name: easyvolcap channels: - pytorch - nvidia - conda-forge - defaults dependencies: - python>=3.9 # - python==3.9 # - python>=3.9,<3.10 # use this for wsl2 since opengl is broken with python 3.10 # pytorch3d does not support pytorch 1.13 yet # so we install 1.12.1 for now - pytorch>=2.1.0 - pytorch-cuda>=11.8 # bugs on smaller versions - torchvision - torchaudio # - git # - vim # - tmux # conda(mamba) is a good thing # - cmake # - conda-forge::ffmpeg # - conda-forge::ncurses # vim: /home/xuzhen/miniconda3/envs/phdeform/bin/../lib/ no version information available (required by vim) - pip # - pip: # - -r requirements.txt # How to create the environment from scratch # mamba create -n easyvolcap "python>=3.10" -y # mamba env update # conda only supports environment.yml instead of environment.yaml (yaml recommended) # cat requirements.txt | sed -e '/^\s*#.*$/d' -e '/^\s*$/d' | xargs -n 1 pip install