from __future__ import print_function import os import os.path import sys from invoke import run, task @task def clean(ctx): run('git clean -Xfd') @task def test(ctx): print('Python version: ' + sys.version) # For some reason, the rcfile does not work properly under Py2.6 and Py2.7, so setting it explicitly here test_cmd = 'coverage run --source=internationalflavor --branch ' \ '-m django test --settings=tests.settings' flake_cmd = 'flake8 --ignore=W801,E128,E501,W402,W503' cwp = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__name__)) pythonpath = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '').split(os.pathsep) pythonpath.append(os.path.join(cwp, 'tests')) os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(pythonpath) run('{0} internationalflavor'.format(flake_cmd)) run('{0} tests'.format(test_cmd)) run('coverage report') @task def compile_translations(ctx): run('python scripts/') # run('cd internationalflavor; compilemessages; cd ..') @task(post=[compile_translations]) def pull_translations(ctx, locale=None): if locale: run('tx pull -f -l {0}'.format(locale)) else: run('tx pull --minimum-perc=1 -f -a') @task(post=[compile_translations]) def make_translations(ctx, locale=None): if locale: run('cd internationalflavor; python -m django makemessages -l {0}; cd ..'.format(locale)) else: run('cd internationalflavor; python -m django makemessages -a; cd ..') @task(pre=[make_translations]) def push_translations(ctx): run('tx push -s') @task(post=[make_translations]) def pull_cldr(ctx): if not os.path.exists("_cldr"): run('mkdir _cldr') run('cd _cldr; npm install cldr-localenames-full cldr-numbers-full cldr-dates-full cldr-core; cd ..') run('python scripts/ _cldr/node_modules') @task def docs(ctx): run('cd docs; make html; cd ..')