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Punching above my weight
Punching above my weight

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Dmitry Selikhov idimetrix
💻ALWAYS HIRING, 🌍REMOTE JOBS, 💼HR, 🚀CTO, 🏗️Software Architect, 🧑‍💻Technical Lead, 👨‍💼3X Founder. 🔗Linking companies with top tech talents. @elevanceit

@elevanceit New York

Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


Charles Chrismann Charles-Chrismann
Étudiant en 3e année de Développement Web à l'IIM

Institut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM) Paris, La Défense

Senior Vue.js Developer seniorvuejsdeveloper
Senior Vue.js Developer with a passion for crafting exceptional web applications. With expertise in 🌟 Vue.js, 🚀 Nuxt.js, and ⚙️ Node.js 💻🚀 @mustafacagri

Vue Companies Istanbul

Cleber Simm clebersimm

Florianopolis, SC, Brazil

Hassam M hassamulhaq
LAMP Stack - PHP | Laravel | Laminas | JS | Vue

Lahore, Pakistan

WhatsApp API for developers Whapi-Cloud
Integrate WhatsApp without limits to your own services or apps. Stability feature-rich API & Excellent customer support!

Whapi Cloud

01010010010101010101 D4Fi

FreeLance world

Iceburg CRM iceburgcrm
Iceburg CRM

Toronto, Canada

Software Developer bh717
A well-rounded FullStack developer is proficient in web development. I am currently exploring and enjoying the exciting world of blockchain.


Muhammet Mert Polat mmertpolat
Software Engineer at PwC

PwC Turkey

Aline Angela Ibers alineai18
🌈 I am a persistent script girl. I believe in people's freedom, and I am currently learning @aplus-framework

XSS Brazil

Lahiru Senavirathna SE-LAPS
ASE @SLIBTEC | Full-Stack Developer | AI & ML Enthusiast | You Tuber Sri Lanka

Aplus Developer aplus-developer
I love to code. I love you. ❤️ ⚡⚡ Coding with @aplus-framework.

@aplus-framework Internet

Charles Adu Boakye 4cyberlord
Full-Stack Developer | Mobile App Developer | Backend Developer | PHP | Laravel | Flutter | Vue.js | React.js | Node.js

Dmitry dimkagithub
Will code for food


Gustavo Luiz de Oliveira GustavoLuizO
Studying Computer Science. Currently delving into software development. Working as a NET Full Stack Developer

Campos Gerais, Brasil

Felipe Campos fco3lho
Undergraduate of Computer Engineering at @CEFET-MG

Indicium Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil

cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Ricardo Sohn ricardosohn

Joinville, Santa Catarina - Brazil

Angela Hempkmeier angelahempkmeier
Software Engineer.

@picpay São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

ErosAmorim ErosAmorim
Sou Desenvolvedor Front End e amo aplicar meu conhecimento para solucionar problemas, resolver desafios e melhorar a experiência do usuário.
Finding Passion in the Back-End Developer World: C# | .NET | Python | Java | Spring | Git | JUnit | JavaScript | PHP | Laravel | Symfony | SQL

Juniper Travel Technology España, Spain

Tausiq Samantaray tausiq2003
011010000110010101101100 011011000110111100100000 011101110110111101110010 0110110001100100

Bhubaneswar, India

Bruno Siqueira Pedro Melo brd3v
Engenheiro Front End Freelancer. Reactjs | Nodejs | Typescript

Freelancer Earth

Tiago Guimarães tabguimaraes
Analista de TI. Formado em Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação. Desenvolvedor com foco em JavaScript, NodeJS e Python.


Andrey Esin esin
Linux Administrator, DevOps Engineer and Go Developer
Chiantine P. Manigos xchanmolx
Full-Stack web/software developer focusing on .net core web api, angular, and sql server, mysql etc...

Manigos Information Technology Solutions Philippines

Carlos Eduardo Cuzik cuzik
- Ruby on Rails Developer - Game Development Enthusiast

@trusted Joinville, SC, Brazil

Deep Sea deepsea514
I am a Senior Software Engineer with 8+ years of experience. I have strong knowledge in Blockchain and Web development.
TopCodeBeast TopCodeBeast
Web full stack and Blockchain developer
Cézar Augusto cizordj

Indaial, SC

Scopes scopes1337
Monkeys are Equal to a race

Nope Danmark

Helder Geovane Gomes de Lima he7d3r
Mathematics | Teaching | Data Science | Machine Learning


RAJKUMAR rjsamra
Full Stack Founder

@Knackline Mumbai, India

Renato Tanaka renatotnk
Data Engineer, undergrad from @UDESC - Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina,

Wiser Educação Currently in Londrina - BR

Wilton Jaciel Loch wiltonloch

German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) Berlin, Germany

Eduarda Cristina dudangel
Computer science student at UDESC and mother of a three cats. 🐳 🌺

Joinville - SC

Akinn Rosa akinncar
Senior Software Engineer (React Native, Expo, React, Node, Blockchain)

@ExodusMovement Brazil

Geovane geovane-gc
Graduated in Computer Science and Software Engineer.

Liqi Digital Assets Tubarão, SC, Brasil