A collection of ready-to-deploy Serverless Framework services.
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If you are new to serverless, we recommend getting started with by creating an HTTP API Endpoint in NodeJS, Python, Java, or Golang.
Each example contains a README.md
with an explanation about the service and it's use cases.
Have an example? Submit a PR or open an issue. ⚡️
To install any of these you can run:
serverless install -u https://github.com/serverless/examples/tree/master/folder-name -n my-project
Example | Runtime |
Dot Net REST API with DynamoDB Setup a REST API w/ DynamoDB using Dot Net Core 2.1 |
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AWS FFmepg Layer AWS FFmepg Layer & a service using it to create GIFs |
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AWS Golang Auth This example shows you how to setup auth in front of a AWS Lambda function |
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DynamoDB Stream To Elasticsearch Stream data from DynamoDB to Elasticsearch |
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Google map api Serverless example using golang to hit google map api |
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HTTP GET and POST Boilerplate code for Golang with GET and POST example |
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Aws golang rest api with dynamodb Boilerplate code for Golang CRUD Operations |
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AWS S3 Bucket Replicator in Golang Boilerplate code for Golang with S3 object create event and replicator example |
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TODO This example demonstrates how to setup a simple HTTP endpoint in Go. |
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TODO This example demonstrates how to stream kinesis information into elasticsearch in a golang runtime |
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AWS Simple HTTP Endpoint example in Java This example demonstrates how to setup a simple HTTP GET endpoint using Java. Once you ping it, it will reply with the current time. |
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TODO This example demonstrates how you can run multiple runtimes in AWS Lambda. |
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AWS Serverless Alexa Skill example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to setup your own Alexa skill using AWS Lambdas. |
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API Gateway Authorizer Function for Auth0 or AWS Cognito using RS256 JSON Web Key Sets tokens. Authorize your API Gateway with either Auth0 or Cognito JWKS RS256 tokens. |
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AWS API Gateway Custom Authorizer Function with Auth0 example in NodeJS This is an example of how to protect API endpoints with Auth0, JSON Web Tokens (jwt) and a custom authorizer lambda function. |
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Dynamic Image Resizing API This example shows you how to setup a dynamic image resizer API |
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TODO This examples shows your how to create a backup of your DynamoDB table to S3. |
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AWS Storing Encrypted Secrets example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to store secrets like API keys encrypted in your repository while providing them as environment variables to your AWS Lambda functions. |
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AWS Serverless Environment Variables Usage example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to use environment variables for AWS Lambdas. |
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Node Express API on AWS This template demonstrates how to develop and deploy a simple Node Express API running on AWS Lambda using the Serverless Framework. |
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Node Express API service backed by DynamoDB on AWS This template demonstrates how to develop and deploy a simple Node Express API service backed by DynamoDB running on AWS Lambda using the Serverless Framework. |
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AWS Fetch image from URL and upload to S3 example in NodeJS This example display how to fetch an image from remote source (URL) and then upload this image to a S3 bucket. |
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Serverless Email Sign Up Form This example demonstrates how to deploy a Fullstack serverless application |
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AWS Function compiled with Babel example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to compile your JavaScript code with Babel. In order to do so the 'serverless-babel-plugin' is leveraged. |
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Serverless Github Check The idea is to validate that all Pull Requests are related to a specific trello card. |
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AWS Serverless Github Webhook Listener example in NodeJS This service will listen to github webhooks fired by a given repository. |
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A Simple Serverless GraphQL API for MySQL, Postgres and Aurora This is an example project that uses 3 RDS databases to illustrate the differences between using each of them |
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GraphQL query endpoint in NodeJS on AWS with DynamoDB A single-module GraphQL endpoint with query and mutation functionality. |
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Node.js AWS Lambda connecting to Heroku Postgres Shows how to connect AWS Lambda to Heroku Postgres. Uses an api:release Heroku webhook and the Heroku API to handle automatic Heroku Postgres credential rotation. |
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AWS Serverless IoT Event example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to setup a AWS IoT Rule to send events to a Lambda function. |
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Node.js AWS Lambda connecting to MongoDB Atlas Shows how to connect AWS Lambda to MongoDB Atlas. |
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TODO Connect to Dropbox's API using AWS Lambda. |
