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Repository files navigation

Jotai X

An extension for Jotai that auto-generates type-safe hooks and utilities for your state. Built with TypeScript and React in mind.


  • Auto-generated type-safe hooks for each state field
  • Simple patterns: use<StoreName>Value(key) and use<StoreName>Set(key, value)
  • Extend your store with computed values using extend
  • Built-in support for hydration, synchronization, and scoped providers


Built on top of jotai, jotai-x offers a better developer experience with less boilerplate. Create and interact with stores faster using a more intuitive API.

Looking for global state management instead of React Context-based state? Check out Zustand X - same API, different state model.


pnpm add jotai jotai-x

Quick Start

Here's how to create a simple store:

import { createAtomStore } from 'jotai-x';

// Create a store with an initial state
// Store name is used as prefix for all returned hooks (e.g., `useAppStore`, `useAppValue` for `name: 'app'`)
const { useAppStore, useAppValue, useAppSet, useAppState, AppProvider } =
      name: 'JotaiX',
      stars: 0,
      name: 'app',

// Use it in your components
function RepoInfo() {
  const name = useAppValue('name');
  const stars = useAppValue('stars');

  return (
      <p>{stars} stars</p>

function AddStarButton() {
  const setStars = useAppSet('stars');

  return <button onClick={() => setStars((s) => s + 1)}>Add star</button>;

Core Concepts

Store Configuration

The store is where everything begins. Configure it with type-safe options:

import { createAtomStore } from 'jotai-x';

// Types are inferred, including options
const { useUserValue, useUserSet, useUserState, UserProvider } =
      name: 'Alice',
      loggedIn: false,
      name: 'user',
      delay: 100, // Optional delay for state updates
      effect: EffectComponent, // Optional effect component
      extend: (atoms) => ({
        // Optional derived atoms
        intro: atom((get) => `My name is ${get(}`),
      infiniteRenderDetectionLimit: 100, // Optional render detection limit

Available options:

  name: string;
  delay?: number;
  effect?: React.ComponentType;
  extend?: (atoms: Atoms) => DerivedAtoms;
  infiniteRenderDetectionLimit?: number;

Store API

The createAtomStore function returns an object with the following:

const {
  // Store name used as prefix
  name: string,

  // Store hook returning all utilities
  useAppStore: () => StoreApi,

  // Direct hooks for state management
  useAppValue: (key: string, options?) => Value,
  useAppSet: (key: string) => SetterFn,
  useAppState: (key: string) => [Value, SetterFn],

  // Provider component
  AppProvider: React.FC<ProviderProps>,

  // Record of all atoms in the store
  appStore: {
    atom: Record<string, Atom>
} = createAtomStore({ ... }, { name: 'app' });

Reading and Writing State

There are three ways to interact with the store state:

1. Hooks (Recommended)

The most straightforward way using hooks returned by createAtomStore:

// Get value
const name = useAppValue('name');
const stars = useAppValue('stars');

// Set value
const setName = useAppSet('name');
const setStars = useAppSet('stars');

// Get both value and setter
const [name, setName] = useAppState('name');
const [stars, setStars] = useAppState('stars');

// With selector and deps
const upperName = useAppValue('name', {
  selector: (name) => name.toUpperCase(),
}, []);

2. Store Instance Methods

Using the store instance from useAppStore():

const store = useAppStore();

// By key
store.get('name'); // Get value
store.set('name', 'value'); // Set value
store.subscribe('name', (value) => console.log(value)); // Subscribe to changes

// Direct access
store.getName(); // Get value
store.setName('value'); // Set value
store.subscribeName((value) => console.log(value)); // Subscribe to changes

3. Raw Atom Access

For advanced use cases, you can work directly with atoms:

const store = useAppStore();

// Access atoms
store.getAtom(someAtom); // Get atom value
store.setAtom(someAtom, 'value'); // Set atom value
store.subscribeAtom(someAtom, (value) => {}); // Subscribe to atom

// Access underlying Jotai store
const jotaiStore =;

Hook API Reference

use<Name>Value(key, options?)

