import path from 'path'

import fs from 'fs/promises'
import cp from 'child_process'
import prompts from 'prompts'
import dedent from 'ts-dedent'

const logger = console

// CLI questions
const questions = [
    type: 'text',
    name: 'authorName',
    initial: '',
    message: 'What is your name? (to be given credit for the rule)',
    validate: (name: string) => (name === '' ? "Name can't be empty" : true),
    type: 'text',
    name: 'ruleId',
    message: dedent(`Time to name your rule! Follow the ESLint rule naming conventions:

      - If your rule is disallowing something, prefix it with no- such as no-eval for disallowing eval() and no-debugger for disallowing debugger.
      - If your rule is enforcing the inclusion of something, use a short name without a special prefix.
      - Use dashes between words.
      What is the ID of this new rule?
    validate: (rule: string) => (rule === '' ? "Rule can't be empty" : true),
    type: 'text',
    name: 'ruleDescription',
    message: 'Type a short description of this rule',
    validate: (rule: string) => (rule === '' ? "Description can't be empty" : true),
    type: 'confirm',
    name: 'isAutoFixable',
    message: 'Will this rule contain an autofix?',
    initial: true,

const generateRule = async () => {
    'šŸ‘‹ Welcome to the Storybook ESLint rule generator! Please answer a few questions so I can provide everything you need for your new rule.'
  const { authorName, ruleId, ruleDescription, isAutoFixable } = await prompts(questions, {
    onCancel: () => {
      logger.log('Process canceled by the user.')

  const ruleFile = path.resolve(__dirname, `../lib/rules/${ruleId}.ts`)
  const testFile = path.resolve(__dirname, `../tests/lib/rules/${ruleId}.test.ts`)
  const docFile = path.resolve(__dirname, `../docs/rules/${ruleId}.md`)

  logger.log(`creating lib/rules/${ruleId}.ts`)
  await fs.writeFile(
       * @fileoverview ${ruleDescription}
       * @author ${authorName}

      import { TSESTree } from '@typescript-eslint/utils'
      import { createStorybookRule } from '../utils/create-storybook-rule'
      import { CategoryId } from '../utils/constants'
      import { isIdentifier, isVariableDeclaration } from '../utils/ast'

      // Rule Definition

      export = createStorybookRule({
        name: '${ruleId}',
        defaultOptions: [],
        meta: {
          type: 'problem', // \`problem\`, \`suggestion\`, or \`layout\`
          severity: 'error', // or 'warn'
          docs: {
            description: '${ruleDescription}',
            // Add the categories that suit this rule.
            categories: [CategoryId.RECOMMENDED],
          messages: {
            anyMessageIdHere: 'Fill me in',
          ${isAutoFixable ? "fixable: 'code'," : ''}
          ${isAutoFixable ? 'hasSuggestions: true,' : ''}
          schema: [], // Add a schema if the rule has options. Otherwise remove this

        create(context) {
          // variables should be defined here

          // Helpers

          // any helper functions should go here or else delete this section

          // Public

          return {
             * šŸ‘‰ Please read this and then delete this entire comment block.
             * This is an example rule that reports an error in case a named export is called 'wrong'.
             * Hopefully this will guide you to write your own rules. Make sure to always use the AST utilities and account for all possible cases.
             * Keep in mind that sometimes AST nodes change when in javascript or typescript format. For example, the type of "declaration" from "export default {}" is ObjectExpression but in "export default {} as SomeType" is TSAsExpression.
             * Use for Eslint API reference
             * And check to help write rules
             * Working with AST is fun. Good luck!
            ExportNamedDeclaration: function (node: TSESTree.ExportNamedDeclaration) {
              const declaration = node.declaration
              if (!declaration) return
              // use AST helpers to make sure the nodes are of the right type
              if (isVariableDeclaration(declaration)) {
                const identifier = declaration.declarations[0]?.id
                if (isIdentifier(identifier)) {
                  const { name } = identifier
                  if (name === 'wrong') {
                      messageId: 'anyMessageIdHere',


  logger.log(`creating tests/lib/rules/${ruleId}.test.ts`)
  await fs.writeFile(
         * @fileoverview ${ruleDescription}
         * @author ${authorName}

        // Requirements

        import rule from '../../../lib/rules/${ruleId}'
        import ruleTester from '../../utils/rule-tester'

        // Tests
        //------------------------------------------------------------------------------'${ruleId}', rule, {
           * šŸ‘‰ Please read this and delete this entire comment block.
           * This is an example test for a rule that reports an error in case a named export is called 'wrong'
           * Use for Eslint API reference
          valid: ['export const correct = {}'],
          invalid: [
              code: 'export const wrong = {}',
              errors: [
                  messageId: 'anyMessageIdHere', // comes from the rule file


  logger.log(`creating docs/rules/${ruleId}.md`)
  await fs.writeFile(
      # ${ruleId}

      <!-- RULE-CATEGORIES:END -->

      ## Rule Details


      Examples of **incorrect** code for this rule:

      // fill me in

      Examples of **correct** code for this rule:

      // fill me in

      ### Options

      If there are any options, describe them here. Otherwise, delete this section.

      ## When Not To Use It

      Give a short description of when it would be appropriate to turn off this rule. If not applicable, delete this section.

      ## Further Reading

      If there are other links that describe the issue this rule addresses, please include them here in a bulleted list. Otherwise, delete this section.


  const { shouldOpenInVSCode } = await prompts({
    type: 'confirm',
    name: 'shouldOpenInVSCode',
    message: 'Do you want to open the newly generated files in VS Code?',
    initial: false,

  if (shouldOpenInVSCode) {
    cp.execSync(`code "${ruleFile}"`)
    cp.execSync(`code "${testFile}"`)
    cp.execSync(`code "${docFile}"`)

    '\nšŸš€ All done! Make sure to run `pnpm run test` as you write the rule and `pnpm run update-all` when you are done.'
  logger.log(`ā¤ļø  Thanks for helping this plugin get better, ${authorName.split(' ')[0]}!`)

generateRule().catch((error) => {
  logger.error('An error occurred while generating the rule:', error)