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Running Puppeteer on AWS Lambda This example shows you how to run Puppeteer on AWS Lambda |
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AWS Recursive Lambda function Invocation example in NodeJS This is an example of a function that will recursively call itself. |
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AWS Analyse Image from S3 with Amazon Rekognition example in NodeJS This example shows how to analyze an image in an S3 bucket with Amazon Rekognition and return a list of labels. |
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TODO This example demonstrate how to use MongoDB with AWS and Serverless. |
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AWS Simple HTTP Endpoint example in NodeJS with Typescript This template demonstrates how to make a simple REST API with Node.js and Typescript running on AWS Lambda and API Gateway using the Serverless Framework v1. |
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Serverless Nodejs Rest API with TypeScript And MongoDB Atlas This is simple REST API example for AWS Lambda By Serverless framwork with TypeScript and MongoDB Atlas. |
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AWS Serverless REST API with DynamoDB and offline support example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to run a service locally, using the 'serverless-offline' plugin. It provides a REST API to manage Todos stored in DynamoDB. |
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AWS Serverless REST API example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to setup a RESTful Web Service allowing you to create, list, get, update and delete Todos. DynamoDB is used to store the data. |
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AWS Simple HTTP Endpoint example in NodeJS This template demonstrates how to make a simple REST API with Node.js running on AWS Lambda and API Gateway using the traditional Serverless Framework. |
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AWS Simple HTTP Endpoint example in NodeJS This template demonstrates how to make a simple HTTP API with Node.js running on AWS Lambda and API Gateway using the Serverless Framework. |
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AWS S3 File Replicator This example creates 2 AWS S3 buckets and copies files in one bucket to the other |
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AWS Node Scheduled Cron example in NodeJS This is an example of creating a function that runs as a cron job using the serverless ''schedule'' event. |
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AWS Node Scheduled Weather example in NodeJS This is an example of creating a function that runs as a cron job using the serverless 'schedule' event. It retrieves weather information at 10am (UTC) and emails it to a predefined recipient. |
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AWS Serving Dynamic HTML via API Gateway example in NodeJS This example illustrates how to hookup an API Gateway endpoint to a Lambda function to render HTML on a GET request. |
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The Serverless Gong A serverless gong with GitHub and Slack webhooks |
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AWS SES receive emails and process body This example shows how to process receiving emails, and have S3 trigger a lambda function. |
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AWS SES receive an email, trigger a lambda function to process header. This example shows how to process receiving email header, and trigger a lambda function. |
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Shared AWS API Gateway with multiple Node Lambdas A sample of implementing shared API gateway with multiple Node Lambdas |
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AWS Node Signed Uploads The approach implemented in this service is useful when you want to use Amazon API Gateway and you want to solve the 10MB payload limit |
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AWS Simple HTTP Endpoint example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to setup a simple HTTP GET endpoint. Once you ping it, it will reply with the current time. |
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Simple AWS Transcribe example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to setup a lambda function to transcribe your audio file (.wav format) into a text transcription. The lambda will be triggered whenever a new audio file is uploaded to S3 and the transcription (JSON format) will be saved to a S3 bucket. |
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AWS Single Page Application example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to setup a Single Page Application. |
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Node SQS Producer Consumer on AWS This template demonstrates how to develop and deploy a simple SQS-based producer-consumer service running on AWS Lambda using the traditional Serverless Framework. |
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AWS Stripe Integration example in NodeJS This example for Stripe integration using AWS Lambda and API Gateway. |
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Simple Telegram bot This is a simple echo bot on Telegram. |
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AWS Data Processing example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to setup a simple data processing pipeline. |
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AWS Send SMS Message with Twilio example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to send SMS messages with the Twilio SDK and AWS lambda. |
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Joke Twitter Bot Twitter bot that will periodically tweet out a joke obtained from a joke API. |
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AWS Apollo Lambda (NodeJS & Typescript) This example provides a setup for a Lambda Graphql API with apollo |
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AWS Kinesis Data Streams Example (NodeJS & Typescript) Produce and Consume data on a Kinesis Data Stream with Typescript. |
