This repository provides experiments, scripts, and instructions for reproducing the experiments in our paper, Low-Latency Graph Streaming Using Compressed Purely-Functional Trees. Our paper introduces Aspen, a graph-streaming system based on compressed purely-functional trees. Aspen is designed for maintaining a dynamic graph subject to updates by a single writer, while supporting multiple concurrent readers. Due to the fact that the graph is purely-functional, all operations in Aspen are strictly serializable.
In the Getting Started Guide, we include functionality to reproduce the main results presented in our paper.
In the Step-By-Step Instructions, we also include the codes and instructions used for running experiments on very large graphs (hundreds of billions of edges). Due to the size of these graphs, and the memory footprint requirement on the machine, and the time to download, convert, and process these graphs, we expect that most users will not perform these steps, but we include them for completeness, and to ensure that our results for very large graphs are reproducible. We have made all graphs used in our paper publicly-available to ensure that our results are reproducible and can be built upon.
This Getting Started Guide gives an overview of
Using Aspen as a Graph-Streaming System
Setting up Aspen
- Hardware and software dependencies
- Input formats
- Obtaining datasets
- Experiment Workflow:
- Memory-footprint improvement due to compression and blocking
- Performance and speedup of parallel graph algorithms
- Microbenchmarks measuring the throughput of batch operations
We give a brief overview of the user-level API provided by Aspen for running graph algorithms, and performing updates.
An initial static graph can be generated using the initialize_graph
which takes as input several optional arguments and returns a versioned_graph
/* Creates a versioned graph based on an initial static graph snapshot */
initialize_graph(string fname="", bool mmap=false, bool is_symmetric=true,
bool compressed=false, size_t n_parts=1) -> versioned_graph
The versioned_graph
type has the following interface. It is a single-writer,
multi-reader interface, i.e., it can be read by multiple concurrent readers,
which can acquire a version of the graph to perform queries or graph analyses,
and a single writer, which can perform updates. The type has the following
user-facing interface:
/* Used by readers to atomically acquire a snapshot */
acquire_version() -> snapshot_graph
/* Used by a single writer to insert a batch of edges */
insert_edges_batch(size_t m, tuple<uintV, uintV>* edges, bool sorted=false,
bool remove_dups=false, bool run_seq=false) -> void
/* Used by a single writer to delete a batch of edges */
delete_edges_batch(size_t m, tuple<uintV, uintV>* edges, bool sorted=false,
bool remove_dups=false, bool run_seq=false) -> void
The graph snapshot type snapshot_graph
has the following interface:
/* Returns the number of vertices in the graph */
num_vertices() -> size_t
/* Returns the number of edges in the graph */
num_edges() -> size_t
/* Creates a flat snapshot of the vertices */
create_flat_snapshot() -> flat_snapshot
/* Applies f to each (v, u) edge for v in vs and returns a *
* vertex_subset containing u such that f(v, u) = true */
template <class F>
edge_map(vertex_subset& vs, F f, long threshold=-1) -> vertex_subset
The interface for snapshot_graph
is similar to the Ligra interface, enabling
users to implement and run existing Ligra algorithms with only minor cosmetic
modifications. We provide the following examples of using the interface in the
BC.h /* single-source betweenness centrality */
BFS.h /* breadth-first search */
MIS.h /* maximal independent set */
k-Hop.h /* local algorithm to find the k-hop neighborhood of a vertex */
Nibble.h /* local clustering algorithm based on Spielman-Teng */
Any modern x86-based multicore machine can be used. Aspen uses 128-bit CMPXCHG (requires -mcx16 compiler flag) but does not need hardware transactional memory (TSX). Most (small graph) examples in our artifact can be run using fewer than 100GB of memory, but our tests on larger graph (ClueWeb and larger) require 200GB--1TB of memory. All examples below can run in 100GB of memory by using a small graph input.
Aspen requires g++ 5.4.0 or later versions supporting the Cilk Plus extensions.
The scripts that we provide in the repository use numactl -i all
for better
performance. However, all tests can also run directly without numactl
Aspen currently supports reading two formats: the adjacency graph format used by the Problem Based Benchmark suite and Ligra, and a compressed graph format developed as part of the Graph Based Benchmark Suite.
The adjacency graph format starts with a sequence of offsets one for each vertex, followed by a sequence of directed edges ordered by their source vertex. The offset for a vertex i refers to the location of the start of a contiguous block of out edges for vertex i in the sequence of edges. The block continues until the offset of the next vertex, or the end if i is the last vertex. All vertices and offsets are 0 based and represented in decimal. The specific format is as follows:
This file is represented as plain text.
