package; import*; import; import sim.engine.*; import sim.field.grid.Grid2D; import sim.field.grid.SparseGrid2D; import sim.util.Bag; import sim.util.Int2D; import sim.util.IntBag; public class Predator extends Animal implements Steppable{ //Constants, may or may not be currently used. private static double defaultDeathRate; private double actualDeathRate; private static int deathRandNum = 1000; private static double agingDeathMod; private static double hungerDeathMod; private static int lastMealLow = 30; private static int lastMealMed; private static int lastMealHigh; private static int repAge; protected static int repRandNum = 100000; protected static int defaultRepRandNum; protected int eatingChance; private static double actualRepRate; private static double defaultRepRate = .05; private Bag seen; protected double diseaseRecovery = .25; private boolean caught = false; /* * Constructor * Input: state of the world, world, and ID number * Output: None */ Predator(SimState state, SparseGrid2D grid, int num){ int directionNum= state.random.nextInt(3); if(directionNum == 0) direction = 0; else if(directionNum == 1) direction = 1; else if (directionNum == 2) direction = 2; else direction = 3; oldAge = 20; //vP = new VisualProcessor(state); //map = new ExpectationMap(grid.getWidth(), grid.getHeight(), expectMapDecayRate); //maxHunger = 30; //maxSocial = 100; //actualRepRate = defaultRepRate; //reproductionAge = repAge; //maxRep = 200; //actualDeathRate = defaultDeathRate; ID = "F" + num; dir.mkdirs(); try { outputFile = new File(dir, ID + ".csv"); writer = new FileWriter(outputFile); write("AgentPosX, AgentPosY, FoodX, FoodY, DeltaX, DeltaY, Direction, Other, Slope, Slope, Before Position: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Sum, After Pos: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Sum"); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //eatingChance = 1; } /* * Purpose: Initializes predator given set of parameters * Input: Parameters * Output:None */ protected final static void initializePred(int maxH, int old, double dR, int dRN, double agDM, double hDM, int lmL, int lmM, int lmH, int rA, double dRR, int rRN ){ maxHunger = maxH; //oldAge = old; defaultDeathRate = dR; deathRandNum = dRN; agingDeathMod = agDM; hungerDeathMod = hDM; lastMealLow = lmL; lastMealMed = lmM; lastMealHigh = lmH; repAge = rA; defaultRepRate = dRR; defaultRepRandNum = rRN; } /* * Purpose: Needs to be stoppable in order for the simulation to end. * Fixed this error by making this method. * Input: Stoppable object * Output: None */ public void makeStoppable(Stoppable stopper) { stop = stopper; } /* * Purpose: This is a heart of the code/ movement for prey * Input: State of the world * Output: None -- minus visual update */ @Override public void step(SimState state) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.step(state); caught = false; /*repRandNum = 1000; //write(); //Chance of Disease recovery if(this.isDiseased && ((state.schedule.getTime() - diseaseTimestep) > lastMealLow)){ double d = state.random.nextInt(diseaseRandomNum); double disease = d/diseaseRandomNum; if(disease < diseaseRecovery) this.isDiseased = false; } // Timesteps since last social interaction //write("Last Meal: " + lastMeal + " timesteps"); */ //Death Calculations if(this.iDie(state)){ //this.emotionsUpdate(); //this.printStats(); return; } //Reproduction Calculations else if(this.iReproduce(state)){ //this.emotionsUpdate(); //this.printStats(); return; } /****** LEARNING/ VISION ********************/ Int2D cord = grid.getObjectLocation(this); Bag result = new Bag(); IntBag xPos = new IntBag(); IntBag yPos = new IntBag(); grid.getMooreNeighbors(cord.x, cord.y, 1, Grid2D.TOROIDAL, result, xPos, yPos); write("\n" + cord.x + "," + cord.y + ","); boolean first = true; for(int i = 0; i < result.numObjs; i++) { Object temp = result.get(i); //write("Result: " + temp); if(temp instanceof Prey && first == true){ //write("Found Food! : "); Int2D prey = grid.getObjectLocation(temp); write(prey.x + "," + prey.y + ","); int deltaX = prey.x - cord.x; int deltaY = prey.y - cord.y; int direction = deltaX + deltaY; write(deltaX + "," + deltaY + ","); write(direction + ","); this.setMovementPref(cord, prey, state); first = false; } } //Will I eat? if(this.willEat(grid, state)){ //this.emotionsUpdate(); //this.printStats(); return; } /* //Visual Processor else{ this.emotionsUpdate();, grid); } //End of Step, print out tests this.printStats(); */ } //Method that allows Predator to kill its Prey public void eat(Object p, SimState state){ assert (p != null); if(p.getClass().equals(Prey.class)){ Prey prey = (Prey) p; assert(prey != null); if(prey.isDiseased()){ this.setDisease(true); this.diseaseTimestep = state.schedule.getTime(); } caught = true; lastMeal = 0; prey.stop.stop(); numPrey--; grid.remove(prey); //write("Prey was eaten by Predator"); } } //Method that "kills" the Predator by removing it from the grid public boolean iDie(SimState state){ //older = more likely to die //if(age>oldAge) //actualDeathRate = actualDeathRate * agingDeathMod; //Last meal, more likely to die if(lastMeal > lastMealMed) actualDeathRate = actualDeathRate * (hungerDeathMod); /*//write("deathRate: " + deathRate); if(lastMeal > lastMealHigh){ stop.stop(); numPredator--; grid.remove(this); return true; }*/ // Death Rate double d = state.random.nextInt(deathRandNum); double death = d/deathRandNum; assert(d >= 0 && death >=0); //write("d: " + d + " death: " + death); if(death < actualDeathRate){ stop.stop(); numPredator--; grid.remove(this); return true; } return false; } //Method that allows predator to have the chance to reproduce public boolean iReproduce(SimState state){ // Reproduction Rate double r = state.random.nextInt(repRandNum); double repo = r/repRandNum; assert (r >= 0 && repo >= 0); if(repo <= actualRepRate && age >= repAge && numPredator<=maxPredator){ this.reproduce(state); this.lastRep = 0; return true; } return false; } //Determines whether the predator will eat or not public boolean willEat(SparseGrid2D grid, SimState state){ //Reduced chance of eating. /*if(lastMeal < lastMealLow) actualRepRate = actualRepRate * 1.5; if(state.schedule.getTime()%eatingChance != 0) return false; */ //Eating Prey on the same location assert(grid.getObjectsAtLocationOfObject(this) !=null); //write(grid.getObjectsAtLocationOfObject(this).size()); int gridNum = grid.getObjectsAtLocationOfObject(this).size(); assert(gridNum != 0); for(int i = 0; i < gridNum; i++){ Object obj = (grid.getObjectsAtLocationOfObject(this)).get(i); if(obj.getClass().equals(Prey.class)){ //write("\nPredator Ate"); write("Predator Would have eaten");, state); return true; }// end of if }// end of for loop return false; } //Method that allows Predator to duplicate public void reproduce(SimState state){ //write("Predator Reproduced"); Predator p = new Predator(state, grid, numPredator + 1); numPredator++; grid.setObjectLocation(p, grid.getObjectLocation(this)); Stoppable stop = state.schedule.scheduleRepeating(p); p.makeStoppable(stop); } /*public void vision(SimState state, SparseGrid2D grid){ Int2D cord = grid.getObjectLocation(this); assert(cord != null); seen = vP.sight(cord.x, cord.y, state, direction); Bag locations = new Bag(); if(state.schedule.getTime()%2 != 0) map.updateMapsPred(seen, grid); //map.printMaps(); for(int s = 0; s < seen.size(); s++){ Int2D obLoc = grid.getObjectLocation(seen.get(s)); locations.add(obLoc); //write(" at location:" + obLoc); //if(j.equals(Prey.class)) //write("****" + seen.get(s)); } this.behaviorProb(locations, seen, state); //Move every timestep super.move(grid, state); //write("Predator Moved"); }// end of vision /*public void behaviorProb(Bag locs, Bag seen, SimState state){ behavior = new BehaviorProcessor(grid); double[] newProb = behavior.updateProbPred(locs, seen, defaultProb, this, state, maxHunger); actualProb = newProb; }*/ //Accessor for reproduction rate public double getRepRate() { return actualRepRate; } //Setter for reproduction rate public void setRepRate(double repRate) { actualRepRate = repRate; } //Emotions model update /* public void emotionsUpdate() { anger = anger.updateAnger(this); sad = sad.updateSadness(this); dis = dis.updateDisgust(this); fear = fear.updateFear(this); happy = happy.updateHappiness(this); surprise = surprise.updateSurprise(this); mood = mood.updateMood(anger, sad, dis, fear, happy); }*/ //Print Stats to screen public void printStats() { write("\n, " + ID); //map.printMaps(); write(", lastMeal: " + lastMeal); write(", deathRate " + actualDeathRate); write(", lastSocial: " + lastSocial); write(", directionChange: " + directChangeTotal + "\n"); } }