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AWS Nest application example (NodeJS & Typescript) This example demonstrates how to setup a simple Nest application. |
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TODO This example shows your how to create a TypeScript powered REST API with DynamoDB. |
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AWS SQS Standard Example (NodeJS & Typescript) This example demonstrates how to setup a SQS with Typescript. |
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AWS Upload a file to S3 to trigger a Lambda function example in NodeJS This example shows how to upload a file to S3 using a HTML form, and have S3 trigger a lambda function. |
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Serverless side rendering with Vue.js and Nuxt.js This project demonstrates how to use Nuxt.js to create a server-side rendered Vue.js app on AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway. |
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Simple Websocket Authorizers The example shows you how to deploy simple websocket authorizers |
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AWS NodeJS Example This template demonstrates how to deploy a simple NodeJS function running on AWS Lambda using the Serverless Framework. |
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AWS Serverless Alexa Skill example in Python This example demonstrates how to setup your own Alexa skill using AWS Lambdas. |
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AWS API Gateway Custom Authorizer Function with Auth0 example in Python This is an example of how to protect API endpoints with Auth0, JSON Web Tokens (jwt) and a custom authorizer lambda function in Python 3. |
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Python Flask API on AWS This template demonstrates how to develop and deploy a simple Python Flask API running on AWS Lambda using the Serverless Framework. |
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Python Flask API backed by DynamoDB on AWS This template demonstrates how to develop and deploy a simple Python Flask API service backed by DynamoDB running on AWS Lambda using the Serverless Framework. |
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Simple LINE bot This is a simple echo bot on LINE bot. |
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AWS Serverless REST API with DynamoDB store and presigned URLs example in Python 3.6. This example demonstrates how to setup a RESTful Web Service allowing you to create, list, get, update and delete Assets. DynamoDB is used to store the data. |
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AWS Serverless REST API with DynamoDB store example in Python This example demonstrates how to setup a RESTful Web Service allowing you to create, list, get, update and delete Todos. DynamoDB is used to store the data. |
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AWS Serverless REST API with FaunaDB store example in Python This example demonstrates how to setup a RESTful Web Service allowing you to create, list, get, update and delete Todos. FaunaDB is used to store the data. |
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AWS Python Rest API with Pymongo AWS Python Rest API with Pymongo Example |
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AWS Serverless REST API with DynamoDB store example in Python This example demonstrates how to setup a RESTful Web Service allowing you to create, list, get, update and delete Todos. DynamoDB is used to store the data. |
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AWS Simple HTTP Endpoint example in Python This template demonstrates how to make a simple REST API with Python running on AWS Lambda and API Gateway using the traditional Serverless Framework. |
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AWS Simple HTTP Endpoint example in Python This template demonstrates how to make a simple HTTP API with Python running on AWS Lambda and API Gateway using the Serverless Framework. |
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AWS Python Scheduled Cron example in Python This is an example of creating a function that runs as a cron job using the serverless ''schedule'' event. |
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AWS Simple HTTP Endpoint example in Python This example demonstrates how to setup a simple HTTP GET endpoint. Once you ping it, it will reply with the current time. |
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Python SQS Producer Consumer on AWS This template demonstrates how to develop and deploy a simple SQS-based producer-consumer service running on AWS Lambda using the traditional Serverless Framework. |
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TODO This example demonstrates how to setup an echo Telegram Bot using the Serverless Framework. |
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AWS Python Example This template demonstrates how to deploy a Python function running on AWS Lambda using the Serverless Framework. |
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Ruby LINE bot This example shows you how to create a LINE bot using Ruby. |
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AWS Simple HTTP Endpoint example in Ruby This example demonstrates how to setup a simple HTTP GET endpoint. Once you ping it, it will reply with the current time. |
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Ruby Sinatra API backed by DynamoDB on AWS This template demonstrates how to develop and deploy a simple Ruby Sinatra API service backed by DynamoDB running on AWS Lambda using the traditional Serverless Framework. |
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AWS Ruby scheduled cron example backed by DynamoDB This is an example of creating a function that runs as a cron job using the serverless 'schedule' event. With the usage of the AWS Lambda function, it creates a record to the DynamoDB each and every 30 minutes. |
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AWS Ruby Step Functions AWS Ruby example that make usage of AWS Step Functions with AWS Lambda, DynamoDB and Step Functions flows. |
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Serverless AWS Ruby SQS with DynamoDB example A serverless ruby example that creates DynamoDB records with the usage of SQS, API Gateway, and AWS Lambda functions. |
