Selectorlyzer.Analyzers is a highly customizable Roslyn Analyzer designed to empower developers with the ability to create project-specific analyzers using a CSS selector-like syntax.
The preferable way to use the analyzers is to add the NuGet package Selectorlyzer.Analyzers to the project where you want to enforce rules.
A selectorlyzer.json
or .selectorlyzer.json
file is used to specify rules.
- Install the NuGet Package
dotnet add package Selectorlyzer.Analyzers
- Create and configure
"rules": [
"selector": ":class:has([Name='InvalidClassName'])",
"message": "Classes should not be named 'InvalidClassName'",
"severity": "error"
"selector": "InvocationExpression[Expression='Console.WriteLine']",
"message": "Do not use Console.WriteLine",
"severity": "error"
"selector": ":class:implements([Name='BaseRepository'])",
"rule": ":implements([Name='I{Name}'])",
"message": "Classes that implement 'BaseRepository' should implement an interface with the same name.",
"severity": "error"
- Add the following to your
<AdditionalFiles Include="selectorlyzer.json" />
- Classes should not be namedInvalidClassName
- Classes should not start withInvalidPrefix
- Classes should not end withInvalidSuffix
- Methods should not be namedInvalidMethodName
- Async method names should end withAsync
- Async method names should not end withAsync
- Boolean property names should end withFlag
should not be used.InvocationExpression[Expression^='Assert.\']
- Methods starting withAssert.
should not be used.:class:implements([Name$='DataTransferObject']) ConstructorDeclaration
- Classes that implement DataTransferObject should not have constructors.:class[Name$='Controller'] :method[Modifiers~='public'][ReturnType='void']
- Public methdos within classes with names ending inController
should not returnvoid
.:class[Name$='Controller'] :method[Modifiers~='public'] Attribute[Name^='Http']
- Public methods within classes with names ending inController
should have an attribute that starts withHttp
with a rule of:implements([Name='I{Name}'])
- Classes that implementBaseRepository
should implement an interface with the same name.:method Block > * ReturnStatement
- Methods should only have on return statment and it should be the last statement in the method.
Selectorlyzer uses a query langage for Roslyn Inspired by Qulaly and esquery. These selectors are used to identify speicifc sytax nodes.
Selectorlizer supports a subset of CSS selector level 4. The selector engine also supports Selectorlizer-specific extensions to the selector.
- SyntaxNode Type:
...- See also SyntaxKind enum
- SyntaxNode Univarsal:
- SyntaxNode pseudo-classes (for short-hand)
- Combinators
- Descendant:
node descendant
- Child:
node > child
- Next-sibling:
node + next
- Subsequent-sibling:
node ~ sibling
- Descendant:
- Pseudo-class
- Negation:
- Matches-any:
- Relational:
- Negation:
- Attributes (Properties)
(existance)[PropName = 'Exact']
[PropName ^= 'StartsWith']
[PropName $= 'EndsWith']
[PropName *= 'Contains']
[PropName ~= 'Item']
(ex.[Modifiers ~= 'async']
- Extensions
: Combinator for checking if a class or interface implements a matching selector[Name = 'MethodName']
: Name special propertyName
is a special property for convenience that can be used inMethodDeclaration
... etc
[TypeParameters.Count > 0]
: ConditionsParameters.Count
MIT License
Selectorlyzer.Analyzers Copyright © 2023-present Richard Graves <[email protected]>