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Taner Saydam TanerSaydam

Taner Saydam Kayseri/Turkey

ABU SAID said7388
⚡Crazy programmer! Professional & Ambitious. I love the wide range of stacks of Software Engineering that includes Frontend, Backend, and DevOps⚡

Teton Private Limited Dhaka, Bangladesh

Safa Gayret gayret
Frontend Developer

İstanbul, Türkiye

Alper Çün alpercun
Code of Duty: Front-end Developer 🔮

Denizli, Turkey

Kadir Yazıcı kadiryazici
TypeScript and Vue developer.

@seamapi İzmit

Theo Browne t3dotgg
I'm just here for the vibes, man

CEO @ San Francisco, CA

Bora KAŞMER borakasmer
Bazıları Hayal Eder Bazıları Yapar

KeepnetLabs Cyber Security Istanbul / Turkey

Hasan ÜNAL hasanunal
Front-end Developer

Tekrom Tech. - E-Commerce Systems İstanbul

Salih Cantekin - MVP salihcantekin
Lover (Coding + Cooking + Space + Sports + Life + FENERBAHÇE)

United Kindom

Mert Can Altin mertcanaltin
🌟 Open Source Enthusiast | @nodejs & @expressjs Team Member | CPC Member at @openjs-foundation 🚀


Salih İbrahimbaş 9ssi7
software engineer

@monopayments Turkiye

Muhammet Yıldız Muhammet-Yildiz
Frontend Developer

Sakarya ,Turkey

Khaled Oghli khaledOghli
Senior Front End Developer @DubaiMunicipality

Dubai Municipality Dubai

Hatice Edis edisdev
Senior Front-End Developer and Mathematician.

@ProteinTech Samsun, Turkey

Hasan Sezai Türkyılmaz hsturkyilmaz
Frontend Developer

Tokat, Turkey

Piotr Jura piotr-jura-udemy
Udemy instructor

Fado Code Camp Kraków

Dave Stewart davestewart
Web Developer (JS, TS, Vue, Node) into Open Source and Indie Hacking.

London, UK

Burak Selim Senyurt buraksenyurt
Matematik Mühendisi, MBAci, eski MVP, blogger, @nedirtv editörü. Turuncu sakallı bir yazılım geliştirici.

@DogusTeknoloji Turkey

Abdelrahman Awad logaretm
Senior Engineer | 🤓 GDE in Web Technologies | 🎙️ Podcast Host | I dabble in Vue.js 💚 TypeScript 💙 and GraphQL 🩷

@Rasayel Cairo, Egypt

Estéban Barbapapazes
I create user experiences on the web and in real life!


Gaetan SENN gaetansenn
Creator of Dewib a web agency Available for some support on Nuxt.js/VueJS/Next.js/React/NodeJS development.

Dewib France

Adam Berecz adamberecz
Semi-nerd guy with form fetish

Vueform Budapest, Hungary

Yosuke Ota ota-meshi
Member of @vuejs, @sveltejs, @stylelint, @stylus, and @intlify. ex-@eslint. Owner of cheetah-grid. Java/JavaScript/TypeScript. I use broken English

@future-architect Kanagawa, Japan

Oğuzhan antlionguard
frontend developer

@octoxlabs Turkey

Cagatay Civici cagataycivici
Founder of PrimeFaces, PrimeNG, PrimeReact and PrimeVue. Java Champion.

PrimeTek Turkey

Atakan atakantepe
ui team lead @primefaces, open-source, ai tinkerer, always exploring what’s next.

PrimeTek Turkey

Selman Kahya SelmanKahya
full-time developer, part-time youtuber ;)

San Francisco

Atheros atherosai
On the path towards artificial general intelligence and building narrow AI products along the way


Julia Undeutsch | GDE YuriDevAT
Dev & UX Accessibility Specialist at Atos | Google Developer Expert for Web Technologies | CPACC IAAP | Founder Accessibility First | Speaker | DE | EN | JP

Atos Vienna

Omar Ashraf omarashrafwagih
Telecommunication Engineer, Front End Ninja, Digital Creative, Pixel Master & Code Warrior.

Saudi Arabia, Riyadh

Florin Pop florinpop17
Dev & YouTuber Creator of Romania

Brad Traversy bradtraversy
Full stack web developer and online instructor, specializiing in mostly JS, but also write Python, PHP and some other stuff.

Traversy Media Massachusetts

Tuğçe Küçükoğlu tugcekucukoglu
core member of @primevue

@primefaces Turkey

RustDesk rustdesk
Making affordable remote desktop service for everyone

Purslane Ltd. Singapore

unovue unovue
Enhance Vue ecosystem with libraries and tools!
Charm charmbracelet
We make the command line glamorous.


Kovid Goyal kovidgoyal
Principal developer of calibre and kitty

Mumbai, India

GPTScript gptscript-ai
Natural Language Programming