller/rlottie-python/issues" [project.optional-dependencies] full = [ "Pillow", ] test = [ "pytest" ] lint = [ "ruff", "mypy", "isort", "types-Pillow", ] [build-system] # How pip and other frontends should build this project requires = ["py-build-cmake~=0.2.0a12"] build-backend = "py_build_cmake.build" [tool.py-build-cmake.module] # Where to find the Python module to package name = "rlottie_python" directory = "src" [tool.py-build-cmake.sdist] # What to include in source distributions include = ["CMakeLists.txt", "rlottie/*"] [tool.py-build-cmake.cmake] # How to build the CMake project build_type = "Release" source_path = "." build_args = ["-j"] options = {"LOTTIE_MODULE" = "OFF"} install_components = ["python_module"] python_abi = 'abi3' abi3_minimum_cpython_version = 37 [tool.py-build-cmake.linux.cmake] # Linux-specific options config = "Release" env = { "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH" = "${HOME}/.local" } [tool.py-build-cmake.mac.cmake] # macOS-specific options config = "Release" [tool.py-build-cmake.windows.cmake] # Windows-specific options config = "Release" [tool.pyright] include = ["src", "tests", "example"] strict = ["*"] [tool.mypy] python_version = "3.9" files = ["src", "tests", "example"]