Vite automatically generates import file plug-ins.
Support vite2 and vite3.
- Install
npm i vite-plugin-autogeneration-import-file -D
- Example
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import { getName, createPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-autogeneration-import-file';
const { autoImport } = createPlugin();
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [autoImport([
name = getName(name);
return name[0].toUpperCase()+name.slice(1)+'Store';
template:'// code\ndeclare module "@vue/runtime-core" {\n interface GlobalComponents {\n //key code\n }\n}\nexport {};',
{key:'// code\n',template:'import {{name}} from "{{path}}"\n'},
{key:' //key code\n',template:' {{name}}:typeof {{name}}\n'},
interface codeTemplate { //Code Templates
key: string, //tag
template: string,//template. {{name}} in codetemplate, template will be replaced by name. {{path}} which will be replaced by the relative path to be imported.
value?: string //It is automatically generated based on the template and cannot be imported
type dirOptions = { //Plugin config
dir: string,//The path to traverse
toFile: string,//write the destination file address
pattern: fg.Pattern | fg.Pattern[],//For the matching rule, see `fast-glob`.
options?: fg.Options,//`fast-glob` matching parameter.
name?: string | ((fileName:string)=>string),//Name. `{{name}}` is replaced with a formatted hump name when it is a string. Default: "{{name}}"
codeTemplates?: codeTemplate[] //The code template. defaults:"[{key: '//',template: 'export { default as {{name}} } from "{{path}}"\n'}]"
template?: string//File Template. `codeTemplate.key` is replaced by codeTemplate.value recursively by `codeTemplate.value`. default:"当前文件由vite-plugin-autogeneration-import-file自动生成\n//code"
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue';
import Components from 'unplugin-vue-components/vite'
import { getName, createPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-autogeneration-import-file';
const { autoImport, resolver } = createPlugin();
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue(),
pattern: ['**/{index.vue,index.ts,index.js}', '*.{vue,ts,js}'],
dir: './src/components',
toFile: './components1.d.ts',
template: `
import '@vue/runtime-core'
export {}
declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
export interface GlobalComponents {
//import code
name: '_{{name}}',
codeTemplates: [
{ key: '// code', template: '{{name}}: typeof import("{{path}}")["default"]\n ' },
pattern: ['**/*.{ts,js}', '*.{ts,js}'],
dir: './src/store/modules',
toFile: './src/store/module.ts',
name: (name) => {
name = getName(name);
return name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1) + 'Store';
pattern: ['**/{index.vue,index.ts,index.js}', '*.{vue,ts,js}'],
dir: './src/myComponents',
toFile: './myComponents.d.ts',
template: `
import '@vue/runtime-core'
export {}
declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
export interface GlobalComponents {
//import code
name: '_{{name}}',
codeTemplates: [
{ key: '// code', template: '{{name}}: typeof import("{{path}}")["default"]\n ' },
pattern: ['**/{index.vue,index.ts,index.js}', '*.{vue,ts,js}'],
dir: './src/myDirective',
toFile: './myDirective.d.ts',
template: `
import '@vue/runtime-core'
export {}
declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
export interface ComponentCustomProperties {
//import code
name: 'V_{{name}}',
codeTemplates: [
{ key: '// code', template: '{{name}}: typeof import("{{path}}")["default"]\n ' },
]),Components({dirs:[], dts: false,resolvers:[resolver([0,2],[3])]})]
resolver(componentInclude: number[], directiveInclude?: number[]): any[]
'componentInclude' is the index of the component schema to be imported(dirOptions index)
'directiveInclude' is the index of the directive schema to be imported(dirOptions index)
'unplugin-vue-components' will dynamically import components/directives in the 'vite-plugin-autogeneration-import-file' mode of the corresponding index entry