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Vite + GraphqiQL

Integrate GraphiQL IDE in your Vite projects

Please note that this plugin is only intended to be used in development mode.

Getting Started

First, install the plugin:

npm install --save-dev vite-plugin-graphiql

yarn add --dev vite-plugin-graphiql

pnpm add --save-dev vite-plugin-graphiql

GraphiQL requires graphql to be installed in your project; so install that too if you haven't already.

Then, import and add the plugin to your vite.config.ts and pass in the required configuration options:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import graphiql from 'vite-plugin-graphiql'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      client: {
        url: '',

Now start your dev server and navigate to to see the GraphiQL IDE.


You can find the full configuration options here.


Inspired by @unocss/inspector


Licensed under the MIT License.