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Skyportal skyportal
Astronomical Interaction & Coordination Platform

UC Berkeley, California

TOM Toolkit TOMToolkit
A toolkit for writing the next generation of astronomy software.

Santa Barbara, CA


here and there

INDIGO Astronomy indigo-astronomy
INDIGO is a system of standards and a framework for astronomy software development.
James McCormac jmccormac01
Dad, assistant prof., instrumentation and python enthusiast. Occasionally found fixing broken telescopes on remote mountaintops.

University of Warwick Coventry, England

Jose Vines jvines
Doctor in Astronomy, full stack data scientist at Toteat

Toteat Chile

Michael J. Roberts michealroberts
Amateur Astronomer. Previously Ground Products Engineer @ Loft Orbital. Software Engineer @ Spaceflux. CTO & Founder of

observerly London, United Kingdom

Julio Campagnolo juliotux
PhD in Astrophysics, Physics teacher and Python lover

CEFET-RJ Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil

observerly observerly
Connect to the Universe from anywhere, day or night. Remote observational application for the modern web era.

United Kingdom

Jonathan Gagné jgagneastro
I'm a researcher in astrophysics at the Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan in Montreal, and an Associate Professor at Université de Montréal.

Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan Montreal, Qc, Canada

Pablo Villanueva Domingo PabloVD
PhD in Physics | Cosmologist | Deep Learning Scientist at @carla-simulator (Computer Vision Center - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

CVC/UAB València, Spain

Bingjie Wang wangbingjie
Astrophysicist by training; perhaps a philosopher in a parallel universe.

Penn State University University Park, PA

C. E. Brasseur ceb8

University of St Andrews

John Pritchard JohnPritchard

European Southern Observatory

Sven A. Schmidt finestructure
Physicist & techie, independent software developer. Co-creator of the Swift Package Index.

finestructure Europe

Hasan Ramezani hramezani
Python Backend Developer. Member of Django Triage&Review team. Contributor of @django , @urllib3 , @pydantic , ... Maintainer of some @jazzband packages

@pydantic Berlin

Adam Johnson adamchainz
🦄 @django technical board member 🇬🇧 @djangolondon co-organizer ✍ AWS/Django/Python Author and Consultant

@django, @djangolondon London / Lisbon

Paolo Melchiorre pauloxnet
🐍@psf fellow 🦄DSF member 🧑‍💻@python @django dev 🧡@DjangoGirls coach 🚀@djangonaut-space navigator 🇮🇹PyConItalia organizer 🐬@PythonPescara founder

Pescara (Italy)

TypedDjango typeddjango
We make types for Django framework!


Simon Charette charettes

@zapier Montréal, Québec

Song Huang dr-guangtou
I am an assistant professor in astrophysics at Tsinghua University, China. Love galaxies!

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Aaron Robotham asgr
Astronomer based at UWA. Mostly survey focussed, but within that broad remit I like to dabble in a number of areas (both obs and sims). Use R mostly.

@ICRAR Perth, Australia

ikarius ikarius
Python / Go / Clojure dev, former mobile dev (iOS, Android), a *lot* of Java in a former life...

DORA - GIP Inclusion Lost in space

Johannes Maron codingjoe
CTO @voiio, contributor to all things @django

@voiio Potsdam, Germany

Keygen keygen-sh
A fair source software licensing and distribution API
Thomas Boch tboch
Software engineer at Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg
Johan Vos johanvos
Java Champion, Gluon co-founder, everything from Java on embedded/mobile to Java in the Cloud, and Java in science.

Gluon Belgium

Arthur Vigan avigan
Astrophysicist, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM)

CNRS/LAM Marseille, France

Tomas Petricek tpetricek
Academic interested in new ways of thinking about programming and history & philosophy of computing. Likes @fsharp, created @the-gamma & @fsharpworks member.

Charles University Prague

Antoine Mérand amerand
Astronomer at the European Southern Observatory (ESO)

European Southern Observatory Garching, Germany

Benedek Rozemberczki benedekrozemberczki
Machine Learning Research Scientist at @isomorphiclabs | PhD from The University of Edinburgh.

@isomorphiclabs United Kingdom

Filip Szczerek GreatAttractor
I like graphics algorithms, physics simulations, astronomy, Rust and Linux.


Robert Lupton RobertLuptonTheGood
I'm an astronomer interested in the software side of instruments and image processing, working on the Rubin Observatory and a new spectrograph, PFS, for Subaru

Princeton University

Alexander Kavanaugh kavdev
Software Engineer and Parallel Entrepreneur focused on designing and developing modern, high quality web applications using Python/Django and Typescript/React.

Kavanaugh Development, LLC San Luis Obispo, California, USA

Laurent Bourgès bourgesl
Scientist & java expert & open-source contributor: OpenJDK, OpenJFX, IcedTea-Web...

Grenoble, France

John Thorstensen jrthorstensen
Observational optical astronomer with an interest especially in CVs and astronomical software. Author of JSkyCalc.

Dartmouth College