include ./Makefile.Common # This is the code that we want to run lint, etc. ALL_SRC := $(shell find . -name '*.go' \ -not -path './internal/tools/*' \ -not -path './pdata/internal/data/protogen/*' \ -not -path './service/internal/zpages/tmplgen/*' \ -type f | sort) # All source code and documents. Used in spell check. ALL_DOC := $(shell find . \( -name "*.md" -o -name "*.yaml" \) \ -type f | sort) # ALL_MODULES includes ./* dirs (excludes . dir) ALL_MODULES := $(shell find . -type f -name "go.mod" -exec dirname {} \; | sort | egrep '^./' ) CMD?= TOOLS_MOD_DIR := ./internal/tools GOOS=$(shell $(GOCMD) env GOOS) GOARCH=$(shell $(GOCMD) env GOARCH) # TODO: Find a way to configure this in the generated code, currently no effect. VERSION=$(shell git describe --always --match "v[0-9]*" HEAD) BUILD_INFO=-ldflags "-X $(BUILD_INFO_IMPORT_PATH).Version=$(VERSION)" RUN_CONFIG?=examples/local/otel-config.yaml CONTRIB_PATH=$(CURDIR)/../opentelemetry-collector-contrib COMP_REL_PATH=cmd/otelcorecol/components.go ADDLICENSE=addlicense GOCOVMERGE=gocovmerge MISSPELL=misspell -error MISSPELL_CORRECTION=misspell -w # Function to execute a command. Note the empty line before endef to make sure each command # gets executed separately instead of concatenated with previous one. # Accepts command to execute as first parameter. define exec-command $(1) endef .DEFAULT_GOAL := all .PHONY: version version: @echo ${VERSION} .PHONY: all all: checklicense checkdoc misspell goimpi golint gotest all-modules: @echo $(ALL_MODULES) | tr ' ' '\n' | sort .PHONY: gomoddownload gomoddownload: @$(MAKE) for-all-target TARGET="moddownload" .PHONY: gotest gotest: @$(MAKE) for-all-target TARGET="test test-unstable" .PHONY: gobenchmark gobenchmark: @$(MAKE) for-all-target TARGET="benchmark" .PHONY: gotest-with-cover gotest-with-cover: @$(MAKE) for-all-target TARGET="test-with-cover" $(GOCOVMERGE) $$(find . -name coverage.out) > coverage.txt .PHONY: goporto goporto: porto -w --include-internal ./ .PHONY: golint golint: @$(MAKE) for-all-target TARGET="lint lint-unstable" .PHONY: goimpi goimpi: @$(MAKE) for-all-target TARGET="impi" .PHONY: gofmt gofmt: @$(MAKE) for-all-target TARGET="fmt" .PHONY: gotidy gotidy: @$(MAKE) for-all-target TARGET="tidy" .PHONY: gogenerate gogenerate: @$(MAKE) for-all-target TARGET="generate" .PHONY: addlicense addlicense: @ADDLICENSEOUT=`$(ADDLICENSE) -y "" -c "The OpenTelemetry Authors" $(ALL_SRC) 2>&1`; \ if [ "$$ADDLICENSEOUT" ]; then \ echo "$(ADDLICENSE) FAILED => add License errors:\n"; \ echo "$$ADDLICENSEOUT\n"; \ exit 1; \ else \ echo "Add License finished successfully"; \ fi .PHONY: checklicense checklicense: @ADDLICENSEOUT=`$(ADDLICENSE) -check $(ALL_SRC) 2>&1`; \ if [ "$$ADDLICENSEOUT" ]; then \ echo "$(ADDLICENSE) FAILED => add License errors:\n"; \ echo "$$ADDLICENSEOUT\n"; \ echo "Use 'make addlicense' to fix this."; \ exit 1; \ else \ echo "Check License finished successfully"; \ fi .PHONY: misspell misspell: $(MISSPELL) $(ALL_DOC) .PHONY: misspell-correction misspell-correction: $(MISSPELL_CORRECTION) $(ALL_DOC) .PHONY: install-tools install-tools: cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install cd $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR) && $(GOCMD) install .PHONY: run run: otelcorecol ./bin/otelcorecol_$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH) --config ${RUN_CONFIG} ${RUN_ARGS} # Append root module to all modules GOMODULES = $(ALL_MODULES) $(PWD) # Define a delegation target for each module .PHONY: $(GOMODULES) $(GOMODULES): @echo "Running target '$(TARGET)' in module '$@'" $(MAKE) -C $@ $(TARGET) # Triggers each module's delegation target .PHONY: for-all-target for-all-target: $(GOMODULES) .PHONY: check-component check-component: ifndef COMPONENT $(error COMPONENT variable was not defined) endif .PHONY: add-tag add-tag: @[ "${TAG}" ] || ( echo ">> env var TAG is not set"; exit 1 ) @echo "Adding tag ${TAG}" @git tag -a ${TAG} -s -m "Version ${TAG}" @set -e; for dir in $(ALL_MODULES); do \ (echo Adding tag "$${dir:2}/$${TAG}" && \ git tag -a "$${dir:2}/$${TAG}" -s -m "Version ${dir:2}/${TAG}" ); \ done .PHONY: push-tag push-tag: @[ "${TAG}" ] || ( echo ">> env var TAG is not set"; exit 1 ) @echo "Pushing tag ${TAG}" @git push ${TAG} @set -e; for dir in $(ALL_MODULES); do \ (echo Pushing tag "$${dir:2}/$${TAG}" && \ git push "$${dir:2}/$${TAG}"); \ done .PHONY: delete-tag delete-tag: @[ "${TAG}" ] || ( echo ">> env var TAG is not set"; exit 1 ) @echo "Deleting tag ${TAG}" @git tag -d ${TAG} @set -e; for dir in $(ALL_MODULES); do \ (echo Deleting tag "$${dir:2}/$${TAG}" && \ git tag -d "$${dir:2}/$${TAG}" ); \ done # Build the Collector executable. .PHONY: otelcorecol otelcorecol: pushd cmd/otelcorecol && GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOCMD) build -trimpath -o ../../bin/otelcorecol_$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH) \ $(BUILD_INFO) -tags $(GO_BUILD_TAGS) ./cmd/otelcorecol && popd .PHONY: genotelcorecol genotelcorecol: pushd cmd/builder/ && $(GOCMD) run ./ --skip-compilation --config ../otelcorecol/builder-config.yaml --output-path ../otelcorecol && popd DEPENDABOT_PATH=".github/dependabot.yml" .PHONY: internal-gendependabot internal-gendependabot: @echo "Add rule for \"${PACKAGE}\" in \"${DIR}\""; @echo " - package-ecosystem: \"${PACKAGE}\"" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH}; @echo " directory: \"${DIR}\"" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH}; @echo " schedule:" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH}; @echo " interval: \"weekly\"" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH}; # This target should run on /bin/bash since the syntax DIR=$${dir:1} is not supported by /bin/sh. .PHONY: gendependabot gendependabot: $(eval SHELL:=/bin/bash) @echo "Recreating ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} file" @echo "# File generated by \"make gendependabot\"; DO NOT EDIT." > ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} @echo "" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} @echo "version: 2" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} @echo "updates:" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} $(MAKE) internal-gendependabot DIR="/" PACKAGE="github-actions" $(MAKE) internal-gendependabot DIR="/" PACKAGE="gomod" @set -e; for dir in $(ALL_MODULES); do \ $(MAKE) internal-gendependabot DIR=$${dir:1} PACKAGE="gomod"; \ done # Definitions for ProtoBuf generation. # The source directory for OTLP ProtoBufs. OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_SRC_DIR=pdata/internal/opentelemetry-proto # The SHA matching the current version of the proto to use OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_VERSION=v0.18.0 # Find all .proto files. OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_FILES := $(subst $(OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_SRC_DIR)/,,$(wildcard $(OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_SRC_DIR)/opentelemetry/proto/*/v1/*.proto $(OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_SRC_DIR)/opentelemetry/proto/collector/*/v1/*.proto)) # Target directory to write generated files to. PROTO_TARGET_GEN_DIR=pdata/internal/data/protogen # Go package name to use for generated files.$(PROTO_TARGET_GEN_DIR) # Intermediate directory used during generation. PROTO_INTERMEDIATE_DIR=pdata/internal/.patched-otlp-proto DOCKER_PROTOBUF ?= otel/build-protobuf:0.9.0 PROTOC := docker run --rm -u ${shell id -u} -v${PWD}:${PWD} -w${PWD}/$(PROTO_INTERMEDIATE_DIR) ${DOCKER_PROTOBUF} --proto_path=${PWD} PROTO_INCLUDES := -I/usr/include/ -I./ # Cleanup temporary directory genproto-cleanup: rm -Rf ${OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_SRC_DIR} # Generate OTLP Protobuf Go files. This will place generated files in PROTO_TARGET_GEN_DIR. genproto: genproto-cleanup mkdir -p ${OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_SRC_DIR} curl -sSL${OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_VERSION} | tar xz --strip 1 -C ${OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_SRC_DIR} # Call a sub-make to ensure OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_FILES is populated $(MAKE) genproto_sub $(MAKE) fmt $(MAKE) genproto-cleanup genproto_sub: @echo Generating code for the following files: @$(foreach file,$(OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_FILES),$(call exec-command,echo $(file))) @echo Delete intermediate directory. @rm -rf $(PROTO_INTERMEDIATE_DIR) @echo Copy .proto file to intermediate directory. mkdir -p $(PROTO_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/opentelemetry cp -R $(OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_SRC_DIR)/opentelemetry/* $(PROTO_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/opentelemetry # Patch proto files. See proto_patch.sed for patching rules. @echo Modify them in the intermediate directory. $(foreach file,$(OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_FILES),$(call exec-command,sed -f proto_patch.sed $(OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_SRC_DIR)/$(file) > $(PROTO_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/$(file))) @echo Generate Go code from .proto files in intermediate directory. $(foreach file,$(OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_FILES),$(call exec-command,$(PROTOC) $(PROTO_INCLUDES) --gogofaster_out=plugins=grpc:./ $(file))) @echo Move generated code to target directory. mkdir -p $(PROTO_TARGET_GEN_DIR) cp -R $(PROTO_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/$(PROTO_PACKAGE)/* $(PROTO_TARGET_GEN_DIR)/ rm -rf $(PROTO_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/ @rm -rf $(OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_SRC_DIR)/* @rm -rf $(OPENTELEMETRY_PROTO_SRC_DIR)/.* > /dev/null 2>&1 || true # Generate structs, functions and tests for pdata package. Must be used after any changes # to proto and after running `make genproto` genpdata: $(GOCMD) run pdata/internal/cmd/pdatagen/main.go $(MAKE) fmt # Generate semantic convention constants. Requires a clone of the opentelemetry-specification repo gensemconv: @[ "${SPECPATH}" ] || ( echo ">> env var SPECPATH is not set"; exit 1 ) @[ "${SPECTAG}" ] || ( echo ">> env var SPECTAG is not set"; exit 1 ) @echo "Generating semantic convention constants from specification version ${SPECTAG} at ${SPECPATH}" semconvgen -o semconv/${SPECTAG} -t semconv/template.j2 -s ${SPECTAG} -i ${SPECPATH}/semantic_conventions/resource -p conventionType=resource -f generated_resource.go semconvgen -o semconv/${SPECTAG} -t semconv/template.j2 -s ${SPECTAG} -i ${SPECPATH}/semantic_conventions/trace -p conventionType=trace -f generated_trace.go # Checks that the HEAD of the contrib repo checked out in CONTRIB_PATH compiles # against the current version of this repo. .PHONY: check-contrib check-contrib: @echo Setting contrib at $(CONTRIB_PATH) to use this core checkout @$(MAKE) -C $(CONTRIB_PATH) for-all CMD="$(GOCMD) mod edit -replace$(CURDIR)" @$(MAKE) -C $(CONTRIB_PATH) for-all CMD="$(GOCMD) mod edit -replace$(CURDIR)/pdata" @$(MAKE) -C $(CONTRIB_PATH) for-all CMD="$(GOCMD) mod edit -replace$(CURDIR)/semconv" @$(MAKE) -C $(CONTRIB_PATH) -j2 gotidy @$(MAKE) -C $(CONTRIB_PATH) test @echo Restoring contrib to no longer use this core checkout @$(MAKE) -C $(CONTRIB_PATH) for-all CMD="$(GOCMD) mod edit -dropreplace" # List of directories where certificates are stored for unit tests. CERT_DIRS := localhost|""|config/configgrpc/testdata \ localhost|""|config/confighttp/testdata \ example1|"-1"|config/configtls/testdata \ example2|"-2"|config/configtls/testdata cert-domain = $(firstword $(subst |, ,$1)) cert-suffix = $(word 2,$(subst |, ,$1)) cert-dir = $(word 3,$(subst |, ,$1)) # Generate certificates for unit tests relying on certificates. .PHONY: certs certs: $(foreach dir, $(CERT_DIRS), $(call exec-command, @internal/buildscripts/ -o $(call cert-dir,$(dir)) -s $(call cert-suffix,$(dir)) -m $(call cert-domain,$(dir)))) # Generate certificates for unit tests relying on certificates without copying certs to specific test directories. .PHONY: certs-dryrun certs-dryrun: @internal/buildscripts/ -d # Verify existence of READMEs for components specified as default components in the collector. .PHONY: checkdoc checkdoc: checkdoc --project-path $(CURDIR) --component-rel-path $(COMP_REL_PATH) --module-name $(MOD_NAME) # Construct new API state snapshots .PHONY: apidiff-build apidiff-build: @$(foreach pkg,$(ALL_PKGS),$(call exec-command,./internal/buildscripts/ -p $(pkg))) # If we are running in CI, change input directory ifeq ($(CI), true) APICOMPARE_OPTS=$(COMPARE_OPTS) else APICOMPARE_OPTS=-d "./internal/data/apidiff" endif # Compare API state snapshots .PHONY: apidiff-compare apidiff-compare: @$(foreach pkg,$(ALL_PKGS),$(call exec-command,./internal/buildscripts/ -p $(pkg))) .PHONY: multimod-verify multimod-verify: install-tools @echo "Validating versions.yaml" multimod verify .PHONY: multimod-prerelease multimod-prerelease: install-tools multimod prerelease -v ./versions.yaml -m collector-core $(MAKE) gotidy