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Eat More Chocolate Cookies!
Eat More Chocolate Cookies!


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@adcloud @stormforger

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Marco DonSchado
Ruby Hashrocket Hunter

Cologne, Germany

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Sebastian Cohnen tisba
At StormForge[r], I'm your Chief Performance and Load Tester and API Tormentor.

StormForge Cologne, Germany

Chris Fröhlingsdorf krystianity
Helping others improve observability 🐸 ☁️

@iLert Cologne, Germany

Jan Martens JanMa
API Platform Engineer @paymenttools. @openbao maintainer

@paymenttools Germany

Chris Lu chrislusf SeaweedFS the distributed file system and object store for billions of small files ...

San Francisco

Matteo Bigoi crisidev
Internet plumber

UK / US / Italy

Marvin Farke MarvinFarke
Selbstständiger #Personalberater via Clearstone. #Headhunter by day, #guitarist by night 🤘 💻 #PHP & #JavaScript #Entwickler 📍 #NRW (#Köln & #Düsseldorf)

Clearstone GmbH Cologne

Nikolay Kolev nikolay
A hacker, not a script kiddie. Opinions are my own. Code is all yours. 🇧🇬🇺🇸

@withcodery Irvine, CA, US

Tobias Bradtke webwurst
Open Source, Cloud Native. Currently: Platform engineering Kubernetes at Pushing Open Data @codeformuenster Münster, Germany

Tim Schrumpf tillepille

@VorwerkDigital Bochum, Germany

Elmar Athmer elmarx

@rewe-digital Vellmar

Robert Scherbarth robertscherbarth
Software-Engineering | Interested in GO | Cloud-Infrastructure

@paymenttools cologne

0.01x Engineer. The (Myspace) Tom of GitHub. 11% of pre-tax income to effective altruism charities.

@grammarly (Formerly @pinterest, @Yelp) I love San Francisco

Jan De Cooman decoomanj
Building software since ages
Michal J A Paszkiewicz MichalPaszkiewicz
Just a guy who likes to make things @MichalYouDoing

Scriptorium AI Gloucester, UK

Angus H. angusshire

UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA

Hector Fernandez hectorj2f
@chainguard-dev, ex-@mesosphere, ex-@redhat, ex-@giantswarm. Focused on K8s, Security, Distributed computing, Containers, Research, Golang and


Omar Al-Safi omarsmak
Working on OSS | Apache Camel PMC/Committer

@dremio Frankfurt Area, Germany

Maksim N. digitalcrab
Engineer. Kart Racer. Digital Settler.

Engineer at CARIAD Germany

Kai Bepperling Lyr3x
Engineering Manager @leanix 💻 | Smart Home enthusiast 💡 | Maker 🔧

LeanIX Bonn

Patrick Stegmann wonderb0lt

@Dynatrace Vienna, Austria

Artem Andreenko miolini
Building AGI @ SentientWave

SentientWave Inc. San Diego, CA

Andreas Schmidt aschmidt75
Cloud & Linux | Dev & Ops | go & c


hacfi hacfi

Certified Symfony developer Europe

Matt mattes

@pluto California

Tobias tordans
Developer, Product Manager, UX Designer. Co-founder of 10 years at @betterplace. Now @FixMyBerlin.

FixMyCity Berlin, Germany

Alfonz Borsos theAl

fpi eVIT GmbH & Co. KG Cologne

Ross Crawford-d'Heureuse rosscdh
2x Startup founder, Software Engineer, Dev-ops, CI/CD, Cloudy things.. bare-metal, cloud, saltstack, k8s ftw.. I build stuff.. still


Gabriel Pickard werg

Osnabrück, Germany

Max Uepsilon

Cologne - Germany

Jan Pieper janpieper
Backend Developer at @sonnen

@sonnen Germany