I'm a self-taught programmer who loves R, Shiny, fantasy football, and carving pumpkins.
By day, I'm an engineer for Zelus Soccer. I started DynastyProcess.com and ffverse, maintain nflverse, and mentor at Data Science Learning Community.
In past lives, I have been a: residential property manager, construction data analyst, fantasy football writer, live-coding streamer, marathon rower, adult rowing coach, and more.
Away from my keyboard, I enjoy powerlifting, rowing, skiing, cooking, and hanging out with my dog Jasper.
See my now page!
- RStudioConf 2022: using GitHub Actions and Releases with your R projects
- ShinyConf 2023: approaches for debugging Shiny apps
- ShinyProd 2023: strategies for logging in Shiny apps and beyond
- YouTube: recordings from Twitch streams, including several R tutorials on scraping, unnesting lists, and standing up your own AWS Shiny Server
- ffverse family of R packages, featuring ffscrapr, ffsimulator, ffopportunity, and ffpros
- nflverse project, especially nflreadr and the various automated data pipelines that power it
- DynastyProcess - includes a popular Trade Calculator, open data, and some research
- nflverse Discord is awesome for chatting about football and sports data