The compressed format is the bytePDA
format, which is similar to the
parallelByte format of Ligra+, extended with additional functionality.
Note that for the artifact, we limit Aspen to processing symmetric, unweighted graph datasets. The version that we will ultimately release on Github will support both undirected and directed (weighted) graphs.
The small graphs used in our experiments can be obtained from the Stanford SNAP
repository. We recommend using the soc-LiveJournal graph, and have provided a
python script to download this graph, symmetrize it, and store it in the
the format(s) used by Aspen. This can be done using the SNAPToAdj software in
the Ligra repository (see
Alternately, we have made all graphs used in our experiments publicly-available
on a self-hosted machine. Downloading the graphs from this location is likely
the fastest way to get up and running. The files are located at
, and can be downloaded
using wget
, as follows:
# listing of
clueweb_sym.bytepda 21-Feb-2019 04:45 99G
com-orkut.adj 23-Feb-2019 05:37 2G
hyperlink2012_sym.bytepda 22-Feb-2019 02:00 351G
hyperlink2014_sym.bytepda 21-Feb-2019 07:58 184G
soc-LiveJournal1_sym.adj 23-Feb-2019 05:38 640M
twitter_SJ.adj 23-Feb-2019 05:58 20G
# Download the soc-LiveJournal graph to the inputs/ directory
$ wget inputs/
This section assumes that you have downloaded some of the input graphs listed
above to the inputs/
All of the applications below share a common set of flags, which we list below:
-f filename : provides a location to an input graph file
-s : indicates that the input graph is symmetric
-c : indicates that the input graph is compressed
-m : indicates that the input graph should be mmap'd
The memory usage of our codes can be measured using a tool called
, which loads a graph using the C-tree data structure and
outputs the number of bytes used by the C-tree representation. In our
experiments, we set the probability of a node being selected as a head to
p = 1/256, so the expected number of nodes in the edges tree is p*m.
$ make memory_footprint
g++ -O3 -DEDGELONG -mcx16 -march=native -fcilkplus -std=c++14 tools/memory_footprint.cpp -o memory_footprint
will give the executable file memory_footprint
It can be used as follows to reproduce the results in Table 2 in [1]:
# ./memory_footprint [-f graph_file]
$ ./memory_footprint -s -f inputs/soc-LiveJournal1_sym.adj
Running Aspen using 144 threads.
n = 4847571 m = 85702474
== Aspen Difference Encoded Stats (DE) ==
vertex tree: used nodes = 4847571 size/node = 64 memory used = 0.288938 GB
edge bytes: used nodes = 337050 size/node = 48 memory used = 0.0150673 GB
compressed-lists memory used = 0.26274 GB
Total: 0.566745 GB
== Aspen No Difference Encoding Stats (No DE) ==
vertex tree: used nodes = 4847571 size/node = 64 memory used = 0.288938 GB
edge bytes: used nodes = 337050 size/node = 48 memory used = 0.0150673 GB
compressed-lists (no difference-encoding) memory used = 0.480281 GB
Total: 0.784286 GB
== Aspen No C-Trees Stats (Uncompressed) ==
vertex tree: used nodes = 4847571 size/node = 48 memory used = 0.216703 GB
edge tree: used nodes = 85702474 size/node = 32 memory used = 2.55413 GB
Total: 2.77084 GB
Please note that we standardized the parameters used for the C-Tree experiments with and without difference encoding, and also made a small memory-efficiency improvement after our submission, which makes the size of the Aspen C-tree experiments slightly smaller than the numbers reported in the paper. The new numbers (which are strictly smaller, giving better savings) will be updated in the camera-ready copy of the paper.
The algorithms described above can be run over a static graph to measure the
performance and speedup using the run_static_algorithm
tool. The tool takes as input
the name of the algorithm to run, the input graph filename, and several other
parameters configuring how the graph should be loaded.
