Adapter to run Python top2vec topic model in
You needed to setup a Clojure repl with:
- a working libpython-clj
- a working installation of python library top2vec
- I have tried 1.0.26
- a working instaltion of the PWI metric:
I provied here a Dockerfile which does the above instalation correctly. Using this, a working repl running in Docker can be started with:
docker run -ti -v $HOME/.m2:/home/user/.m2 -v "$(pwd):/app" -p 12345:12345 -w /app python3 -c "import cljbridge;cljbridge.init_clojure_repl(port=12345,bind='')"
Then the followin code trains the top2vec model on some texts.
(require '[clojure.test :refer :all]
'[ :refer :all]
'[camel-snake-kebab.core :as csk]
'[tablecloth.api :as tc])
(def raw-data
(tc/dataset ""
{:key-fn csk/->kebab-case-keyword
:file-type :csv
:gzipped? true}))
(def data
(-> raw-data
(tc/shuffle {:seed 123})
(tc/head 10000)
(tc/select-columns :text)
(def train-result-learn
( data {:speed :learn
:model-type :top2vec
:min_count 1
:documents-column :text}))
(clojure.pprint/pprint (update-in train-result-learn [:model-data] dissoc :model-as-bytes))
(def top2vec-model-py ( train-result-learn))
The obtained top2vec-model-py
is the python object of the trained model.
It can be used from Clojure via libpython-clj
calls of its API:
For a few cases I provide wrappers for the python API. A wordcloud of a topic (the first this case) can be obtained as a SVG string by:
(wc->svg top2vec-model-py (first (get-all-word-scores top2vec-model-py)) 100 100)
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