import six import warnings import numpy as np import os import os.path as osp import re from six.moves import cPickle from multiprocessing import Pool from . general_utils import rand_rotation_matrix from .. external.python_plyfile.plyfile import PlyElement, PlyData snc_synth_id_to_category = { '02691156': 'airplane', '02773838': 'bag', '02801938': 'basket', '02808440': 'bathtub', '02818832': 'bed', '02828884': 'bench', '02834778': 'bicycle', '02843684': 'birdhouse', '02871439': 'bookshelf', '02876657': 'bottle', '02880940': 'bowl', '02924116': 'bus', '02933112': 'cabinet', '02747177': 'can', '02942699': 'camera', '02954340': 'cap', '02958343': 'car', '03001627': 'chair', '03046257': 'clock', '03207941': 'dishwasher', '03211117': 'monitor', '04379243': 'table', '04401088': 'telephone', '02946921': 'tin_can', '04460130': 'tower', '04468005': 'train', '03085013': 'keyboard', '03261776': 'earphone', '03325088': 'faucet', '03337140': 'file', '03467517': 'guitar', '03513137': 'helmet', '03593526': 'jar', '03624134': 'knife', '03636649': 'lamp', '03642806': 'laptop', '03691459': 'speaker', '03710193': 'mailbox', '03759954': 'microphone', '03761084': 'microwave', '03790512': 'motorcycle', '03797390': 'mug', '03928116': 'piano', '03938244': 'pillow', '03948459': 'pistol', '03991062': 'pot', '04004475': 'printer', '04074963': 'remote_control', '04090263': 'rifle', '04099429': 'rocket', '04225987': 'skateboard', '04256520': 'sofa', '04330267': 'stove', '04530566': 'vessel', '04554684': 'washer', '02858304': 'boat', '02992529': 'cellphone' } def snc_category_to_synth_id(): d = snc_synth_id_to_category inv_map = {v: k for k, v in six.iteritems(d)} return inv_map def create_dir(dir_path): ''' Creates a directory (or nested directories) if they don't exist. ''' if not osp.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) return dir_path def pickle_data(file_name, *args): '''Using (c)Pickle to save multiple python objects in a single file. ''' myFile = open(file_name, 'wb') cPickle.dump(len(args), myFile, protocol=2) for item in args: cPickle.dump(item, myFile, protocol=2) myFile.close() def unpickle_data(file_name): '''Restore data previously saved with pickle_data(). ''' inFile = open(file_name, 'rb') size = cPickle.load(inFile) for _ in xrange(size): yield cPickle.load(inFile) inFile.close() def files_in_subdirs(top_dir, search_pattern): regex = re.compile(search_pattern) for path, _, files in os.walk(top_dir): for name in files: full_name = osp.join(path, name) if yield full_name def load_ply(file_name, with_faces=False, with_color=False): ply_data = points = ply_data['vertex'] points = np.vstack([points['x'], points['y'], points['z']]).T ret_val = [points] if with_faces: faces = np.vstack(ply_data['face']['vertex_indices']) ret_val.append(faces) if with_color: r = np.vstack(ply_data['vertex']['red']) g = np.vstack(ply_data['vertex']['green']) b = np.vstack(ply_data['vertex']['blue']) color = np.hstack((r, g, b)) ret_val.append(color) if len(ret_val) == 1: # Unwrap the list ret_val = ret_val[0] return ret_val def pc_loader(f_name): ''' loads a point-cloud saved under ShapeNet's "standar" folder scheme: i.e. /syn_id/model_name.ply ''' tokens = f_name.split('/') model_id = tokens[-1].split('.')