An easy way to program AxiDraw and preview your drawing. Including turtle graphics commands!
Requirements to run application:
- Sun Java Runtime 6, installed on your system
Additional requirements to run from source code:
- Processing 3 (Download from: )
- Ani library ( )
Based on EvilMadScientist's AxiGen example, hiding it's complexity, but providing an easy (turtle graphics) programming interface.
Based RoboPaint RT:
Turtle graphics commands are based on "Laser Turtle":
The turtle starts in the upper left corner facing right. Angles: 0 is right, 1/4 is up, 1/2 is left, 3/4 is down
penUp(); // Shortcut u()
penDown(); // d()
moveForward(distance); // f()
turnRight(angle); // r()
turnLeft(angle); // l()
turnTo(angle); // t()
Angles for turn commands are 0.0 to 1.0
turnRight(1/4); // Turn right 90º
turnLeft(1/360); // Turn left 1º
moveBy(x, y);
lineBy(x, y);
moveTo(x, y);
lineTo(x, y);
line(x1, y1, x2, y2);