Ego4D-HCap is a hierarchical video captioning dataset containing captions for long-range videos across three temporal granularities: short-range clip captions focusing on specific human actions, medium-length segment descriptions focusing on specific human actions, and long-range video summaries depicting the overall intent and goals of the video. The dataset is built on Ego4D videos.
Download the Ego4D videos using the following steps.
- Get License Agreement and download the Ego4D videos.
- Use to crop and chunk the videos to the smaller side of 288 pixels and chunk length of 5 minutes.
(Note: This step is required for faster I/O. You can also evaluate the pretrained models without this step.)
You can download the Ego4D-HCap captions from this link. The following are the descriptions of the caption annotations.
and clips_val.pkl
are the training and validation files for short-range clip captions. Each file contains a list of tuples of (vid, start_sec, end_sec, clip_caption).
vid : video_id
start_sec: start second of the clip
end_sec: end second of the clip
clip_caption: ground-tuth clip caption
and segments_val.pkl
are the training and the validation files for medium-range segment descriptions. segments_train_pseudo.pkl
is the LLM-generated pseudo-annotations for segments.
Each file contains a list of dictionaries containing following fields:
'vid' : video_id
'start_sec' : start second of the segment
'end_sec' : end second of the segment
'captions_pred' : predicted clip captions by Video ReCap for the particular segment
'captions_gt' : ground-truth captions of the particular segment
'segment_description' : ground-truth segment description
and videos_val.pkl
are the training and the validation files for long-range video summaries. videos_train_pseudo.pkl
is the LLM-generated pseudo-annotations for segments.
Each file contains a list of dictionaries containing following fields:
'vid' : video_id
'start_sec' : start second of the segment
'end_sec' : end second of the segment
'segment_descriptions' : ground-truth segment descriptions of the particular video
'segment_descriptions_pred' : predicted segment descriptions by Video ReCap for the particular video
'video_summary' : ground-truth video_summary