[0] synet_id = tokens[-2] return load_ply(f_name), model_id, synet_id def load_all_point_clouds_under_folder(top_dir, n_threads=20, file_ending='.ply', verbose=False): file_names = [f for f in files_in_subdirs(top_dir, file_ending)] pclouds, model_ids, syn_ids = load_point_clouds_from_filenames(file_names, n_threads, loader=pc_loader, verbose=verbose) return PointCloudDataSet(pclouds, labels=syn_ids + '_' + model_ids, init_shuffle=False) def load_point_clouds_from_filenames(file_names, n_threads, loader, verbose=False): pc = loader(file_names[0])[0] pclouds = np.empty([len(file_names), pc.shape[0], pc.shape[1]], dtype=np.float32) model_names = np.empty([len(file_names)], dtype=object) class_ids = np.empty([len(file_names)], dtype=object) pool = Pool(n_threads) for i, data in enumerate(pool.imap(loader, file_names)): pclouds[i, :, :], model_names[i], class_ids[i] = data pool.close() pool.join() if len(np.unique(model_names)) != len(pclouds): warnings.warn('Point clouds with the same model name were loaded.') if verbose: print('{0} pclouds were loaded. They belong in {1} shape-classes.'.format(len(pclouds), len(np.unique(class_ids)))) return pclouds, model_names, class_ids class PointCloudDataSet(object): ''' See ''' def __init__(self, point_clouds, noise=None, labels=None, copy=True, init_shuffle=True): '''Construct a DataSet. Args: init_shuffle, shuffle data before first epoch has been reached. Output: original_pclouds, labels, (None or Feed) # TODO Rename ''' self.num_examples = point_clouds.shape[0] self.n_points = point_clouds.shape[1] if labels is not None: assert point_clouds.shape[0] == labels.shape[0], ('points.shape: %s labels.shape: %s' % (point_clouds.shape, labels.shape)) if copy: self.labels = labels.copy() else: self.labels = labels else: self.labels = np.ones(self.num_examples, dtype=np.int8) if noise is not None: assert (type(noise) is np.ndarray) if copy: self.noisy_point_clouds = noise.copy() else: self.noisy_point_clouds = noise else: self.noisy_point_clouds = None if copy: self.point_clouds = point_clouds.copy() else: self.point_clouds = point_clouds self.epochs_completed = 0 self._index_in_epoch = 0 if init_shuffle: self.shuffle_data() def shuffle_data(self, seed=None): if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) perm = np.arange(self.num_examples) np.random.shuffle(perm) self.point_clouds = self.point_clouds[perm] self.labels = self.labels[perm] if self.noisy_point_clouds is not None: self.noisy_point_clouds = self.noisy_point_clouds[perm] return self def next_batch(self, batch_size, seed=None): '''Return the next batch_size examples from this data set. ''' start = self._index_in_epoch self._index_in_epoch += batch_size if self._index_in_epoch > self.num_examples: self.epochs_completed += 1 # Finished epoch. self.shuffle_data(seed) # Start next epoch start = 0 self._index_in_epoch = batch_size end = self._index_in_epoch if self.noisy_point_clouds is None: return self.point_clouds[start:end], self.labels[start:end], None else: return self.point_clouds[start:end], self.labels[start:end], self.noisy_point_clouds[start:end] def full_epoch_data(self, shuffle=True, seed=None): '''Returns a copy of the examples of the entire data set (i.e. an epoch's data), shuffled. ''' if shuffle and seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) perm = np.arange(self.num_examples) # Shuffle the data. if shuffle: np.random.shuffle(perm) pc = self.point_clouds[perm] lb = self.labels[perm] ns = None if self.noisy_point_clouds is not None: ns = self.noisy_point_clouds[perm] return pc, lb, ns def merge(self, other_data_set): self._index_in_epoch = 0 self.epochs_completed = 0 self.point_clouds = np.vstack((self.point_clouds, other_data_set.point_clouds)) labels_1 = self.labels.reshape([self.num_examples, 1]) # TODO = move to init. labels_2 = other_data_set.labels.reshape([other_data_set.num_examples, 1]) self.labels = np.vstack((labels_1, labels_2)) self.labels = np.squeeze(self.labels) if self.noisy_point_clouds is not None: self.noisy_point_clouds = np.vstack((self.noisy_point_clouds, other_data_set.noisy_point_clouds)) self.num_examples = self.point_clouds.shape[0] return self