Please run the following commands to install necessary packages. For more details on Pytorch Geometric please refer to install the PyTorch Geometric packages following the instructions from here.
conda create --name guide python==3.7.11
conda activate guide
conda install pytorch==1.10.0 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
pip install torch-scatter -f
pip install torch-sparse -f
pip install torch-geometric==2.0.1
pip install aif360==0.3.0
We ran our experiments on two high-stakes datasets: credit and income and also a larger social network dataset pokec. All the data are present in the './dataset' folder. Due to space constraints, pokec is zipped so please unzip it before use.
The main scripts are listed below: GUIDE, InFoRM, PFR, FairGNN, NIFTY, and vanilla are included.
run GUIDE: Evaluate fairness and utility performance of GCN and credit dataset
python --model gcn --dataset credit --alpha 5e-6 --beta 1 --seed 1
The AUCROC of estimator: 0.6776
Total Individual Unfairness: 1886.4669
GDIF: 1.0030
run InFoRM: Evaluate fairness and utility performance of InFoRM-GCN and credit dataset
python --model gcn --dataset credit --alpha 5e-6 --opt_if 1 --seed 1
The AUCROC of estimator: 0.6813
Total Individual Unfairness: 2408.4109
GDIF: 1.4903
run PFR: Evaluate fairness and utility performance of PFR-GCN and credit dataset
python --model gcn --dataset credit --gamma 0.5 --seed 1
The AUCROC of estimator: 0.6724
Total Individual Unfairness: 12494.9785
GDIF: 1.3037
run FairGNN: Evaluate fairness and utility performance of FairGNN-GCN and credit dataset
python --model gcn --dataset credit --alpha 4 --beta 1000 --seed 1
The AUCROC of estimator: 0.6890
Total Individual Unfairness: 43560.7930
GDIF: 1.3326
run NIFTY: Evaluate fairness and utility performance of NIFTY-GCN and credit dataset
python --encoder gcn --dataset credit --model ssf --sim_coeff 0.5 --seed 1
The AUCROC of estimator: 0.6927
Total Individual Unfairness: 31671.1328
GDIF: 1.2466
run vanilla GNN: Evaluate fairness and utility performance of GCN and credit dataset (note it is using but with opt_if flag off)
python --model gcn --dataset credit --alpha 0 --opt_if 0 --seed 1
The AUCROC of estimator: 0.6984
Total Individual Unfairness: 40829.4336
GDIF: 1.3748
Note that the code in this repository is licensed under MIT License. Please carefully check them before use.