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An AngularJS module that transforms any HTML element on the page to selectable components.


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An AngularJS module that transforms any HTML element on the page to selectable components.


AngularJS v1.0.1+

Getting started

Include the ngSelect module with AngularJS script in your page.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>

Add ngSelect to your app module's dependency.

angular.module('myApp', ['ngSelect']);

Install with Bower

The official bower package of AngularJS hasn't support unstable branch, hence for the current version of ngSelect package, no dependency is specified.

# install AngularJS (stable)
bower install angular
# or (unstable)
bower install PatternConsulting/bower-angular

# install ngSelect
bower install ngSelect



Require directive: ngModel (means there must be an ng-model directive at the same element) Type: boolean Default: undefined

Enables selection logic for model in ngModel

Live Example

<!-- setup selection display/input input:text -->
<p class="lead">
  selection: <input type="text" ng-model="selection">

<!-- bind scope.selection to ngModel and enable ngSelect -->
<div class="row example" ng-select ng-model="selection">
  <div class="span12">

    <!-- five images with number as option value -->
    <!-- add "selected" class on option selected -->
    <img class="img-polaroid img-circle"
         ng-repeat="num in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
         ng-src="{{ num }}"
         select-class="{'selected': $optSelected}">


Require directive: ^ng-select (means there must be an ng-select in parent elements)

Type: expression Default: undefined

Provides selection value for the model specified in ng-select. Special properties are exposed on the local scope of each ng-select-option instance, can be used in the evaluation of select-class, select-style, select-disabled expressions.

  • $optIndex - {number} - unique index of the option
  • $optValue - {*} - value of the option
  • $optSelected - {boolean} - whether the option is selected
  • $optDisabled - {boolean} - whether the option is disabled

select-class (optional)

Require directive: ng-select or ng-select-option

Type: expression Default: undefined

Provides the exact same functionality as ng-class, but with the additional local scope applied with $optIndex, $optValue, $optSelected varaibles to increase the usage flexibility. This optional directive is applicable to ng-select as global configuration and also applicable to ng-select-option as local configuration.

Live Example

<!-- display of selection -->
<p class="lead">selection: {{ selection }}</p>

<!-- bind scope.selection to ngModel and enable ngSelect -->
<!-- add "selected" class on option selected -->
<div class="row example"
     ng-select ng-model="selection"
     select-class="{'selected': $optSelected}">

  <div class="span12">

    <!-- five images with number as option value -->
    <img class="img-polaroid img-circle"
         ng-repeat="num in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
         ng-src="{{ num }}"

select-style (optional)

Require directive: ng-select or ng-select-option

Type: expression Default: undefined

Provides the exact same functionality as ng-style, but with the additional local scope applied with $optIndex, $optValue, $optSelected varaibles to increase the usage flexibility. This optional directive is applicable to ng-select as global configuration and also applicable to ng-select-option as local configuration.

Live Example

<!-- display of selection -->
<p class="lead">selection: {{ selection }}</p>

<!-- bind scope.selection to ngModel and enable ngSelect -->
<!-- style the options' opacity with their value -->
<div class="row example"
     ng-select ng-model="selection"
     select-style="{'opacity': 0.2 * $optValue}">

  <div class="span12">

    <!-- five images with number as option value -->
    <!-- add "selected" class on option selected -->
    <img class="img-polaroid img-circle"
         ng-repeat="num in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
         ng-src="{{ num }}"
         select-class="{'selected': $optSelected}">

select-disabled (optional)

Require directive: ng-select or ng-select-option

Type: expression Default: undefined

Disables the interactivity of options if the expression is evaluated to be true. The evaluation has the access to the additional local scope with $optIndex, $optValue, $optSelected varaibles to increase the usage flexibility. This optional directive is applicable to ng-select as global configuration and also applicable to ng-select-option as local configuration.

Live Example

<p class="lead">
  <!-- display of selection -->
  selection: {{ selection }}

  <!-- button for enabling select behavior -->
  <button class="btn btn-danger btn-large"
          ng-show="!disabled" ng-click="disabled = true">disable</button>

  <!-- button for disabling select behavior -->
  <button class="btn btn-success btn-large"
          ng-show="disabled" ng-click="disabled = false">enable</button>

<!-- bind scope.selection to ngModel and enable ngSelect -->
<!-- the thrid and fifth options are always disabled -->
<!-- all options are disabled when scope.disabled == true -->
<div class="row example"
     ng-select ng-model="selection"
     select-disabled="disabled || ($optIndex == 2 || $optIndex == 4)">

  <div class="span12">

    <!-- five images with number as option value -->
    <!-- add "selected" class on selected option and "disabled" class on disabled option -->
    <img class="img-polaroid img-circle"
         ng-repeat="num in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
         ng-src="{{ num }}"
         select-class="{'selected': $optSelected, 'disabled':$optDisabled}">

select-multiple (optional)

Require directive: ng-select

Type: boolean Default: false

Enables ng-select to support multiple selection, of which the model binded will be an array. This optional directive is only applicable to ng-select.

Live Example

<!-- display of selection -->
<p class="lead">selection: {{ selection }}</p>

<!-- bind scope.selection to ngModel and enable ngSelect -->
<!-- add "selected" class on option selected -->
<!-- enable multiple selection -->
<div class="row example multiple"
     ng-select ng-model="selection"
     select-class="{'selected': $optSelected}"

  <div class="span12">

    <!-- five images with number as option value -->
    <img class="img-polaroid img-circle"
         ng-repeat="num in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
         ng-src="{{ num }}"

Example usage with ngModel validations

Live Example

<!-- display of selection -->
<p class="lead">selection: {{ selection }}</p>

<!-- bind scope.selection to ngModel and enable ngSelect -->
<!-- set custom validation to match only odd values -->
<div class="row example"
     ng-select ng-model="selection"

  <div class="span12">

    <!-- five images with number as option value -->
    <!-- add "selected" class on option selected -->
    <img class="img-polaroid img-circle"
         ng-repeat="num in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
         ng-src="{{ num }}"
         select-class="{'selected': $optSelected}">

Custom validator source code: (see Angular forms manual for explanations.)

angular.module('exampleApp').directive('exampleOdd', function(){
  return {
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: function(scope, el, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
      ngModelCtrl.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {
        if (parseInt(viewValue) % 2 == 0) {
          ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('exampleOdd', false);
          return undefined;
        } else {
          ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('exampleOdd', true);
          return viewValue;
      ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(function(modelValue) {
        if (modelValue % 2 == 0) {
          ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('exampleOdd', false);
          return undefined;
        } else {
          ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('exampleOdd', true);
          return modelValue;


  1. Duplicate values in ng-select-option will cause strange behavior.

More demos

ng-select-option values can be changed dynamically, and stay binded with ng-select model. Try it by selecting the Other option in the demo and enter something in the text input.

Super easy tab implementation with ngSelect.