。而 JavaScript 内存在对象或者基本类型在创建时“自动”生成,也会在不再使用时“自动”释放。后一个过程叫做“垃圾回收”。
- 生成你需要的内存
- 使用生成的内存(读、写)
- 如果不再需要了,释放内存
基于“引用”来做垃圾回收,传统浏览器使用“引用计数”的方式,而现代浏览器更多采用“标记&移除”方式。简单来说就是不再被任何对象引用的对象就会被回收 。
- V8 Array is Fast, VERY FAST
- Array push / pop / shift is ~approx 20x+ faster than any object equivalent.
- Surprisingly Array.shift() is fast ~approx 6x slower than an array pop, but is ~approx 100x faster than an object attribute deletion.
- Amusingly, Array.push( data ); is faster than Array[nextIndex] = data by almost 20 (dynamic array) to 10 (fixed array) times over.
- Array.unshift(data) is slower as expected, and is ~approx 5x slower than a new property adding.
- Nulling the value array[index] = null is faster than deleting it delete array[index] (undefined) in an array by ~approx 4x++ faster.
- Surprisingly Nulling a value in an object is obj[attr] = null ~approx 2x slower than just deleting the attribute delete obj[attr]
- Unsurprisingly, mid array Array.splice(index,0,data) is slow, very slow.
- Surprisingly, Array.splice(index,1,data) has been optimized (no length change) and is 100x faster than just splice Array.splice(index,0,data)
- unsurprisingly, the divLinkedList is inferior to an array on all sectors, except dll.splice(index,1) removal (Where it broke the test system).
- BIGGEST SURPRISE of it all [as jjrv pointed out], V8 array writes are slightly faster than V8 reads =O
LeetCode 最初是基于 C 等底层语言设置题目,在计算数字的时候,基于 Int32 最高是 2^32 ,也就是最大正值是2147483647,最小负值是 -2147483648。
而在 JavaScript 中,最大的整数是 2^52:
Any whole number less than 2^52 (which is more than 10^15) will safely fit in a JavaScript number.
Number 并不是强类型,这种类型使用IEEE754格式来表示整数和浮点数值:
As it mentions, numbers are represented as a 64-bit floating-point number, with 53 bits of mantissa (significant digits) and 11 bits for the exponent (IEEE 754). The result is then obtained with: mantissa * 2^exponent.
简单的说,Number 能够表示的数字比 Int32 更高。
关于 String 使用正则表达式,或者 splite
和 join
str.replace(/0/g, ');
I've had to optimize a lot of string munging while working on MXHR and in my experience, plain String methods are significantly faster than RegExps in current browsers. Use RegExps on the shortest Strings possible and do everything you possibly can with String methods. https://jsperf.com/split-join-vs-regex-replace