I'm Computer Engineer! ✨ Panic ✨ Always looking for sth interesting !
- I'm currently research Natural Language Processing, Multi Modal Processing with vision
- I'm interesting NLP, DeepLearning, Text style transfer, Translation, Paper Reveiw
- Junho Lee, Seunguk Yu, Jinhee Jang, Keunhyeung Park and Youngbin Kim "Enhancing Domain Generalization Performance in Low-Resource Setting via External Dataset and Pseudo Labeling With Sentence-BERT", IEEE Access[Link]
- Sangmin Song, Juhyoung Park, Juhwan Choi, Junho Lee, Kyohoon Jin and Youngbin Kim "Korean Football In-game Conversation State Tracking Dataset for Dialogue and Turn Level Evaluation", 2024 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI)
- Kyohoon Jin, Junho Lee, Juhwan Choi, Sangming Song and Youngbin Kim "Enhancing Effectiveness and Robustness in a Low-Resource Regime via Decision-Boundary-aware Data Augmentation", The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (COLING) [Link]
- Juhwan Choi, Kyohoon Jin, Junho Lee, Sangming Song and Youngbin Kim "AutoAugment Is What You Need: Enhancing Rule-based Augmentation Methods in Low-resource Regimes", 2024 European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL) Student Research Workshop [Link]
- Juhwan Choi, Kyohoon Jin, Junho Lee, Sangmin Song and Youngbin Kim "SoftEDA: Rethinking Rule-Based Data Augmentation with Soft Labels", 2023 International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) Tiny[Link]
- KyoHoon Jin, JunHo Lee, JuHwan Choi, SooJin Jang and YoungBin Kim "Generative Data Augmentation via Wasserstein Autoencoder for Text Classification", 2022 International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC) [Link]
Domestic Publications
- Kyohoon Jin, Junho Lee, Juhwan Choi, Sangmin Song, Soojin Jang and Youngbin Kim "텍스트 분류를 위한 Wasserstein Autoencoder를 활용한 생성적 데이터 증강 (Generative Data Augmentation for Text Classification using Wasserstein Autoencoder)", KICS Winter Conference 2024"
- Junho Lee, Sangmin Song, Juhwan Choi, Juhyoung Park, Kyohoon Jin, Youngbin Kim "낯선 데이터를 활용한 과잉신뢰 완화 텍스트 증강 기법 (Text Augmentation to Mitigate Overconfidence through Unfamiliar Data), Proceedings of HCI Korea 2023
- JuHwan Choi, JunHo Lee, KyoHoon Jin, YeHoon Jang and YoungBin Kim "Variational Autoencoder를 활용한 의미 보존 자연어 데이터 증강 기법 (Semantic Preservation Natural Language Data Augmentation via Variational Autoencoder), 2022 Summer Annual Conference of IEIE" [Link]
- Yuchul Shin, Kyohoon Jin, Juhwan Choi, Junho Lee, Soojin Jang and Youngbin Kim "Semantic Preservation and Natural Language Data Augmentation via Variational Autoencoder", 2022 TechART [Link]
- JunHo Lee, KyoHoon Jin and YoungBin Kim "고유명사를 활용한 Seed Lexicon 선정방식의 효율적인 다국어 임베딩 (Efficient Multilingual Embedding via Seed Lexicon Selection Method)", 2021 Korea Computer Congress (KCC) [Link]
Now Researching
(NLP)Language Model, Data Augment, Text Style Transfer
Languages and Tools
Pytorch, Tensorflow, TensorRT,