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AWS Serverless Boilerplate example in Rust This example shows a Serverless boilerplate in Rust. |
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TODO This example demonstrates how to setup a serverless Line Bot using Node.js. |
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Azure Simple HTTP Endpoint example in NodeJS In this example, we deploy an HTTP Node.js Azure Function. This example shows you how to read properties off of a query string or the request body, then set a result back to Azure. |
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TODO This example demonstrates how to setup a serverless Telegram Bot on Azure. |
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Using Azure Service Queue to trigger Azure Function This example demonstrates how to trigger an Azure function when a message arrives in Service Bus Queue |
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GCF Simple HTTP Endpoint example in golang This example demonstrates how to setup a simple golang HTTP GET endpoint on GCP Cloud Functions. When you ping the endpoint we've set up you'll see the time returned for the given request type. |
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GCF Simple HTTP Endpoint example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to setup a simple HTTP GET endpoint. |
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Typescript HTTP Endpoint This example demonstrates how to setup a simple Typescript HTTP endpoint on GCP. |
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GCF Simple HTTP Endpoint example in Python This example demonstrates how to setup a simple python HTTP GET endpoint on GCP Cloud Functions. When you ping the endpoint we've set up you'll see the time returned for the given request type. |
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Kubeless Serverless Simple function example in Python This example demonstrates a simple function example in Python. |
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Kubeless Serverless Simple scheduled function example in Python This example demonstrates a simple sexample in Python for a scheduled function. |
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OpenWhisk Serverless Boilerplate example in Go This example shows a Serverless boilerplate in Go. |
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OpenWhisk Serverless Boilerplate using Docker example in NodeJS This example shows a Serverless boilerplate using Docker in NodeJS. |
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OpenWhisk Serverless Chaining Functions example in NodeJS This example demonstrates chaining functions in NodeJS. |
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OpenWhisk Serverless Scheduled Cron job example in NodeJS This example demonstrates scheduleding a cron job in NodeJS. |
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OpenWhisk Simple HTTP Endpoint example in NodeJS This example demonstrates how to setup a simple HTTP GET endpoint. |
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OpenWhisk Serverless Simple example in NodeJS This example demonstrates a simple example in NodeJS. |
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OpenWhisk Serverless Simple example in PHP This example demonstrates a simple example in PHP. |
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OpenWhisk Serverless Scheduled Cron job example in Python This example demonstrates scheduleding a cron job. |
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OpenWhisk Simple HTTP Endpoint example in Python This example demonstrates how to setup a simple HTTP GET endpoint. |
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OpenWhisk Serverless Simple example in Python This example demonstrates a simple example in Python. |
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OpenWhisk Serverless Simple example in Ruby This example demonstrates a simple example in Ruby. |
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OpenWhisk Serverless Boilerplate example in Rust This example shows a Serverless boilerplate in Rust. |
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OpenWhisk Swift example with external libraries and pre compiled binaries This example shows you how to use external packages and deploy binaries |
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OpenWhisk Serverless Scheduled Cron job example in Swift This example demonstrates scheduling a cron job. |
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OpenWhisk Simple HTTP Endpoint example in Swift This example demonstrates how to setup a simple HTTP GET endpoint. |
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OpenWhisk Serverless Simple example in Swift This example demonstrates a simple example in Swift. |
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Twilio Forward a Call This example projects helps you deploy a serverless function to the Twilio runtime. The function responds the TwiML configuration to forward phone call. |
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Serverless Lambda S3 Demonstration This project demonstrates how the Serverless Framework can be used to deploy a NodeJS Lambda function that responds to events in an S3 bucket. |
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Spiderless, Web Spider on Serverless A web spider / scraper / website change detector built with Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB and SNS |
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AWS Demo Java Spring Cloud Function Serverless If Java is your choice of programming language-Spring Cloud Function,Serverless Framework makes a great technology stack. It boosts developer productivity by decoupling from Vendor specific FaaS API, and deployment activities. |
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Serverless Architecture Boilerplate Boilerplate to organize and deploy big projects using Serverless and CloudFormation on AWS |
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JwtAuthorizr Custom JWT Authorizer Lambda function for Amazon API Gateway with Bearer JWT |
