Compile Markdown to SolidJS component.
- Use Markdown as Solid components
- Use Solid components in Markdown
npm i vite-plugin-solid-markdown -D # yarn add vite-plugin-solid-markdown -D
Add it to vite.config.js
β οΈ Note:md()
should be placed beforesolid()
// vite.config.js
import solid from 'solid-start/vite'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import md from 'vite-plugin-solid-markdown'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
extensions: ['.mdx', '.md'],
And import it as a normal Solid component
import ReadMe from '../../'
export default function Home() {
return (
<ReadMe />
You can even use Solid components inside your markdown, for example
import Counter from '~/components/Counter'
<Counter />
Frontmatter will be parsed and inject into Solid's instance data frontmatter
For example:
export const name = 'My Cool App'
export const title = 'Hello ' + name + '!'
# This is {name}
Will be rendered as
<h1>This is My Cool App</h1>
It will also be passed to the wrapper component's props if you have set wrapperComponent
// vite.config.js
import solidPlugin from 'solid-start/vite'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import Markdown from 'vite-plugin-solid-markdown'
import remarkPrism from 'remark-prism'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
extensions: ['.mdx', '.md'],
wrapperClasses: 'prose prose-sm m-auto text-left',
remarkPlugins: [remarkPrism],
// more options will be added in the future
See the tsdoc for more advanced options.
See Rehype plugins for more rehype plugins.
See Remark plugins for more remark plugins.
See the /example.
Or the pre-configured starter template Vitesse.
declare module '*.md' {
import type { Component } from 'solid-js'
const Component: Component
export default Component
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