- Choose the game size: 3x3, 4x4 etc...
- Slide pieces into the empty space from above, below or the side
- Position numbers in the correct order in the fewest possible moves
- Pieces turn green in the correct position
- When you've completed the game, add your score to the Leader Board
- See demo above ⬆
- Made with Vanilla JavaScript and CSS only
- Mobile friendly and fully responsive
- Leader board scores saved to database using MongoDB Atlas - view the Node API which uses Vercel's serverless functions
- Uses DOMPurify to sanitize input. DOMPurify is a DOM-only sanitizer to protect against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks
- Includes Help section and initializing sequence to randomize game
- Run http-server with nodemon
npm i -g http-server
npm i nodemon -g
nodemon --exec http-server
which http-server`
- Run http-server without nodemon
http-server -c-1
- Click 'Open in Browser' or from the Terminal, click the link Forwarded Address link from PORTS