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Customise a button's background, text and border color. 為內建 Gui.Button 類別擴充一個變更按鈕背景、文字及邊框顏色的方法。


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An extended method for changing a button's background, text and border color.

English | 中文 | Srpski

ColorButton Demo


  • Easily change a button's background, text and border color.
  • Automatically set the text colour to white or black depends on the background colour.
  • Compatible with AutoHotkey v2.1-alpha.9 or later. (Update: v2.0 is now supported too.)
  • Learn more about the ahk v2.1-alpha: Click here

Basic Look

On Windows 11

On Windows 10


  1. Download the ColorButton.ahk file.
  2. Include the ColorButton.ahk file in your script.
  3. Implement the background color by using the SetBackColor method.



 * Configures a button's appearance.
 * @param {number} bgColor - Button's background color (RGB).
 * @param {number} [txColor] - Button text color (RGB). If omitted, the text colour will be automatically set to white or black depends on the background colour.
 * @param {boolean} [showBorder=1]
 * - `n` : The higher the value, the thicker the button's border when focused.
 * - `1` : Highlight when focused.
 * - `0` : No border displayed.
 * - `-1`: Border always visible.
 * - `-n`: The lower the value, the thicker the button's border when always visible.
 * @param {number} [borderColor=0xFFFFFF] - Button border color (RGB).
 * @param {number} [roundedCorner] - Rounded corner preference for the button. If omitted,     
 * - For Windows 11: Enabled (value: 9).
 * - For Windows 10: Disabled.
SetColor(bgColor, txColor?, showBorder := 1, borderColor := 0xFFFFFF, roundedCorner?)

BtnObj.SetColor(bgColor, txColor?, showBorder := 1, borderColor := 0xFFFFFF, roundedCorner?)

#Requires AutoHotkey v2
#Include <ColorButton>

/** @type {_BtnColor} */
btn := btn2 := btn3 := btn4 := unset

/* Rounded (Windows 11) or rectangle (Windows 10) button that will get its border on show when it's focused. */
btn := myGui.AddButton("xm w300", "Rounded Button")
btn.SetColor("0xaa2031", "FFFFCC",, "fff5cc", 9)

/* When you press the button each time, the background and text colours of the button swap around. */
btnClicked(btn, *) {
    static toggle    := 0
    static textColor := btn.TextColor
    static backColor := btn.BackColor
    if (toggle^=1) {
        btn.TextColor := btn.BorderColor := backColor
        btn.backColor := textColor
    } else {
        btn.TextColor := btn.BorderColor := TextColor
        btn.backColor := backColor

/* Rounded (Windows 11) or rectangle (Windows 10) button that’s got its border on show all the time. */
btn2 := myGui.AddButton("yp wp", "Border Always Visible")
btn2.SetColor(myGui.BackColor, "fff5cc")
btn2.BorderColor := btn2.TextColor
btn2.ShowBorder  := -5

/* Rectangle Button and show border outline when the button's focused. */
btn3 := myGui.AddButton("xm wp", "Rectangle Button")
btn3.SetColor("4e479a", "c6c1f7", 2)
btn3.RoundedCorner := 0

/* Rectangle Button with no border outline. */
btn4 := myGui.AddButton("yp wp", "No Focused Outline")
btn4.SetBackColor("008080",, 0, 0,, "AFEEEE")

myGui.Show("w280 AutoSize")


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


本程式庫為內建類別 Gui.Button 擴充了一個更改按鈕背景背景、文字和邊框顏色的方法。


  • 輕鬆更改按鈕的背景、文字和邊框顏色。
  • 自動根據背景色彩的深淺設定文字色彩 (深色背景+白色文字或淺色背景+黑色文字)。
  • 支援 AutoHotkey v2.0 或更高版本。
  • 想知道更多關於 ahk v2.1-alpha 的資訊,請按這裡

在 Windows 11 上

在 Windows 10 上


  1. 下載 ColorButton.ahk 文件。
  2. 在您的程式碼中加入 ColorButton.ahk
  3. 使用 SetBackColor 方法變更按鈕背景色彩。



 * 設定按鈕的外觀。
 * @param {number} bgColor - 按鈕的背景顏色(RGB)。
 * @param {number} [txColor] - 按鈕文字顏色(RGB)。如果未指定,文字顏色將根據背景顏色自動設置為白色或黑色。
 * @param {boolean} [showBorder=1]
 * - `1` : 聚焦時高亮顯示。
 * - `0` : 無邊框顯示。
 * - `-1`: 邊框始終可見。
 * @param {number} [borderColor=0xFFFFFF] - 按鈕邊框顏色(RGB)。
 * @param {number} [roundedCorner] - 按鈕的圓角偏好。如果未指定:
 * - 對於 Windows 11:啟用(值:9)。
 * - 對於 Windows 10:禁用。
SetColor(bgColor, txColor?, showBorder := 1, borderColor := 0xFFFFFF, roundedCorner?)

