The Go SDK for Serverless Workflow provides strongly-typed structures for the Serverless Workflow specification. It simplifies parsing, validating, and interacting with workflows in Go. Starting from version v3.1.0
, the SDK also includes a partial reference implementation, allowing users to execute workflows directly within their Go applications.
This table indicates the current state of implementation of various SDK features:
Feature | Status |
Parse workflow JSON and YAML definitions | ✔️ |
Programmatically build workflow definitions | ✔️ |
Validate workflow definitions (Schema) | ✔️ |
Specification Implementation | ✔️* |
Validate workflow definitions (Integrity) | 🚫 |
Generate workflow diagram (SVG) | 🚫 |
Note: *Implementation is partial; contributions are encouraged.
Latest Releases | Conformance to Spec Version |
v1.0.0 | v0.5 |
v2.0.1 | v0.6 |
v2.1.2 | v0.7 |
v2.4.3 | v0.8 |
v3.0.0 | v1.0.0 |
The SDK provides a partial reference runner to execute your workflows:
Below is a simple YAML workflow that sets a message and then prints it:
dsl: "1.0.0"
namespace: "examples"
name: "simple-workflow"
version: "1.0.0"
- set:
message: "Hello from the Serverless Workflow SDK in Go!"
You can execute this workflow using the following Go program:
Example of executing a workflow defined in YAML:
package main
import (
func RunWorkflow(workflowFilePath string, input map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
data, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Clean(workflowFilePath))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
workflow, err := parser.FromYAMLSource(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
runner := impl.NewDefaultRunner(workflow)
output, err := runner.Run(input)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return output, nil
func main() {
output, err := RunWorkflow("./myworkflow.yaml", map[string]interface{}{"shouldCall": true})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Workflow completed with output: %v\n", output)
The table below lists the current state of this implementation. This table is a roadmap for the project based on the DSL Reference doc.
Feature | State |
Workflow Document | ✅ |
Workflow Use | 🟡 |
Workflow Schedule | ❌ |
Task Call | ❌ |
Task Do | ✅ |
Task Emit | ❌ |
Task For | ❌ |
Task Fork | ❌ |
Task Listen | ❌ |
Task Raise | ✅ |
Task Run | ❌ |
Task Set | ✅ |
Task Switch | ❌ |
Task Try | ❌ |
Task Wait | ❌ |
Lifecycle Events | 🟡 |
External Resource | ❌ |
Authentication | ❌ |
Catalog | ❌ |
Extension | ❌ |
Error | ✅ |
Event Consumption Strategies | ❌ |
Retry | ❌ |
Input | ✅ |
Output | ✅ |
Export | ✅ |
Timeout | ❌ |
Duration | ❌ |
Endpoint | ✅ |
HTTP Response | ❌ |
HTTP Request | ❌ |
URI Template | ✅ |
Container Lifetime | ❌ |
Process Result | ❌ |
AsyncAPI Server | ❌ |
AsyncAPI Outbound Message | ❌ |
AsyncAPI Subscription | ❌ |
Workflow Definition Reference | ❌ |
Subscription Iterator | ❌ |
We love contributions! Our aim is to have a complete implementation to serve as a reference or to become a project on its own to favor the CNCF Ecosystem.
If you are willing to help, please file a sub-task in this EPIC describing what you are planning to work on first.
Join our community on the CNCF Slack to collaborate, ask questions, and contribute:
Find us in the #serverless-workflow-sdk
Your contributions are very welcome!
- Format imports with
. - Run static analysis using:
make lint
Automatically fix lint issues:
make lint params=--fix
A sample .editorconfig
for IntelliJ or GoLand users can be found here.
- MacOS Issue: If you encounter
goimports: can't extract issues from gofmt diff output
, resolve it with:
brew install diffutils
Contributions are greatly appreciated! Check this EPIC and contribute to completing more features.
Happy coding!