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@plumgrid @microsoft @Azure @kinvolk @MicrosoftDocs @inspektor-gadget

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Mike Brown mikebrow
OSS Engineer; @containerd maintainer; working @oci, @cncf, and @kubernetes projects

IBM Austin

Phil Estes estesp
Principal Engineer at @aws. Maintainer for @containerd. Focus on containers, cloud, & Linux. CNCF Ambassador. OCI Technical Oversight Board.

@aws Virginia, USA

Bjorn Neergaard neersighted
Open source maintainer (@moby, @python-poetry, @dense-analysis), software plumber, hardware dabbler. Senior Software Engineer @docker

@Docker Dockerfile

Samuel Karp samuelkarp
Chair of the @opencontainers TOB. Staff Software Engineer @google. he/him

Google Seattle, WA

Tianon Gravi tianon
bashochist; debian, dragon, father, go, jq, perl, (neo)vim; basically nine years old; he/him or they/them

@docker, but thoughts, comments, commits generally his own ("do not represent the views of Docker, Inc" etc etc) Las Vegas, NV

Liz Rice lizrice
Open Source @isovalent @cilium | @cncf governing board & TOC emeritus chair | O'Reilly author "Learning eBPF" & "Container Security" | @OpenUK board

@isovalent at @Cisco London

ashu8912 ashu8912
Engineering @microsoft.

@microsoft Bangalore

Akihiro Suda AkihiroSuda
A maintainer of containerd, Lima, Moby(dockerd), BuildKit, runc, etc.

NTT Tokyo, Japan

Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau remzi-arpacidusseau
Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau is a full professor in the Computer Sciences department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI

Inspektor Gadget inspektor-gadget
Introspecting and debugging Kubernetes applications using BPF "gadgets"
Vincent Batts vbatts

@microsoft Raleigh, NC, USA

Arslan Chaudhry arslan-chaudhry
Research Scientist DeepMind

DeepMind Mountain View, CA

Pablo Chico de Guzman pchico83
Founder & CTO @oktetohq (YC W19). Docker Community Leader. Cloud Native Development Advocate.

Okteto Madrid

Justin Garrison rothgar
learning and sharing

@SideroLabs Los Angeles

Filippo Valsorda FiloSottile
Cryptogopher. @recursecenter alum. RC F'13, F2'17.

Rome, Italy

John Arundel bitfield
Writes books. Programming is fun, and you should have fun!

Bitfield Consulting Cornwall, UK

Thomas Graf tgraf
Cilium, eBPF, Kubernetes, Co-Founder & CTO Isovalent

Isovalent & Cilium Zurich, Switzerland

Josue Zarzosa josketres

@Lotto24 Hamburg, Germany

Dimitris Kiriakakis dimeloper
🛠️ Working with Javascript, TypeScript, Angular, NextJS, Node, NestJS, GoLang, Vue ✌🏻

Full Stack Developer @ ZEAL | Freelancer Hamburg, Germany

Nikhita Raghunath nikhita
principal engineer @vmware | @cncf technical oversight committee | @kubernetes maintainer | ex-KubeCon Chair, @kubernetes steering

@broadcom Bangalore, India

Kris Nóva krisnova
You should never run my code.


Jess Frazelle jessfraz
A superhero with supervillain tendencies.

@KittyCAD PID 1

Sebastiaan van Stijn thaJeztah
@docker, @moby, @containerd, and runc maintainer, member of the Moby TSC. Principal Software Engineer @ Docker, Inc. Feeds @GordonTheTurtle with PRs

thaJeztah Netherlands

Rubab Zahra Sarfraz rubabzs
A software engineer, an open source contributor and a databases enthusiast. A team player who knows when to wear leadership hat.
Brendan Gregg brendangregg
Cloud computing performance engineer.

Intel Sydney, Australia

Brenden Blanco drzaeus77

VMware Palo Alto, CA