First, follow step 0
for installation.
If you want to use our LPFF dataset, you can download our cropped images and predicted parameters, and go to step 2
and step 3
for dataset processing.
For those who want to process custom raw images using our data processing pipeline, please go to step 1
for image processing, then go to step 2
and step 3
for dataset processing.
cd data_processing
conda create -n LPFF python=3.6
source activate LPFF
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd 0_image_processing
Install torch and torchvision.
pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 torchvision==0.8.2+cu110 -f
Install other packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Nvdiffrast library.
git clone cd nvdiffrast # ./Deep3DFaceRecon_pytorch/nvdiffrast pip install .
Data download
Please download shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat.bz2, then extract it to 0_image_processing/checkpoints/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat
Following Deep3DFaceRecon_pytorch model preparation guidance to organize all needed files into the following structure:
└─── BFM
│ │
│ └─── 01_MorphableModel.mat
│ │
│ └─── Exp_Pca.bin
│ |
│ └─── ...
└─── checkpoints
│ │
│ └─── pretrained
│ │
│ └─── epoch_20.pth
└─── shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat
Image processing
Put raw images into DATADIR/raw
python --data_dir=DATADIR
In this step, we extract the landmarks of all raw images (predicted by face_alignment and dlib), then use the landmarks to realign the raw images to 2400x2400, after that, Deep3DFaceRecon_pytorch is applied to extract camera parameters and compute the density value in FFHQ distribution, only images with the camera density<0.4
will be reserved.
We also save the landmarks predicted by Deep3DFaceRecon_pytorch to DATADIR/realign/lm_5p_pred
. In the following steps, the landmarks predicted by face_alignment and dlib will be discarded, instead, we will use the landmarks predicted by Deep3DFaceRecon_pytorch to crop images.
Then, you should check results in DATADIR/realign/debug
, and manually remove all rendering results that significantly misalign with the input image.
For example:
Then run:
python --data_dir=DATADIR
In this step, the 2400x2400 realigned images will be cropped according to EG3D and StyleGAN alignment functions.
Final camera parameters will be saved to ./data/realign/camera_parameters/*.npy
(npy files) and ./data/realign/camera_parameters/camera_parameters.json
(json file).
You should check again the cropped results in DATADIR/realign/crop
, and manually remove all results that are blurry or have other artifacts.
In this step, we will add our LPFF dataset to FFHQ dataset.
If you have already download our cropped images and predicted parameters, please unzip eg3d.rar
, unzip stylegan.rar
, then put camera_parameters.json
If you have processed your own data using step1, please just set PATH_LPFF_EG3D=DATADIR/realign/crop/eg3d
and PATH_LPFF_STYLEGAN=DATADIR/realign/crop/stylegan
cd 1_dataset_processing
For the FFHQ dataset aligned according to the EG3D alignment function (we name it as FFHQ-EG3D), please first get the FFHQ-EG3D dataset according to EG3D, and unzip it to PATH_FFHQ_EG3D
In EG3D, the original image {ID:05d}.png
will be horizontally flipped as {ID:05d}_mirror.png
. Since EG3D pruned a small number of images that resisted face detection, FFHQ-EG3D only contains 69,957 images (139,914 after the horizontal flip).
❕❕ In this repo, please rename the 139,914 images in the FFHQ-EG3D {00000.png,00000_mirror.png,...,69999.png,69999_mirror.png}
as {img00000000.png,img00000001.png,...,img000139912.png,img000139913.png}
, and put each img{ID:08d}.png
into the folder PATH_FFHQ_EG3D/{int(ID//1000):05d}
Then download the dataset-ffhq.json from OneDrive or huggingface, and put it to PATH_FFHQ_EG3D
After that, the FFHQ-EG3D dataset should be re-organized into the following structure::
Path | Files | Description |
PATH_FFHQ_EG3D | Main folder | |
├ 00000 | 1000 | {img00000000.png , ..., img00000999.png} |
├ 00001 | 1000 | {img00001000.png , ..., img00001999.png} |
├ ... | ... | ... |
├ 00138 | 1000 | {img00138000.png , ..., img00138999.png} |
├ 00139 | 914 | {img00139000.png , ..., img00139913.png} |
└ dataset-ffhq.json | 1 | Camera parameters of FFHQ-EG3D dataset . |
Then run:
python --final_crop_dir=PATH_LPFF_EG3D --camera_parameter_path=PATH_C --output_dir=PATH_FFHQ_EG3D
Our LPFF-EG3D dataset starts at the index of 139,914.
The final FFHQ+LPFF-EG3D dataset contains 179,094 images.
For the FFHQ dataset aligned to the StyleGAN alignment function (we name it as FFHQ-StyleGAN), please first get FFHQ-StyleGAN according to ffhq-dataset, and unzip it to PATH_FFHQ_STYLEGAN
After that, the FFHQ-StyleGAN dataset should be organized into the following structure::
Path | Files | Description |
PATH_FFHQ_STYLEGAN | Main folder | |
├ 00000 | 1000 | {00000.png , ..., 00999.png} |
├ 01000 | 1000 | {01000.png , ..., 01999.png} |
├ ... | ... | ... |
├ 68000 | 1000 | {68000.png , ..., 68999.png} |
└ 69000 | 1000 | {69000.png , ..., 69999.png} |
Then run:
python --final_crop_dir=PATH_LPFF_STYLEGAN --output_dir=PATH_FFHQ_STYLEGAN
The FFHQ-StyleGAN dataset applies horizontal flip in training. Thus the FFHQ-StyleGAN contains 70,000 images, and our LPFF-StyleGAN starts at the index of 70,000.
The final FFHQ+LPFF-StyleGAN dataset contains 89,590 images.
cd ../
cd 2_dataset_rebalance
python --eg3d_dataset_dir=PATH_FFHQ_EG3D
You can use
from camera_utils import LookAtPoseSampler
cam = LookAtPoseSampler.sample(theta, phi, cam_pivot, radius=cam_radius, device=device)
to sample the camera pose using theta and phi angles.
The visualization of theta and phi:
python --eg3d_dataset_dir=PATH_FFHQ_EG3D
python --eg3d_dataset_dir=PATH_FFHQ_EG3D
python --eg3d_dataset_dir=PATH_FFHQ_EG3D
python --eg3d_dataset_dir=PATH_FFHQ_EG3D
python --eg3d_dataset_dir=PATH_FFHQ_EG3D
python --stylegan_dataset_dir=PATH_FFHQ_STYLEGAN
python --stylegan_dataset_dir=PATH_FFHQ_STYLEGAN
python --stylegan_dataset_dir=PATH_FFHQ_STYLEGAN
python --source=PATH_FFHQ_EG3D --dest=PATH_FFHQ_LPFF_EG3D_ZIP --width 512 --height 512