Algorithm::LibSVM - A Raku bindings for libsvm
use Algorithm::LibSVM;
use Algorithm::LibSVM::Parameter;
use Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem;
use Algorithm::LibSVM::Model;
my $libsvm =;
my Algorithm::LibSVM::Parameter $parameter .= new(svm-type => C_SVC,
kernel-type => RBF);
# heart_scale is here:
my Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem $problem = Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem.from-file('heart_scale');
my @r = $libsvm.cross-validation($problem, $parameter, 10);
$libsvm.evaluate($problem.y, @r).say; # {acc => 81.1111111111111, mse => 0.755555555555556, scc => 1.01157627463546}
use Algorithm::LibSVM;
use Algorithm::LibSVM::Parameter;
use Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem;
use Algorithm::LibSVM::Model;
sub gen-train {
my $max-x = 1;
my $min-x = -1;
my $max-y = 1;
my $min-y = -1;
my @x;
my @y;
do for ^300 {
my $x = $min-x + rand * ($max-x - $min-x);
my $y = $min-y + rand * ($max-y - $min-y);
my $label = do given $x, $y {
when ($x - 0.5) ** 2 + ($y - 0.5) ** 2 <= 0.2 {
when ($x - -0.5) ** 2 + ($y - -0.5) ** 2 <= 0.2 {
default { Nil }
if $label.defined {
@y.push: $label;
@x.push: [$x, $y];
(@x, @y)
my (@train-x, @train-y) := gen-train;
my @test-x = 1 => 0.5e0, 2 => 0.5e0;
my $libsvm =;
my Algorithm::LibSVM::Parameter $parameter .= new(svm-type => C_SVC,
kernel-type => LINEAR);
my Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem $problem = Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem.from-matrix(@train-x, @train-y);
my $model = $libsvm.train($problem, $parameter);
say $model.predict(features => @test-x)<label> # 1
Algorithm::LibSVM is a Raku bindings for libsvm.
Defined as:
method cross-validation(Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem $problem, Algorithm::LibSVM::Parameter $param, Int $nr-fold --> List)
Conducts $nr-fold
-fold cross validation and returns predicted values.
Defined as:
method train(Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem $problem, Algorithm::LibSVM::Parameter $param --> Algorithm::LibSVM::Model)
Trains a SVM model.
The instance of Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem. -
The instance of Algorithm::LibSVM::Parameter.
Defined as:
multi method load-problem(\lines --> Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem)
multi method load-problem(Str $filename --> Algorithm::LibSVM::Problem)
Loads libsvm-format data.
Defined as:
method load-model(Str $filename --> Algorithm::LibSVM::Model)
Loads libsvm model.
Defined as:
method evaluate(@true-values, @predicted-values --> Hash)
Evaluates the performance of the three metrics (i.e. accuracy, mean squared error and squared correlation coefficient)
The array that contains ground-truth values. -
The array that contains predicted values.
Defined as:
method nr-feature(--> Int:D)
Returns the maximum index of all the features.
Defined as:
sub parse-libsvmformat(Str $text --> List) is export
Is a helper routine for handling libsvm-format text.
As a workaround for RT130187, I applied the patch programs (e.g. src/3.22/svm.cpp.patch) for the sake of disabling random access of the problematic array.
Sadly to say, those patches drastically increase the complexity of using PRECOMPUTED
Copyright 2016 titsuki
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License.
libsvm ( ) by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.