Step1: set up git username and email; git config --global "Your name here" git config --global Step2: create a new git repo cd "project foler path" git init step3: add new files ###if you want to save the file use: git commit git add. (for adding all the files in the folder) git add file1 file2 file3 file4 step4: before commit, check any difference you made to the files git diff --cached ###also a brief summary of the situation with git status git status then you can use git commit step5: only commit the git modifies git commit -a ###viewing the history of your changes git log git log -p git log --stat --summary /################# Managing Branches ##################/ ### set up a new branch git branch Sean_test ### check which branch you are running at git branch ### swith the branch git checkout Sean_test /###after you processed files or modified the file, you need to merge it to the master branch #####/ first go back to your master branch : git checkout master second to merge the two together : git merge Sean_test check the difference : git diff /################# Visualize the result ################/ gitk ##after you commit your branch and merged it with the master branch, yo can delete it #### git branch -d Sean_test git branch -D Sean_test ### this can ensure you to delete the branch completely /#############git for collaboration ###################/ git clone 'file path' with a repoy name ### after you made changes, then commit it git commit -a ### go to the owner's master folder cd "folder path" git pull "teammate's folder path" master ##############remote add for smaller knit group ######### git remote add Sean "repo path" git merge coworker/master ### coworker can also provide the pull git pull /########## how to use git and github ####################/ 1. create a fork in the github 2. create a folder at you local drive 3. clone the fork which you cna get the URL from the github 4. make changes 5. git commit 6. push to your fork: git push origin master -f 7. request a pull request on the github 8. after it get approved, refresh your git: git fetch upstream