$ make run_static_algorithm
g++ -O3 -DEDGELONG -mcx16 -march=native -fcilkplus -std=c++14 tools/run_static_algorithm.cpp -o run_static_algorithm
will give the executable file run_static_algorithm
It can be used as follows:
# ./run_static_algorithm [-t testname -r rounds -f graph_file]
# where testname is one of: {BFS, BC, MIS, KHOP, NIBBLE}
$ numactl -i all ./run_static_algorithm -t BFS -src 10012 -s -f inputs/twitter_sym.adj
Running Aspen using 144 threads.
n = 41652231 m = 2405026092
Running BFS from source = 10012
RESULT test=BFS time=0.172245 iteration=0 p=144
Running BFS from source = 10012
RESULT test=BFS time=0.174843 iteration=1 p=144
Running BFS from source = 10012
RESULT test=BFS time=0.175072 iteration=2 p=144
Running BFS from source = 10012
RESULT test=BFS time=0.178104 iteration=3 p=144
PARALLEL RESULT (AVG) test=BFS time=0.175066 p=144
Running sequential time
Running BFS from source = 10012
SEQUENTIAL RESULT test=BFS time=12.424587 iteration=0 p=1
The command outputs both the parallel times and the sequential times of the algorithms.
The self-relative speedup of our code can be calculated by dividing the parallel
time by the sequential time. We recommend using numactl -i all
on multi-socket
machines on all parallel tests. Note that the sequential times obtained by this
experiment may be larger than those reported in the paper, especially if
numactl -i all
is used.
To reproduce the sequential times reported in our paper we recommend running the
utility by setting the CILK_NWORKERS
environment variable to
1, as below. The downside is that loading and building the graph has to be done
sequentially, which can take a long time on very large graphs. The advantage is
that on a multi-socket machine the memory will be allocated on a single node,
and the timing will not be affected by NUMA latency.
$ CILK_NWORKERS=1 ./run_static_algorithm -t BFS -src 10012 -s -f inputs/soc-LiveJournal1_sym.adj
Our local algorithms are run with parallelism over the queries. Since the
local queries (e.g., k-Hop) can use a significant amount of memory on the large
graphs (the 2-hops of these graphs can consist of a significant fraction of the
vertices), the number of parallel queries issued should be smaller on the
larger graphs. We have provided the exact parameters used in our experiments in
the following scripts: scripts/
and scripts/
. The
data for each test will be written to
for the khop and nibble scripts,
make run_batch_updates
will give the executable file run_batch_updates
It can be used as follows:
# ./run_batch_updates [-f graph_file]
$ numactl -i all ./run_batch_updates -s -f /ssd1/graphs/bench_experiments/soc-LiveJournal1_sym.adj
Running with 144 threads
n = 4847571 m = 85702474
Running bs: 10
Avg insert: 0.000213703
Avg delete: 0.000209332
Running bs: 100
Avg insert: 0.000360648
Avg delete: 0.000368357
Running bs: 1000000000
Avg insert: 2.6432
Avg delete: 1.81675
Running bs: 2000000000
Avg insert: 4.92558
Avg delete: 3.24599
We have provided a script to run the batch update algorithm on all of our inputs
in scripts/
The following command will run the same experiments used to generate the results from Table 5 in [1]:
The data for each graph will be written to data/batch_updates/graph.dat
make run_simultaneous_updates_queries
will give the executable file run_simultaneous_updates_queries
It can be used as follows:
# ./run_simultaneous_updates_queries [-f graph_file]
$ numactl -i all ./run_simultaneous_updates_queries -queryiters 200 -m -s -f inputs/soc-LiveJournal_sym.adj
Running with 144 threads
n = 4847571 m = 85702474
Shuffling updates
Started updates
Started queries
Update throughput = 101011
Average_latency = 9.89992e-06
Average query time : 0.0535617
The command also takes the flags -noupdate
, which only runs queries, and -noquery
, which only runs updates.
We have provided a script to run the batch update algorithm on all of our inputs
in scripts/
The following command will run the same experiments used to generate the results from Table 5 in [1]:
The data for each graph will be written to data/simultaneous_updates_queries/graph.dat
In this section of our artifact, we describe how to set up and run experiments on the large Web graphs used in our paper.
This section assumes that some of the large compressed graphs listed in the
Obtaining the Datasets section have been stored in the inputs/
All of the commands given in the previous section can be used on compressed
graphs by supplying the -c
flag, in addition to the filename. Since our inputs
in this artifact are symmetric, the -s
flag is also expected.
The large graphs require an extra parameter, -nparts
, which controls the
number of batches that the input is broken up into when loading. Since the
input to insert_edges_batch
take an uncompressed array of edge pairs, we break
the edges in the input into a small number of batches and load each batch
sequentially. The number of parts used for each of the large compressed graphs
on our 1TB machine is listed below:
clueweb: 8
hyperlink2014: 10
hyperlink2012: 16
Note that if you are running on a machine with less memory, you may need to increase the number of parts to ensure that the operations fit within memory.
