try is an easy-to-use cli tool to try out Python packages.
- Install specific package version from PyPI
- Install package from GitHub
- Install in virtualenv using specific version of python
- Specify alternative python package import name
- Keep try environment after interactive session
- Launch interactive python console with already imported package
- Launch editor instead of interpreter
- Launch arbitrary python shell instead of default python shell
try requests
try requests --ipython
try requests --shell ptipython
try requests -p 3.5
try requests -p /usr/bin/python3.4.1
try requests==2.8.1
try kennethreitz/requests --ipython
try click-didyoumean:click_didyoumean # if python package name is different then pip package name
try requests --editor
Note: most of the following cli options can also be configured in the configuration file!
Try single python package:
try requests
try flask
Try multiple python packages in one session:
try requests flask
Try specific version of a package:
try requests==2.8.1 # tries version 2.8.1 of requests instead of latest
Try package from GitHub repository:
try <user>/<repo> # syntax example
try kennethreitz/requests # installs master branch of Kenneth's requests package from GitHub
Try package but import with different name than package name:
try <package_name>:<import_name> # syntax example
try click-didyoumean:click_didyoumean # install click-didyoumean but import click_didyoumean
Try package in already existing virtualenv:
try requests --virtualenv ~/.try/sandbox # use virtualenv at ~/.try/sandbox
⇢ see virtualenv config value in env section in configuration file.
Try package with specific python version:
try requests --python 3.5 # use python3.5 in virtualenv
try requests -p 2.7 # use python2.7 in virtualenv
try requests -p ~/work/cpython/bin/python # use python binary from specific location
⇢ see python config value in env section in configuration file.
Try package with specific shell/repl:
try requests --shell python # use python repl (default value)
try requests --shell ipython # use ipython
try requests --shell ptpython # use ptpython
try requests --shell ptipython # use ptipython
try requests --shell bpython # use bpython
try requests --ipython # use ipython - an alias for --shell ipython
⇢ see shell config value in env section in configuration file.
Try package writing a little script instead of opening shell:
try requests --editor # opens $EDITOR or editor instead of shell
⇢ see always_use_editor config value in env section in configuration file.
Keep virtualenv files after try run:
try requests --keep
⇢ see keep config value in env section in configuration file.
Use a specific location for the virtualenv files:
try requests --tmpdir ~/.try
⇢ see tmpdir config value in env section in configuration file.
can be configured to your preferences - like always use ipython
as a shell or always use python3.5
The configuration file is located in your users application configuration directory in a file called config.ini
This location is OS dependent and is specified here:
The following config.ini
file shows all available configuration options:
Use pip to install try:
pip3 install trypackage
try comes with an awesome CLI interface thanks to click.
Usage: try [OPTIONS] [PACKAGES]... Easily try out python packages. Options: --virtualenv TEXT Use already existing virtualenv. -p, --python TEXT The python version to use. --ipython Use ipython instead of python. --shell TEXT Specify the python shell to use. (This will override --ipython -k, --keep Keep try environment files. -e, --editor Try with editor instead of interpreter. --tmpdir TEXT Specify location for temporary directory. --version Show the version and exit. --help Show this message and exit.
try was inspired by