Subscribe to a single value with optional selector and deps:

// Basic usage
const name = useAppValue('name');

// With selector
const upperName = useAppValue('name', {
  selector: (name) => name.toUpperCase(),
}, [] // if selector is not memoized, provide deps array

// With equality function
const name = useAppValue('name', {
  selector: (name) => name,
  equalityFn: (prev, next) => prev.length === next.length
}, []);


Get a setter function for a value:

const setName = useAppSet('name');
setName('new value');
setName((prev) => prev.toUpperCase());


Get both value and setter, like React's useState:

function UserForm() {
  const [name, setName] = useAppState('name');
  const [email, setEmail] = useAppState('email');

  return (
      <input value={name} onChange={(e) => setName(} />
      <input value={email} onChange={(e) => setEmail(} />

Provider-Based Store Hydration

The provider component handles store initialization and state synchronization:

type ProviderProps<T> = {
  // Initial values for atoms, hydrated once on mount
  initialValues?: Partial<T>;

  // Dynamic values for controlled state

  // Optional custom store instance
  store?: JotaiStore;

  // Optional scope for nested providers
  scope?: string;

  // Optional key to reset the store
  resetKey?: any;

  children: React.ReactNode;

function App() {
  return (
      // Initial values hydrated on mount
        name: 'Alice',
        email: ''

      // Controlled values that sync with the store

      // Optional scope for nested providers

      // Optional key to reset store state
      <UserProfile />

Scoped Providers

Create multiple instances of the same store with different scopes:

function App() {
  return (
    <UserProvider scope="parent" name="Parent User">
      <UserProvider scope="child" name="Child User">
        <UserProfile />

function UserProfile() {
  // Get parent scope
  const parentName = useUserValue('name', { scope: 'parent' });
  // Get closest scope
  const name = useUserValue('name');

Derived Atoms

Two ways to create derived atoms:

// 1. Using extend
const { useUserValue } = createAtomStore(
    name: 'Alice',
    name: 'user',
    extend: (atoms) => ({
      intro: atom((get) => `My name is ${get(}`),

// Access the derived value using the store name
const intro = useUserValue('intro');

// 2. External atoms
const { userStore, useUserStore } = createAtomStore(
    name: 'Alice',
    name: 'user',

// Create an external atom
const introAtom = atom((get) => `My name is ${get(}`);

// Create a writable external atom
const countAtom = atom(
  (get) => get(,
  (get, set, newCount: number) => {
    set(, 'A'.repeat(newCount));

// Get the store instance
const store = useUserStore();

// Access external atoms using store-based atom hooks
const intro = useAtomValue(store, introAtom); // Read-only atom
const [count, setCount] = useAtomState(store, countAtom); // Read-write atom
const setCount2 = useSetAtom(store, countAtom); // Write-only

// With selector and deps
const upperIntro = useAtomValue(
  (intro) => intro.toUpperCase(),
  [] // Optional deps array for selector

// With selector and equality function
const intro2 = useAtomValue(
  (intro) => intro,
  (prev, next) => prev.length === next.length // Optional equality function

The store-based atom hooks provide more flexibility when working with external atoms:

  • useAtomValue(store, atom, selector?, equalityFnOrDeps?, deps?): Subscribe to a read-only atom value
    • selector: Transform the atom value (must be memoized or use deps)
    • equalityFnOrDeps: Custom comparison function or deps array
    • deps: Dependencies array when using both selector and equalityFn
  • useSetAtom(store, atom): Get a setter function for a writable atom
  • useAtomState(store, atom): Get both value and setter for a writable atom, like React's useState


Infinite Render Detection

When using value hooks with selectors, ensure they are memoized:

// ❌ Wrong - will cause infinite renders
useUserValue('name', { selector: (name) => name.toUpperCase() });

// ✅ Correct - memoize with useCallback
const selector = useCallback((name) => name.toUpperCase(), []);
useUserValue('name', { selector });

// ✅ Correct - provide deps array
useUserValue('name', { selector: (name) => name.toUpperCase() }, []);

// ✅ Correct - no selector

Migration from v1 to v2

// Before
const { useAppStore } = createAtomStore({ name: 'Alice' }, { name: 'app' });
const name = useAppStore();
const setName = useAppStore();
const [name, setName] = useAppStore();

// Now
const { useAppStore, useAppValue, useAppSet, useAppState } = createAtomStore({ name: 'Alice' }, { name: 'app' });
const name = useAppValue('name');
const setName = useAppSet('name');
const [name, setName] = useAppState('name');