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Slack signup serverless Serverless signup to Slack and more. Lambda with Python, StepFunctions, and Web front end. Python boilerplate included. |
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Serverless graphql api Serverless GraphQL API using Lambda and DynamoDB |
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Serverless screenshot Serverless Screenshot Service using PhantomJS |
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Serverless postgraphql GraphQL endpoint for PostgreSQL using postgraphql |
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Serverless messenger boilerplate Serverless messenger bot boilerplate |
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Serverless npm registry Serverless private npm registry, proxy and cache. |
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Serverless facebook quotebot 100% Serverless Facebook messenger chatbot which will respond with inspiring quotes |
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Serverless slack trevorbot Slack bot for info on where in the world is Trevor Gerhardt? |
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Pfs email serverless This is a lambda function created by the serverless framework. It searches through members in our mongodb who have not been sent emails and sends them an email with their custom token to unlock the pledge free stream. It then marks those members off as already receiving the email. |
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Plaid cashburndown service Service for calculating cash burndown with plaid. Frontend code can be found here: https://github.com/cplee/cashburndown-site |
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Cordis serverless A serverless API for EU Cordis data |
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Serverless newsletter signup Saves user details into DynamoDB table. Required values are email, first_name and last_name. |
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Serverless slack cron Lambda function which sends messages to Slack channel in regular intervals via cron trigger. |
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Sls access counter Site visitor counter |
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Sls form mail Send SNS email from form data |
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Serverless python sample A simple serverless python sample with REST API endpoints and dependencies |
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Serverless slack emojibot Serverless slack bot for emoji |
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Serverless cloudwatch rds custom metrics A NodeJS-based MySQL RDS Data Collection script to push Custom Metrics to Cloudwatch with Serverless |
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Sc5 serverless boilerplate A boilerplate that contains setup for test-driven development |
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Serverless blog to podcast Service that reads RSS feed and converts the entries to a podcast feed and audio files using Amazon Polly |
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Offset trump Single page app using Serverless (C# runtime) and S3 site hosting. Pledge to do a good thing for the next four years to offset the potential negative effects of the US Presidency |
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Serverless url shortener A simple url-shortener, using Serverless framework |
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Serverless html pdf Service that convert HTML to PDF using PhantomJS's rasterize example. |
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Serverless examples cached rds ws A serverless framework example project that uses API Gateway, ElastiCache, and RDS PostgreSQL. |
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Bittman A serverless project that follows a stock trading algorithm and uses scheduled functions to save data to DynamoDB and send emails through Mailgun. |
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Adoptable pet bot Tweets adoptable pets using Serverless (Node.js) and AWS Lambda |
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Owntracks serverless A serverless implementation of the OwnTracks HTTP backend |
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Serverless modern koa Serverless modern koa starter kit |
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Serverless ReactJS Universal Rendering Boilerplate ReactJS web app Starter kit does universal (isomorphic) rendering with Serverless |
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Open Bot An unoptionated Github bot driven by a configuration file in the repository |
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Aws ses serverless example AWS SES example in NodeJS using lambda |
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Aws node signed uploads Upload files larger than 10MB with AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Can be developed and tested locally. |
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SQS Worker with AWS Lambda and CloudWatch Alarms Process messages stored in SQS with an auto-scaled AWS Lambda worker function. |
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Serverless image manager image upload / download with resizing. Used API gateway's binary support & serverless |
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Amazon Kinesis Streams fan out via Kinesis Analytics Use Amazon Kinesis Analytics to fan-out your Kinesis Streams and avoid read throttling. |
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HoneyLambda a simple, serverless application designed to create and monitor URL {honey}tokens, on top of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway |
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Faultline Error tracking tool on AWS managed services. |
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Stack Overflow Monitor Monitor Stack Overflow questions and post them in a Slack channel |
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Serverless Analytics Write your own Google Analytics clone and track website visitors serverless with API Gateway, Kinesis, Lambda, and DynamoDB. |
