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Tricster MediosZ
Thinking in circle.🤔
Vickie Ye vye16
PhD at UC Berkeley, undergrad at MIT
Quankai Gao Zerg-Overmind
CS PhD student@USC

University of Southern California LA

Xingyi Zhou xingyizhou
Research Scientist in Google Research

Google Seattle

Xiaoxiao Long Postdoc in HKU
GuyingLin Carrie-lin
CS Ph.D. student at CMU

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

Zhuowen Shen MickShen7558
If you have passion, then no one can stop you from anything!

Ph.D. student, computer garphics, TAMU College Station, TX

Junru Shao junrushao
MLSys, DL compiler


Zixi Liu Winston0323
Game development & tool making enjoyer.PC builder,


Yang Lei LeiYangJustin
你好, 世界

The University of Hong Kong HKSAR, China

Avery Du YYDarling
TAMU Computer Engineering

Texas A&M University College Station

Computer Science Ph.D student @ TAMU

Texas A&M University College Station

Texas A&M University Students tamu-edu-students
GitHub organization for Texas A&M University students and instructors
Junda Chen GindaChen
UCSD CS PhD Student | (Former) Technical Lead at DataChat

San Diego, CA

Drax dddraxxx
Dong, Qihua. Interested in discovering intelligence in M-LLM and building general AI!

Northeastern University, SmileLab Boston

Congyi Zhang cong-yi

The University of British Columbia Vancouver

Alan Zhao alanzjl

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Xinyue Zhang synapse73
phd student at ION
稚晖 peng-zhihui

HUAWEI Research Shanghai

Yuening Li yli96
PhD student in Machine Learning and Data Mining

Texas A&M University College Station, TX

Hanwen Zha zhw12
NLP/AI at Facebook

Facebook Burlingame, CA

Kalen Liu nladuo
UCAS Master. Full-stack Programer. Interest in Information Retrieval.


Shuaichen Chang shuaichenchang
I am a Ph.D. Student at The Ohio State University. I work on NLP and machine learning.

The Ohio State University

Yining Hong evelinehong

UCLA Los Angeles, California

He Zewei hezw2016
Post-doc of Zhejiang University & Research Associate of Louisiana State University

Zhejiang University Hangzhou

Cafu Chino CafuChino
CafuChino-Programer ; Front-end developer ; Working in Tencent ; Currently a member of Rearyard; Always looking for a good job ; )

@Rearyard Beijing,China

Shiyi Lan voidrank
Full-stack Research Scientist. Interests: Visual Recognition; Auto-labeling; Foundation Models; Autonomous Driving; CUDA

NVIDIA Research Sunnyvale, CA

Simron Thapa SimronThapa
Sr. Data Scientist, Computer Vision Chapter, 3M Computer Science, PhD Louisiana State University

3M St. Paul, MN

Lifan Wu winmad

NVIDIA Redmond

Sylvester Keil inukshuk
What song the sirens sang is not beyond all conjecture.

Vienna, Austria

Seoung Wug Oh seoungwugoh
Research Scientist at Adobe Research