Fix and add topo data to OSM in Norway
python <municipality> [-overlap] [-mergeprop] [-merge] [-simplify] [-water] [-river] [-help]
For all arguments below (or with no arguments), topo relations will be reordered if needed. Outer members will be put at the top and inner members below. Inner members will be ordered according to the size of the inner area. Affected relations will get a REORDER=* tag. A warning will be given if more than one outer member area exist + an OUTER=* tag on the relation. A file of the format topofix_4207_Flekkefjord.osm will be produced. Please note that this file will be overwritten by each run below.
The following arguments should be used in the described order, preferably one argument only in each run.
This function will merge overlapping ways (ways with same position). These cases may be caused by insufficient merging between for example water features and wood features when the import was done. Merged ways will get a OVERLAP=* tag. Merged ways which are horizontal or vertical parts of a wood grid will also get a GRID=* tag.
Fix any validation errors and warnings in JOSM and upload to OSM.
This function will propose relations to be merged in the next
step. This way, features will no longer be split along municipality boundaries. Ways which are connecting the relations to be merged will get a FIXME=* tag.- FIXME=Merge will mark ways which will be removed when relations are merged.
- FIXME=Merge incomplete will mark cases where you need to first download members of one of the merging relations. Search for
FIXME=parent("Merge incomplete") (parent(incomplete) or parent(parent(incomplete)))
in JOSM, then select the Download members function in the popup menu. After downloading, please modify the tag to FIXME=Merge. - FIXME=Join will mark the same as FIXME=Merge, but where two ways overlapping ways were merged.
Modify the proposed FIXME=* tags and add new ways with FIXME=Split tags as needed in order to get complete relations without cut-offs at municipality borders. Take care to ensure that the large wood grids are not combined due to FIXME=Merge (one or more FIXME=Split might be needed to contain the grid). Note that a way with FIXME=Split must end onto members of the same relation at each end of the way, and that ways containing any end nodes must be split at that node. Check that there are no FIXME=Merge/Join between lakes which are intendend to stay as separate objects. Also, do not merge features across municipality boundaries if one of the municipalities have not been imported yet.
Please store the modified file with a _merge.osm ending, for example topofix_4207_Flekkefjord_merge.osm. It will be loaded by the
function below, and it will not be overwritten. -
This function will first split, then merge, relations according to FIXME=* instructions given as described above. Please modify the _merge.osm file if any error messages are displayed. Splitted relations will be marked with a SPLIT=* tag and merged relations will be marked with a MERGED=* tag.
Ways with a FIXME=Split tag which failed to split a relation will be marked with a NO_SPLIT=* tag. You may need to re-run this function a few times after modifying the _merge.osm file to get the desired result.
Fix any validation errors and warnings in JOSM and upload to OSM.
This function will concatenate member ways in a relation to form a full connected polygon is possible. Relations which consequently only have one member will be converted into a way (tags will be relocated to the member way and the relation will be deleted). Run this function before the
function below, but do not run it if the relations in question will be needed later, for example if an import is incomplete.Fix any validation errors and warnings in JOSM and upload to OSM.
This function will carry out a number of actions on lakes:
- Identify islands and tag them with place=island/islet.
- Load reference id and elevations from the NVE lake database, including special tagging for reservoirs (water=reservoir + ele:min=*).
- Load elevations for non-NVE lakes from the DTM height model of Kartverket.
- Load names of lakes and islands from the SSR database and propose tagging.
Process for manual modifcations to proposed names in the produced file:
- Search for
to get names which may have been updated in SSR since last import into OSM. Use the To-do plugin to walk through each case and edit the existing name in OSM if apropriate. - Search for
to get extra names which may be relevant for a lake or island. Use the To-do plugin to walk through each case and modify the existing name, add alt_name=* (based on the generated ALT_NAME=*) or add a node with for example natural=bay if the name is relevant for part of a lake only. Each extra name is included as a node which may be used or deleted, as apropriate. - Repeat this process for
to check if the assigned name is correct, and to decide what to do with extra names for a lake or island. Some of these names may be duplicates (to be deleted), or alternative names or group names (to be added as alt_name=*). - Repeat this process for
to decide which of two or more names should be used for a lake or island. - Search for
new waterway=waterfall and new waterway=rapids
to check that the proposed position is correct. - Search for
to get names which were not matched with any feature.
Fix any validation errors and warnings in JOSM and upload to OSM.
This function will carry out a number of actions on rivers and streams:
- Load names from SSR database and propose tagging.
- Match rivers/streams with NVE Elvenett river network model, turn direction of way if needed, and recombine river/stream segments into longer ways.
- Add waterway centerlines to natural=water + water=river relations, including connecting segments for streams across riverbanks.
There are four alternative arguments for river centerlines:
- Will add missing centerlines.-extrariver
- Will add mising centerlines plus connecting stream segments.-allriver
- Will add all NVE centerlines (existing centerlines in OSM must be replaced) and connecting stream segments.-nameriver
- Only add names to rivers (no other modifications).
Process for manual modifications:
- Search for
to swap proposed waterway centerlines with any existing centerlines. Use the To-do plugin. You may need to split and cocatenate segments in this step. - Search for
to connect new short waterway segments at the riverbank. Use the To-do plugin. - Search for
to split waterways at the point where they change name, usually at a waterway intersection. Use the To-do plugin. For each case, search for nearbyFIXME:insert
nodes containing the names. Combine segments with the same name to get long connected ways. - Search for
to get remaining river/stream/dam names which did not match. You may in some cases need to map the way needed. Use the To-do plugin. - Search for
ELVIS waterway=river -name=*
to check if existing names should be extended to any river segments.
Use the topo background map at various zoom levels to get information about how a given river/stream name is extending.
Fix any validation errors and warnings in JOSM and upload to OSM.
- n50osm på GitHub
- ssr2osm på GitHub
- NVE Lake database
- NVE River network (ELVIS)
- Kartverket place names (SSR)
- Kartverket DTM