We have provided examples of loading and running experiments on the compressed
graphs in the scripts mentioned above (scripts/
, scripts/
, and
). Note that the experiments for
compressed graphs in these scripts are commented out by default, and should be
uncommented to run the experiments.
We list the settings and details used for our experiments with STINGER below.
We downloaded STINGER from its github repository.
We used the following variable settings in STINGER/CMakeLists.txt, which produced the fastest times and lowest memory usage based on our experiments.
# Memory size configuration bits for stinger_core
set(STINGER_DEFAULT_VERTICES "(1L<<30)" CACHE STRING "Default number of vertices")
set(STINGER_DEFAULT_NUMETYPES "1" CACHE STRING "Default number of edge types")
set(STINGER_DEFAULT_NUMVTYPES "1" CACHE STRING "Default number of vertex types")
set(STINGER_DEFAULT_NEB_FACTOR "1" CACHE STRING "Default number of edge blocks per vertex")
set(STINGER_EDGEBLOCKSIZE "14" CACHE STRING "Number of edges per edge block")
set(STINGER_NAME_STR_MAX "255" CACHE STRING "Max string length in physmap")
After building STINGER we ran the following command to launch a STINGER server with enough memory:
numactl -i all env STINGER_MAX_MEMSIZE=100G ./bin/stinger_server
On a separate prompt, we ran a batch-update job as follows:
# ./stinger_rmat_edge_generator [-p port] [-a server_addr] [-n num_vertices] [-x batch_size] [-y num_batches] [-i]
./bin/stinger_rmat_edge_generator -n 536870912 -x 1000000
which inserts batches of 1M edges at a time, where edges are sampled from an RMAT generator, and the number of vertices is 2^29.
We obtained timings for smaller batch sizes by adjusting the -x
We converted our three smallest input graphs to the .gr
file format (see the
DIMACS challenge
description), one of the formats that is supported by STINGER.
We obtained the memory usage for STINGER on our input graphs using the following C++ routine:
calculate_stinger_size(nv, nebs, netypes, nvtypes);
and printing out the reported size after the initial graph is constructed.
We implemented a sparse BFS algorithms based on the existing STINGER single-source betweenness centrality algorithm. Our static graph algorithm experiments work by first loading the input graph into memory, and then using one of the algorithm binaries to register an algorithm, e.g.:
$ env STINGER_MAX_MEMSIZE=300G numactl -i all ./bin/stinger_server -i /ssd0/graphs/bench_experiments/ -t d
$ ./bin/stinger_betweenness -s 1 -x
Note that we compared the STINGER code to a sparse BFS implemented in Aspen to
ensure a fair comparison. We will make this code available by passing a flag to
the run_static_algorithm
binary in the final version of this artifact.
We list the settings and details used for our experiments with LLAMA below.
We downloaded LLAMA from its github repository.
We built the in-memory version of LLAMA by running
$ make benchmark-memory
Note that we were unable to get the dynamic batch-updates to work in LLAMA, and did therefore limit our discussion here to benchmarking parallel graph algorithms and memory usage.
We generated XStream (.xs1
) graph inputs for LLAMA. We will provide the
utility which converts one of our inputs to the XS1 format (the
code is currently written as part of the GBBS library).
Since LLAMA does not support a method for reporting its internal memory usage
(and we could not figure out a simple way to obtain an exact number), we
calculated the memory usage using the
We modified the bc_random
routine to compute the single-source betweenness
centrality. The algorithm implementation is identical, but we removed a
loop that ran multiple independent betweenness computations in parallel. We also
added timers around the algorithm invocations to measure just the algorithm
running time. No other LLAMA code was modified.
We ran the algorithms as follows:
$ numactl -i all ./benchmark-memory -c 3 -R 10012 -r bfs_count /ssd1/graphs/soc-LJ.xs1
$ numactl -i all ./bin/benchmark-memory -c 3 -R 10012 -r bc_random /ssd1/graphs/soc-LJ.xs1
We did not make any modifications to these libraries, and followed the READMEs
on their respective sources (links below) to compile and run these codes. We
used numactl -i all
when running all applications.
[1]: Low-Latency Graph Streaming Using Compressed Purely-Functional Trees, Laxman Dhulipala, Guy Blelloch, and Julian Shun