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Serverless + medium text to speech Serverless-based, text-to-speech service for Medium articles |
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Serverless + java DynamoDB imlementation example example for java programmers that want to work with AWS-Lambda and DynamoDB |
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AWS Cognito Custom User Pool Example Example CloudFormation custom resource backed by a lambda using Cognito User Pools |
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AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, S3, DynamoDB and Cognito Example Step by step guide how to deploy simple web application on top of AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, S3, DynamoDB and Cognito. |
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Run your Kubernetes Workloads on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances with Amazon EKS and Lambda Part 1 From this tutorial you'll learn how to add AWS EKS Cluster with Spot Instances to your cloud environment managed by Serverless framework |
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Serverless + lambda protobuf responses Demo using API Gateway and Lambda with Protocol Buffer |
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Serverless Telegram Bot This example demonstrates how to setup an echo Telegram Bot using the Serverless Framework ⚡🤖 |
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Serverless + lambda + vpc + nat + redis Demo using API Gateway and Lambda with VPC and NAT to access Internet and AWS Resource |
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Serverless Gitlab CI Simple Gitlab CI template for automatic testing and deployments |
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Serverless ffmpeg Bucket event driven FFMPEG using serverless. Input bucket => Serverless ffmpeg => Output bucket. |
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Realtime WW2 Alexa Skill An alexa skill project that's using Alexa SDK. Can also be used for a working example of serverless-webpack (with use of async/await via babel). |
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Serverless Kakao Bot Easy development for Kakaotalk Bot with Serverless |
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Personal Access Tokens Cron Check Audit for leaked PAT in your Contentful organization. How to use serverless as cronjobs to keep your Personal Access Tokens secure |
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Daily Instance Backups with AMI Rotation A simple Python application which scans through your entire AWS account for tagged instances, makes daily AMIs of them, and rotates their backups automatically |
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Serverless Instagram Crawler Instagram hashtag Crawler with Lambda & DynamoDB. |
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Serverless Next.js Example Next.js example project for development & deploy. |
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Serving binary files Small example showing how to serve binary files using Serverless on AWS with the serverless-apigw-binary plugin, using generated Excel files as an example |
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Lambda PubSub via SNS Example Example illustrating the flow: Lambda (publisher) => SNS => Lambda (consumer) |
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Serverless CloudWatch Proxy Logging adapter that consumes log streams from AWS CloudWatch, streams them to other log destinations. Also capable of identying alerts and sending notifications via Slack/Email |
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Serverless side rendering with Vue.js and Nuxt.js Sample project for using Nuxt.js to create a server-side rendered Vue.js app on AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway. Can easily integrate with your own API or 3rd party APIs such as headless CMS, e-commerce or serverless architecture. |
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Aws mfa enforce Serverless function to automate enforcement of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to all AWS IAM users with access to AWS Management Console. |
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Vanity stargazer Github vanity-stargazer is a serverless application to handle posting Github new star gazers to Slack |
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Fotopia Serverless A photo archive web app including API, storage and face detection using serverless framework |
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Commenting API A commenting api using Serverless Typescript GraphQl and Redis |
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Serverless node api dynamodb neo4j Architecture example to stream DynamoDB data to a read-model using Neo4j |
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Serverless python rds cron A serverless python example that periodically removes entries from AWS RDS |
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Nietzsche A serverless application that fetches quotes from Goodreads and saves it to DynamoDB with example use cases using Lambda , SNS , SQS , Step Functions , DynamoDB , API Gateway , CloudWatch |
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Serverless DotNet BoilerPlate A serverless starter solution for .NET Core, ready for local debugging in VS Code, HTTP Endpoint, etc. |
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Serverless Load Balancer A sample that shows how to combine a load balancer with (vpc/subnet configuration) with a lambda. |
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Serverless api typescript template A starter template for a Serverless API using Typescript and Jest |
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Serverless SNS SQS offline Example Minimal example of running serverless-offline with SQS and SNS in local environment. |
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Serverless RDS Log Sync S3 Annotated exmaple of a periodic scheduled task to sync changed RDS log files to an S3 bucket. |
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HTTP Headers Checks Serverless Application to check integrity of the headers of a given HTTP server |