BtnObj.SetColor(bgColor, txColor?, showBorder := 1, borderColor := 0xFFFFFF, roundedCorner?)

#Requires AutoHotkey v2
#Include <ColorButton>

/** @type {_BtnColor} */
btn := btn2 := btn3 := btn4 := unset

btn := myGui.AddButton("xm w300", "Rounded Button")
btn.SetColor("0xaa2031", "FFFFCC",, "fff5cc", 9)
btn.OnEvent("Click", btnClicked)

btnClicked(btn, *) {
    static toggle    := 0
    static textColor := btn.TextColor
    static backColor := btn.BackColor
    if (toggle^=1) {
        btn.TextColor := backColor
        btn.backColor := textColor
    } else {
        btn.TextColor := TextColor
        btn.backColor := backColor

btn2 := myGui.AddButton("yp wp", "Border Always Visible")
btn2.SetColor(myGui.BackColor, "fff5cc")
btn2.BorderColor := btn2.TextColor
btn2.ShowBorder  := -1

btn3 := myGui.AddButton("xm wp", "Rectangle Button")
btn3.SetColor("4e479a", "c6c1f7")
btn3.RoundedCorner := 0

btn4 := myGui.AddButton("yp wp", "No Focused Outline")
btn4.SetBackColor("008080",, 0, 0,, "AFEEEE")

myGui.Show("w280 AutoSize")


本項目根據 MIT 許可證進行許可 - 請參閱 文件以獲取詳細資訊。


Proširena metoda za promenu boje pozadine dugmeta.


  • Lako promenite boju pozadine dugmeta.
  • Kompatibilno sa AutoHotkey v2.0 ili novijim verzijama.
  • Saznajte više o ahk v2.1-alpha: Kliknite ovde


Na Windows 11

Na Windows 10


  1. Preuzmite ColorButton.ahk datoteku.
  2. Uključite ColorButton.ahk datoteku u vaš skript.
  3. Implementirajte boju pozadine koristeći SetBackColor metodu.



 * @param {integer} btnBgColor Button's background color. (RGB)
 * @param {integer} [colorBehindBtn] The color of the button's surrounding area. If omitted, if will be the same as `myGui.BackColor`. **(Usually let it be transparent looks better.)**
 * @param {integer} [roundedCorner] Specifies the rounded corner preference for the button. If omitted,        : 
 * > For Windows 11: Enabled. (value: 9)  
 * > For Windows 10: Disabled.
 * @param {Integer} [showFocusedBorder=true] Highlight the border of the button when it's focused. 
SetBackColor(btnBgColor, colorBehindBtn?, roundedCorner?, showFocusedBorder := true)

BtnObj.SetBackColor(btnBgColor, colorBehindBtn?, roundedCorner?, showFocusedBorder := true)

#Requires AutoHotkey v2
#Include <ColorButton>

myGui := Gui()
myGui.SetFont("cWhite s20", "Segoe UI")
myGui.BackColor := 0x2c2c2c

/** @type {_BtnColor} */
btn := myGui.AddButton("w300", "Rounded Button")
btn.SetBackColor(0xaa2031,, 9)

/** @type {_BtnColor} */
btn2 := myGui.AddButton("wp", "No Focused Outline")
btn2.SetBackColor(0xffd155,, 9, false)

/** @type {_BtnColor} */
btn3 := myGui.AddButton("wp", "Rectangle Button")
btn3.SetBackColor("0x7755ff",, 0)

/** @type {_BtnColor} */
btn4 := myGui.AddButton("wp", "No Focused Outline")
btn4.SetBackColor("0x55ffd4", , 0, 0)

myGui.Show("w280 AutoSize")


Ovaj projekat je licenciran pod MIT Licencom - za detalje pogledajte datoteku.