pull_request_rules: - name: Automatically merge on CI success and review approval conditions: - base~=master|integ-tests - "#approved-reviews-by>=1" - approved-reviews-by=@aws-actions/aws-ecs-devx - -approved-reviews-by~=author - status-success=Run Unit Tests - status-success=Semantic Pull Request - label!=work-in-progress - -title~=(WIP|wip) - -merged - -closed - author!=dependabot[bot] actions: merge: method: squash strict: smart strict_method: merge - name: Automatically approve and merge Dependabot PRs conditions: - base=master - author=dependabot[bot] - status-success=Run Unit Tests - status-success=Semantic Pull Request - -title~=(WIP|wip) - -label~=(blocked|do-not-merge) - -merged - -closed actions: review: type: APPROVE merge: method: squash strict: smart+fasttrack strict_method: merge