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Serverless Image Labeller Serverless image labelling using Rekognition, s3, DynamoDB. |
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Serverless AppSync offline TypeScript with CircleCI A Serverless Framework template that allows you to launch an AppSync emulator locally and proceed with development. Lambda Function build by TypeScript/Webpack. |
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Serverless Screenshot to S3 An example serverless stack which takes a screenshot using aws-chrome-lambda and puts it in s3. NodeJS. |
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Express Application With Lambda This example demonstrates how to build an express application for AWS Lambda based on serverless framework. |
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DropBucket - Serverless file sharing A serverless file sharing app powered by Cognito/S3/Lambda/API Gateway. Includes a React single-page app UI and virus scanning. |
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serverless-pokego Serverless-powered API to fetch nearby Pokemon Go data |
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serverless-garden-aid IoT Garden Aid Backend |
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serverless-react-boilerplate A serverless react boilerplate for offline development |
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serverless-delivery-framework This is a boilerplate for version release pipeline with serverless framework |
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serverless-mailgun-slack A Serverless function for posting to a Slack Webhook in response to a Mailgun route |
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serverless-AWS-Rekognition-finpics Use AWS Rekognition to provide a faces search of finpics.com |
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jrestless-examples JRestless (Java / JAX-RS) examples for API Gateway Functions (plain JAX-RS), Spring, binary data requests/responses, custom authorizers and Cognito User Pool authorizers), SNS Functions) (asynchronous communication between functions) and Service Functions) (synchronous HTTP-like communication between functions - transparent through Feign) |
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AWS API Gateway Serverless project written in Go A serverless project that contains an API Gateway endpoint powered by a Lambda function written in golang and built using eawsy/aws-lambda-go-shim. |
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video-preview-and-analysis-service An event-driven service that generates labels using Amazon Rekognition and creates preview GIF animation from a video file. |
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Serverless ES6/7 CRUD API Serverless Stack examples of backend CRUD APIs (DynamoDB + Lambda + API Gateway + Cognito User Pool authorizer) for React.js single-page app |
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AWS Lambda Power Tuning (powered by Step Functions) Build a Step Functions state machine to optimize your AWS Lambda Function memory/power configuration. |
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React & Stripe Serverless Ecommerce Serverless E-Commerce App with AWS Lambda, Stripe and React |
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Run your Kubernetes Workloads on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances with Amazon EKS and Lambda - Part 2 From this article you'll learn how to configure AWS Lambda functions to allow them manage your EKS Kubernetes cluster and run triggered jobs |
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Serverless Dashboard For Atom Editor Atom editor package which allows you to deploy and visualize your serverless services with Serverless Framework on your editor. |
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Serverless SSH Command Example of executing ssh command with OpenWhisk |
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JSON-Serverless A simple & cheap serverless REST API using json-server in combination with AWS Lambda / S3 and the serverless framework |
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[Unly] Boilerplates Generator A boilerplates generator, meant to help to quick-start Serverless (AWS Lambda/API GW) and OSS projects, using good defaults (sentry for automated error handling, staging/prod environments, built-in support for env vars, jest support, babel/webpack), yet flexible to fit your needs. |
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Demo project for serverless-migrate-plugin An example about how to use migrations in your serverless project with serverless-migrate-plugin |
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GoLive Boilerplate to live stream using AWS MediaLive and MediaStore |
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Idempotent Serverless Functions This repository demonstrates how to ensure the idempotence of serverless functions running on AWS Lambda. |
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File uploads using S3 presigned URLs A Serverless photo upload service with API Gateway, S3 presigned URLs and Lambda. |
unknown |
Monorepo Typescript microservices An opinionated Serverless template with several Typescript microservices in a monorepo |
unknown |
Serverless Python Twitch EventSub to Discord Webhook on AWS This template takes go-live events from Twitch EventSub, and publishes the events through a Discord webhook |
unknown |
To install any of these you can run:
serverless install -u https://github.com/author/project -n my-project
We are happy to accept more examples from the community. 🎉
- Make sure your contribution matches the linting setup for this repo:
Run the linting via
npm run lint
Add a
file in your example with the name of the example and adescription
and anydependencies
used. -
Regenerate the README.md with the following command
npm run docs
- Open a new pull request with your example. ⚡️
We love hearing about projects happening in the community. Feel free to add your serverless project to our growing list.
, anddescription
to the community-examples.json file. -
Open a new pull request with your example. ⚡️