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  • Fortaleza - CE



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Samuel Xavier samuelpx
Data-focused generalist & developer
Rajendra Agrawal Rajendra999
Civil Engineer,Stock market ,python,flask

self employed

Alvaro Vasconcelos alvsconcelos
Wordpress and PHP developer from Brazil.

@Codefied Brazil

José Castillo Lema josecastillolema
Software Engineer

Red Hat Madrid, Spain

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Mário Pinotti Jr. z-silver
Wanderer of the Noosphere. Seeker of Hidden Knowledge. Dreamer of the Void. Observer of Truth.


Victor Wildner vcwild
It's a brand new day to learn new things.


Luis Vaz Rastrian
I write code and sometimes talk about audio and music.

@cloudwalk (x, y, z) ↦ x*x + y*y + z*z

Pedro Delfino pdelfino
Lawyer and Applied Mathematician (education) working as a Software Engineer. I know, it is weird. Photo: São Cristóvão, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, Dez/2021

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Eduardo Lemos Rocha EduardoLR10
I am a programmer who strives to be a Grug Brained Hacker.


Felipe Lunkes (Lunx) felipenlunkes
Backend developer ◇ Operating systems enthusiast and UNIX & x86 Assembly lover

Orsegups Participações S/A Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Tarcísio Giroldo Siqueira girordo
BSc Biomedical Informatics@Sao Paulo University. Frontend, functional programming and best practices, plants and mech keyboards are my interests.


Brenno Rodrigues BRonen
Functions describe the world.


Joao Oliveira joaooliveiradev
Front End Enthusiast.

Guaratinguetá, SP

Camilo Cunha de Azevedo Camilotk
Passionate Software Engineer with expertise in full-stack development and cloud technologies. Advocate for open-source education & innovative solutions in tech.

@Universidade-Livre Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brasil

Felipe Paradas fparadas
Informatics M.Sc. Student @ UFRJ

Rio de Janeiro

Miguel Gomes miguel-nascimento
I do what needs to be done.

@bitcomplete Brazil

gabrielle oliveira aripiprazole
atypical antipsychotic (as a software engineer)

@renlabs-dev são paulo, brasil

Sofia Rodrigues algebraic-dev
I work for @leanprover, I love this language :P
Raph ortolanrj
Software Engineer Intern - CS @ UERJ

Rio de Janeiro

Samuel Durante samueldurantes
(o_ _)ノ彡☆

Ponta Grossa, Brazil

Jefferson Gonçalves jeffersongoncalves
PHP/Laravel developer from Brazil 🇧🇷🇺🇦 DeveloperPHP/Laravel @jsgtecnologia and @sistemaboss


vivekweb2013 vivekweb2013
Technology enthusiast with love for building products

Pune, India

Andrey Esin esin
Linux Administrator, DevOps Engineer and Go Developer
Guilherme noghartt


Helena Oliveira btwhelena
Computer Engineer student. UX Designer :)

Apple Developer Academy IFCE - @AcademyIFCE Fortaleza, Brazil

Juarez Sampaio jzsampaio
Senior Software Engineer and Functional Programmer. Devising software solutions for real world problems since 2011.

@datarisk-io Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Daniel Simões danipresto
Computer Engineering Student at Federal University of Ceará - Brazil. Interests in backend programming, .NET Core , REST APIs and Linux.

Raidiam Fortaleza - CE - Brazil

Guilherme Marz Vazzolla saerosV
Literature aficionado, nature lover, and self-taught computer scientist.

Buzzlabs Brazil

Vinícius Gajo 64J0
Mechatronics engineer, full-stack developer and SRE/DevOps guy. Brazil

Renan Lopes rslopes

@datarisk-io Brazil

Marcos Benevides schonfinkel
I'm a prototype of a much larger system. @MMagueta's nemesis.

@Divisions-Maintenance-Group São Luis, MA - Brazil

Marcos Magueta MMagueta
"Quod oculus non vidit, nec auris audivit" - @schonfinkel's darkest fear.

@Divisions-Maintenance-Group São Paulo, Brazil

Daniel Brito DanielBrito
Software Engineer. Computer Scientist. Visual Artist. Writer.

@OSFDigital Ceará, Brazil

Cleyson Lima CleysonPH

TreinaWeb Teresina-PI

Arlen Vasconcelos arlenvasconcelos
Fullstack Developer

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Maxuel Reis Maxuelreis
Reinventing myself.


po1son.bit po1sonbit
Estudante de Engenharia de Computação na Universidade Federal do Ceará. Desenvolvedor de Sistemas Embarcados, amante de hardware, projetos low cost e opensource


Cintia Braulino CintiaBraulino
Student at Computer Engineering

fortaleza, Brazil

Arnaldo Aguiar arnaldoaguiarp
RubyOnRails Backend Developer | Bachelor of Computer Engineering

Fortaleza/CE, Brasil